Summary: The sense we want to focus on in greater detail is one that we seldom think of, but it is a primary factor in both romantic and religious love, and that is the sense of smell.

In the tale of the Beauty and the Beast the horrible looking

creature with 7 horns in his forehead begs the beautiful

young maiden he has carried away to kiss him. She, of

course, refuses to kiss such ugliness, and the beast goes away.

She saw it no more until one day she found it lying dead

under a bush in the garden. She wept and cast herself down

on the beast and kissed it. Suddenly it returned to life and

was transformed into the handsomest prince her eyes had

ever beheld. He then explained that he had been bewitched,

and could never be delivered unless a maid fell in love with

him and kissed him. That kiss she gave him removed the

curse, redeemed him from death, and restored him to his

original state.

What a fantastic story of the power of a kiss. It is only a

fairytale, but the truth it relates is the very truth of the

Christian Gospel. The beast represents man under the

curse. He became ugly as he fell from his state of perfection.

He was restored and transformed by the power of God's kiss,

which was the cross. Jesus reconciled God and man by the

power of His kiss of peace at Calvary. In this Song of Songs

we see the Shulamite girl longing for the kisses of her

Shepherd lover, and God answered that longing in the souls

of men to be united with the lover of their souls by sending

His Son in the flesh.

God reached down and embraced His people in Christ.

"He touched me and now I am no longer the same" is the

testimony of those who have responded to His love. But

there is more to a kiss than touch, and that is our theme for

this message. All of the senses are involved in romance and

kissing as we see in this song. Many lovers may never think

of it, but the ears are important in kissing, for no kiss is

complete without sound. Most married people have been in

situation where they have tried to be quiet as they kiss, and

they have discovered that it is hard to kiss right without


A kiss without sound is like an egg without salt. Most

kisses in a marriage ceremony are not up to par because the

atmosphere is such that the nervous couple feels

conspicuous, and they want to keep the whole thing as quiet

as possible. They aim for a silent kiss, and they quickly learn

that a silent kiss is a crippled kiss. Shakespeare refers to a

groom who took full advantage of his wedding kiss, but he

was an exception. In the Taming of the Shrew he writes,

This done, he took the bride about the neck,

And kissed her lips with such a clamorous smack

That at the parting, all the church did echo.

Sound is a part of a good kiss, and this is true in the spiritual

realm as well. Faith comes by hearing. It is by means of the

ear that we receive the good news, and the sound of that kiss

of reconciliation whereby we are united to Christ. This kiss

is the means by which we become a part of His bride.

The sense of taste is also involved. The Shulamite girl

says, "Your love is better than wine." We will look at love

and wine in greater detail in another message, but we just

want to point out here that love and kissing like all enjoyable

things should taste good. Psa. 34:8 says, "O taste and see

that the Lord is good." Psa. 119:103 says, "How sweet are

thy words unto my taste." Romantic and religious love is to

be sweet to the taste, and be sweeter than wine.

The poet writes,

O lady, there be many things

That seem right fair, below, above;

But sure not one among them all

Is half so sweet as love.

The fact is, if we had more loveaholics in the world there

would be fewer alcoholics, for true love is always better than

wine. The intoxication of love is delightful rather than

disgusting. Dante wrote about the first time that Beatrice

spoke to him. "Because it was the first time any words from

her reached mine ears, I came into such sweetness that I

parted thence as one intoxicated."

The sense we want to focus on in greater detail is one that

we seldom think of, but it is a primary factor in both

romantic and religious love, and that is the sense of smell.

Your nose has much to do with love. Even taste is largely a

matter of smell. Some of you may recall that when you first

began to kiss the one who is now your mate that there was a

distinct smell involved. A kiss, like food, is not as good when

you have a cold, and it is because smell is cut off or

diminished. Even wine is enjoyed, not just for the taste, but

for its smell. In Hos. 14:7 God promises this blessing to His

restored people. "...they shall flourish as a garden; they

shall blossom as the vine, their fragrance shall be like the

wine of Lebonon."

References to the fragrance of love run all through the

Song of Songs. Here is verse 3 in the Amplified Version.

"The odor of your ointment is fragrant; your name is like

perfume poured out; therefore do the maidens love you."

Then in verse 12 to 14 we read, "While the king sits at his

table, she said my spikenard (my absent lover) sends forth

his fragrance over me. My beloved is to me like a scent bag

of myrrh that lies in my bosom. My beloved is to me a

cluster of henna flowers in the vineyards of Engedi.

(Famous for its fragrant shrubs)." The Bible is literally

filled with references to perfumes, aromatic gums, oils, and

woods. Two of the three gifts the wise men brought to Jesus

as the new born king were frankincense and myrrh, which

were two of the oldest and most expensive perfumes in


We need to remember that the biblical world was a hot

world. The climate was one in which perspiration would be

a daily problem. The result was that they were even more

concerned about perfume and deodorant than we are today.

The Shulamite girl said her Shepherd lover smelled so

fragrant that he was a real hit with all the girls. If you

attract the attention of the nose and nose is given pleasure

by what it smells, you have begun the first step in kindling

the flame of romantic love. Studies show that a man notices

a woman's perfume even is he doesn't notice her dress orhair.

Fisherman are using a type of bait that attracts the fish

by odor. Women have been doing this for thousands of

years with men, and men likewise with women, for in the

ancient world perfume was used as much by men as by


Never underestimate the role of the nose in love. In

many parts of the world lovers actually kiss with their nose.

This is not just among the Eskimos, but it is a custom in

other parts of the world as well. In these cultures they do

not say give me a kiss, but they say, smell me. Their very

word for kiss means smell, and they get great pleasure in

breathing in the odor of those they love. Visitors to

Madagascar laugh at this custom, but there is a very refine

idea behind it. They believe that every soul has its own

unique perfume, and when they kiss they breathe in the odor

of their loved one, and they are mingling their souls. This is

to them a very intimate experience by which they achieve a

oneness that is more spiritual than that which comes by the

mere physical touch of the lips.

In the Philippine Islands the sense of smell is so refined

that by sniffing a pocket handkerchief they can tell if it

belongs to their lover. When they are separated they send

bits of their linen to each other so they can keep each other

in mind by inhaling each others scent. This is far more

meaningful to them then an x on a piece of paper, for the

odor of a lover is a real part of the lover. What appears

foolish to us is really not so foolish after all, but a rather

refined romantic use of the nose.

The Bible gives evidence to support the idea that each

person has a unique odor. In Gen. 27:27 after Jacob put on

the clothes of his brother Esau, he went to deceive his father

Isaac. Isaac was somewhat skeptical, but finally he called

him closer and sniffed him and said, "The smell of my son is

the good smell of the earth and fields that Jehovah has

blessed." By tricking his nose Jacob got the blessing. Smell

plays a greater role in life and love than we realize. There is

even a science of smell called Osmics. This is a vast and

fascinating subject, and so I have a more complete study of

the Fragrance of Love in another message. Hopefully this

brief introduction will make you want to sniff out the deeper

message and get a more powerful whiff of the perfume of
