Summary: Nothing could stop Jesus from the cross. It was a rough road with pot holes galore, and obstacles everywhere, but He plowed ahead not looking back.

Robert Fulghum, who became famous for his book All I

Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, has

written another funny book titled, It Was On Fire When I

Lay Down On It. He has officiated at over 1000 weddings

and knows by experience that they are the events that bring

out the ding dong in most everyone involved. They are the

comedies of life, and he writes, "Not that they are intended as

such. But since weddings are high state occasions involving

amateurs under pressure, everything NEVER goes right.

Weddings seem to be magnets for mishap and for whatever

craziness lures in family closets."

He begins his book with this example. When the bride

announced her wedding day the mother literally went bezerk.

She was so delighted she was going to make this the wedding

of the century. It would be a royal wedding fit for a princess.

She had the money and 7 months to work toward the

grandiose goal. I won't bore you with the details, but

everything was engraved, and an 18 piece brass and wind

ensemble was engaged. Cecil B. DeMille could not have

planned a bigger scene. The final hour arrived with a church

packed with people in formal attire. The orchestra was in

place, and candle power equivalent to the Northern Lights

filled the sanctuary. The mother of the bride glowed as she

took her place. Nine chiffon-draped bridesmaids stepped

down the isle, and finally the wedding march thundered, and

all stood to watch the bride.

The bride who was a nervous wreck because of all this

preparation had slipped to the reception hall to eat

something to calm her nerves. She started popping pink,

yellow, and green mints and mixed nuts, and a couple of

shrimp blanketed in bacon, and a cracker piled with liver

pate. When people looked at her they saw a face as white as

her dress. As she walked down the isle she was a living

grenade with the pin pulled out. She was ready to explode,

and that is what she did. There is no nice way to describe it.

She threw up and shot used gourmet goodies all over the

front of the church, hosing two bridesmaids, the groom, a

ring bearer, and the pastor. The bride went limp in her

father's arms, and the groom was so stunned that he sat on

the floor. The mother of the bride fainted. Bridesmaids and

groomsmen with weak stomachs ran for the exists. In the

chaos Fulghum says he is not sure of many details, but the

mother of the bride thought of everything. She had three

video cameras going so that all would be preserved.

Guests were invited to adjourn to the reception hall until

all was cleaned up, and the bride could change into one of the

bridesmaid dresses. Then the wedding was continued. The

mother of the bride wanted it to be a memorable occasion,

and it was. Nobody there will ever forget it. But the bottom

line is, they have been married for 12 years now, and have

three lovely children. This true story illustrates the need for

determination to achieve a goal. There are all kinds of things

that can go wrong in any plan, and you have to be

determined to overcome these obstacles, or you will not

arrive at the goal for which you are aiming.

Our text begins with the announcement that the time had

come for Jesus to be taken up to heaven. He was to finish

His mission on earth and come home to the Father. Unlike

the Prodigal Son who went into the far country to waste his

substance in riotous living, here was a Son who had come

into the far country to save it from riotous living, and to

restore it to the kingdom of God, His Father. It was now

time to achieve this goal, and that meant the cross.

The cross was the only way back to heaven for Jesus that

would open the door to heaven for His bride to follow. If He

chose another route the door would be closed to man, and

Jesus would fail in His mission to be their Savior. The way of

the cross leads home for Christ and His people, and no other

way does. The cross was not one of several options. It was

the only way. As Jesus is the only way to the Father, so the

cross was His only way to the Father that would fulfill His

plan. The cross was the single most important goal Jesus had

to get to in order to be the Savior of the world. The entire

plan of God for man's salvation depended upon Jesus

reaching this goal. Thus, we see the absolutely determined

face of Jesus. I like the KJV here which says, "He steadfastly

set His face to go to Jerusalem." Thank God for a

stubbornly determined Savior.

Nothing could stop Jesus from the cross. It was a rough

road with pot holes galore, and obstacles everywhere, but He

plowed ahead not looking back. He said that no one who

puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in

the kingdom of God. He set the example, even though His

plow would take him to the hill of Golgotha. It was an uphill

road all the way. Jerusalem is up in the mountains, and

Golgotha was a hill up there, and so the road to our

redemption was literally and psychologically a climb. Just

look at the obstacles Jesus had to face in the few verses of our


The people of the Samaritan village where He wanted to

stay the night were prejudiced against the Jews, and they did

not want Jesus to stay there, for He was headed for the

Jewish capital. They were petty and prejudice people. Most

of us would have sided with the hot heads James and John,

and vote to call fire down from heaven to roast these rotten

rebels. These disciples did not even know Jesus was going to

Jerusalem to die for these very sinners who rejected Him. All

they knew was that Jesus was a perfect and loving man, and

He deserved respect. They could not tolerate the blind

prejudice of these people, and they wanted to eliminate them

from the earth. Jesus had just pointed His face in the

direction of the cross, and already He was facing two

obstacles to His goal: Prejudice and intolerance.

The prejudice that rejected Him could have made Jesus

question His goal. Why should I bother to go to the cross to

save the likes of these people who will not even let me stay in

their town because they hate Jews? They are so unworthy of

my love. They chose to hate people who are different. This is

the cause of the wars and man's inhumanity to man all

through history. Why should I die for them? I could take a

short cut back to heaven and escape the cross, and men like

this would be lost forever, and justly so. But if such thoughts

ever entered the mind of Jesus, He did not let them change

His mind, or the direction He was determined to go. The

unworthiness of man could not stop Jesus from going to the


His own disciples are urging Him to destroy these scum of

the earth people, but Jesus has set His face to go to the cross

and die for them. He would not be pulled off course by their

wickedness. The love of God and the Gospel of grace is great

when you are the object of it, and you are forgiven and

accepted into the family of God. But when the Gospel is

offered to people you can't stand, because of their

wickedness, that is so disgusting, it is hard to swallow. It was

hard for James and John. They were so repulsed by the

injustice of prejudice against Jesus that they became equally

prejudiced against Samaritans. They wanted nothing short

of capital punishment for this sin of prejudice. If these two

were permitted to make the laws, a large proportion of

mankind would be executed, for prejudice is almost

universal. Jesus rebuked these hot heads of His own

disciples, for they did not grasp at all that if you fight evil

with evil, you are part of the problem and not part of the


Here is another obstacle to the cross. His own followers

did not grasp His spirit. If just getting rid of evil people was

the goal, He could have wiped out the Samaritans long ago,

as well as the Jews, and every other race. The solution of

violent elimination of the sinner is an abuse of power that

James and John would have used, and many in history have

used. It is one of the obstacles to the cross, for Jesus could

have said, "Why should I die for men when they will often in

my name kill people and think they are doing me a favor? Is

man worth dying for when he is so unloving toward others?"

He wants to solve the problem of evil, but not by killing evil

people. His whole plan is to solve the problem of evil by

saving evil people and making them righteous people. The

Savior's solution to every sin problem is the cross. Atone for

sin and make it possible for every sinner to be forgiven and

restored to fellowship with God where he can become a godly


Man's way is revenge, but God's way is redemption. Paul

states it in a way that is shocking in Rom. 4:5 where he says,

"However, to the man who does not work but trusts God

who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as

righteousness." Paul says God justifies the wicked. This

often makes good people mad, as it did James and John on

this occasion. Whose side is God on anyway? He should be

justifying the good people and not the wicked. God is like a

great criminal lawyer who knows his clients are guilty of sin,

yet He finds a clever way to get them off and acquitted. That

is what the cross is all about. It is about God being for the

bad guy. Jesus told us to love our enemies because that is

just what God does. He loves them and He gives His Son to

die for them that they might no longer be His enemies, but

His sons and daughters.

This wondrous Gospel is hard to grasp when it is applied

to your enemies. Just ask yourself, who do you most despise

in the world? What kind of sinner do you get repulsed

by-the rapist, the homosexual, the serial killer, or the child

abuser? You name it, and it is not easy to accept the fact

that Jesus went to the cross to die for such scum. We

probably would have advised against it, and voted for

revising the will of God. Our plan would have Jesus skip

death altogether, and just deal with sin by brute force, like

sending down fire from heaven. That would suit us just fine.

If Jesus had to die, then let it not be for the sins of the whole

world, but just the minor sins like lying, cheating, gossip, and

all the things most of us are guilty of, but let the bad sinners

pay for their own sin.

The majority of Christians would probably vote for a

package like this, and that is why God does not submit His

plan to a vote. The Gospel is not of man, but is solely the

plan of God. Good men not liking it, however, was one of the

obstacles Jesus faced as He headed for the cross. Anyone of

us might have been an obstacle to Jesus, for His

determination to die for all men is far beyond our

determination to do anything for people we do not like. So

before Jesus takes a step toward the cross He is hindered

from both within and without. Then we come to verse 57,

and they are walking along the road on their way to

Jerusalem and to the cross. In the next few verses Jesus is

confronted by three men who appear to want to be disciples,

but they are defective in their desire.

The first in verse 57 makes an absolute commitment and

says, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus is not

impressed by people who get emotionally excited and promise

the moon. He wants people who will count the cost. Jesus is

clearly more concerned here with quality rather than

quantity. He wants no mass of followers who will forsake

Him at the first sign of a problem. His response to the first

man implies that the man hoped to gain some dignity by

following Jesus. Jesus said, "Foxes have holes and birds of

the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His

head." In other words, the perks are few if any, unless you

consider it a pleasure to sleep out in the open fields.

Jesus is heading for the cross, and He will not deceive

anyone into thinking that if they follow Him it will be a gravy

train to glory. It is going to be a terrible ordeal for His

disciples, and even the best will fall away and forsake Him.

So He is not recruiting any half-hearted adventurers who

want to tag along. Only those 100% committed to Him as

Lord will survive what He is heading for.

The second man said to His call to follow, "Lord, first let

me go and bury my father." This sounds like a reasonable

request, but we know this was not a request to just finish a

funeral. It is request to stay at home and care for his father

until he does die and is buried. He is saying, "I'll follow you

someday when it is more convenient, and I have other

obligations out of the way." In other words, when it fits my

schedule and I can fit you into my life, then I will follow you.

Again, this is an obstacle to the cross, for Jesus could be

discouraged by all this evasion from wanting to give His life

for those who only had leftovers for Him. Let the dead bury

the dead was the comment of Jesus. That is, let those who

are not believers handle the affairs of this life. Believers need

to be busy about the affairs of the life to come. Get your

priorities straight and go proclaim the kingdom of God. A

major obstacle to the cross was the fact that He knew His

disciples would get so involved with the obligations of this

world that their labors for the world to come would take a

back seat.

I am often appalled by the demands of secular life. The

enormous number of hours it takes just to deal with personal

and family matters. Shopping, keeping your car and home in

shape, and dealing with all the issues of records and taxes,

plus health issues, all take a great deal of time. The point I

am getting at is not that this is not important, but that it is

possible to get so involved in the important that we fail to

achieve the best. Jesus knew we would have endless

obligations in trying to keep life orderly, but He gave up His

all for us, and the cross demands that we do some sacrificing

for Him. The issue is priorities. He was determined to go to

the cross, for He made it the number one priority of His life.

He expects His followers to seek first the kingdom of God,

and not make it the choice of convenience. Jesus knew some

would say, "I'll do your will Lord when I get all my other

obligations in order. I'll seek first the kingdom of man, and

the kingdom of God I'll get to when I can squeeze it in."

The third man said, "I will follow you Lord but first let

me go back and say good-by to my family." Again, not only

does this seem like a reasonable request, but one that should

be granted just out of courtesy to the family. It seems

ridiculous for Jesus to expect a man just to take off following

Him, and not even say good-by to his family. This seems

contrary to all that the Bible teaches about loving others and

being kind and considerate. Sometimes Jesus can sound too

harsh, and it does not seem to fit His loving character. But

you have to see the context, and recognize Jesus is trying to

teach the lesson by words that He is, at this point in His life,

living out- the lesson of priority and determination.

The cross is His goal and the number one priority of His

life, and nothing will hinder His getting to that goal. He is

now being very strong in teaching His disciples that they too

must be committed to godly goals that become their first

priority. They must let nothing hinder their determination to

get to those goals. The implication is that these would be

followers of Jesus were saying, "I want to follow you Jesus,

but I've got some other things that take priority, and as soon

as I get these accomplished I will be right behind you." Jesus

sees these men as half-hearted followers who will soon fall

away when He gets to Jerusalem and is crucified. They will

not stick with the kingdom of God, for they put their hand to

the plow, but are always looking back at all the other things

they should be doing. As soon as they feel all is not right in

the kingdom of God they will flee back to the kingdom of self.

Jesus is looking for disciples who are as determined to

serve the kingdom of God as He is determined to go to the

cross. Determination is dominating Him and He wants that

in all who follow Him. Jesus knows that success demands

determined disciples. Madam Curie and her husband had

just failed in their 487th try to discover radium. He cried out

in despair at the futility of it all, "It can't be done, I tell you it

can't be done! Maybe in a 100 years it can be done, but

never in our life time." But he turned and sees his wife's

determined face, and she says, "If it takes a 100 years, Pierre,

it will be a pity. But I dare do no less than work for it as long

as I live." She had every reason to fold and walk away, but

she was determined, and she pressed on, and her discovery

has led to modern technology that has saved many millions of

lives. Radium was her cross, and she set her face steadfastly

to reach it, and did not stop till she did. That is what Jesus

wants in His disciples.

Get a goal you know is a goal for the kingdom of God and

make it a priority you will reach for, and be determined to let

nothing hinder your reaching it. That is taking up the cross

and following Jesus. We are saved by the Savior's stubborn

determination to get to the cross, and our lives are saved for

the kingdom when we have a stubborn determination to see

that the good news of the cross is conveyed to people in our

lives. Jesus reveals the three key ingredients to success in the

kingdom of God. They apply to every realm of life, and they


1. Destination.

2. Direction.

3. Determination.

First you have a goal. The goal of Jesus was the cross.

That was His destination. Second, you make sure you know

how to get there. For Him it was to get to Jerusalem. He

knew that would lead to the cross, for on Palm Sunday He

would provoke the leaders of Israel to show their hand, and

carry out their plot to eliminate Him. Third, you have to be

determined to stay on the road until you reach your


These three steps are the key to Christian

growth. You may be trying to achieve a goal as simple as

memorizing a Bible verse. That is your destination, and the

direction to get there is by repeating it over and over until it

is part of you. Your determination is to do it daily and let

nothing hinder you from finding the time to repeat the verse.

The end result is that you will succeed, for with these three

steps success is guaranteed. Jesus by His life and teaching is

our example of how these three steps can lead us to be

successful disciples. Elect a destination; establish the

direction, and exhibit the determination to overcome all

obstacles to get there. This was the plan by which Jesus

saved us, and it is the plan by which we can be successful in

serving Him, and reaching goals for His glory.