Luther Burbank, the world famous scientist, worked for years to
try and develop a black-petaled lily. He had several thousand
experimental lily plants in his laboratory. A sudden cloudburst let
loose a flood of rain that they were all washed away. William Stidger
tells of sympathizing with him over what had happened, and Burbank
said to him , "When anything like this happens I always remember a
little couplet my mother use to quote:
From the day you are born
Till you ride in a hearse,
There's nothing that happens
Which couldn't be worse.
We have all sought to comfort ourselves at some point in life by
recognizing this reality-it could be worse. It is almost always true, but
still it is a negative comfort. Your life can be a mess, but others are
even worse. If this is the best you got, then it has to be what you hang
on to, but there is a better and more positive way to deal with the
negatives of life, and that is to wait and see if what you thought was
bad turns out to be good, and instead of being the worst, it may in
reality be the best thing that could have happened.
That is what Paul is writing about to the Philippians. They are
worried about Paul. They heard he was thrown in prison in Rome,
and they have naturally concluded that his being arrested was not a
good thing. They assumed that his ministry, which they supported,
was now on hold, and Paul would be of no value in advancing the
Gospel now. Paul says not to worry, for your gifts are not money
down a hole. His being arrested turns out to actually help the
advance of the Gospel, and give him a better ministry than the one he
had planned.
The key to being an optimist is having the patience to wait and see
what God will do with your negative experience. We so often jump to
the conclusion that bad stuff is just that, and that alone. Sickness,
trials, shipwrecks, stoning, and prison do not sound like prizes for
which you would sell many lottery tickets. Nobody wants this sort of
stuff in their life if they can avoid it. What Paul learned by his
experience is that the bad stuff of life can be a way for God to use your
life in a way that good things could not be used. Paul's being a
prisoner led to his having a ministry to the palace guard of Nero, and
some of these soldiers came to Christ, which never would have
happened had he not become a prisoner. He never would have crossed
their path had he not been arrested.
The fruit of Paul's ministry in prison was quite extensive, and he
writes in 4:22, "All the saints send you greetings, especially those who
belong to Caesar's household." Paul had Christian friends in the
highest places, even the house of the Emperor. There is no reason to
believe this ever could have happened if Paul had not been treated like
a criminal. This is one of the answers to the question-why do bad
things happen to good people? It is because bad things are often the
only way to get us in touch with the right people, and to make us
willing to go the way God wants us to go. In other words, bad things
are tools God uses to get the job done in our lives. The point is not to
rejoice in bad things, but to rejoice in the Lord who can use bad things
for good goals we never would have achieved without the bad things.
Colonel Bringle of the Salvation Army became a very popular
author. He came out of Harvard with honors, and began his ministry
on a street corner in Boston. A drunken hooligan threw a brick at
him and hit him in the head. He received a concussion that put him in
the hospital for months. During his convalescence he wrote a book
called Help To Holiness. He added four volumes, and these devotional
aids sold in large numbers around the world. He said, "My brethren,
if there had never been a brick, there never would have been a book."
His bad experience opened up doors he never would have entered had
they not compelled him to do so. Don't be so quick to label bad things
as a curse. Wait to see if it might be a blessing. Even pray to that
end. Grace Crowell wrote a poem that says it all.
Yet as I live them, strange I did not know
Which hours were destined thus to live and shine,
And which among the countless ones would grow
To be, peculiarly, forever mine.
If I but wait, perhaps, this hour will be
Like silver in the sun, some day, to me!
Paul never dreamed that his days in prison would be days God
would use him to let his light shine through all of history because of the
epistles he would write there. We should pray, "Lord this is a bad day
I am having, what good can you help me make of it for your glory?
F. W. Borham, the great Australian preacher and author, tells of
his pastor friend who was asked in Seminary to preach at a certain
church one weekend when the pastor became ill. He had other plans
with 2 of his best friends, and he did not want to go. He suggested
other names and begged to be excused, but the Professor refused to let
him off the hook. It was with deep anger that he submitted, and he
went to the church in a negative mood, wanting to curse them rather
than bless them. But all of his negative feelings were sheer waste, for
he met the love of his life there, and his whole future was changed.
Had he just waited to see what the end result would be, he could have
saved himself a lot of grief. On of the most common phrases of the
Bible is wait on the Lord, and the reason is, we need to learn to wait
and see what God in his providence is going to do before we label bad
things as a curse.
Bad things often turn out like Paul's being thrown in prison. They
are stepping stones to fruitful blessings that could not be foreseen.
God loves to work in all things, even bad things, for good. It is God's
specialty, and wise is the Christian who has a wait and see attitude
toward bad things. Because Paul had this attitude, he did not have to
back off earlier testimony. Had he jumped the gun and written saying
this is the worst thing to ever happen to me, and now my ministry is
ruined, he would have been embarrassed to have to later say it was a
great blessing. He waited to see what God would bring to pass. Jowett
wrote, "The cloud, which appeared so ominous, brought a gracious
shower; the restriction became the mother of a larger liberty." Prison
bars and progress sound incompatible, but Paul just waited and sure
enough, he saw his arrest lead to advance. It was a promotion to a
higher ministry.
Why is it so important for Christians to grasp this reality that God
can use evil for good? Because most of the unbelief in this world is
base on this very issue. Most atheists are so because they say a good
God cannot exist and permit all the terrible evil and suffering there is
in this world. Many people do not believe in God because they feel
they are better than God, for they would not permit the evil that exists
if they had the power of God. So who needs a God who is less noble
and compassionate than they are themselves? This would be a fairly
powerful argument if the Bible did not reveal that God permits evil
for a higher good. He permitted evil men to kill His Son for the sake of
redeeming lost men. He permits men to become lost, because only
those who are lost and then found again can be truly righteous and
loyal to God forever. Satan was made perfect by God, but he fell
because of pride. That will never happen to those redeemed by the Son
of God. They will be eternally loyal, for they know they are what they
are by the grace of God, and not by their own wisdom, power, or
goodness. If God is going to have an eternal kingdom with assurance
their will never be another rebellion, he had to permit a world with
evil and free choice. This terrible fallen world is essential to the
perfect world to come. God will bring good out of all its evil.
What good is evil? It is the opportunity to be a child of God. Paul
says do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Use evil
to reveal your good. Let your light shine by showing the contrast of
the good to the evil.
Where there is hate show love.
Where there is greed show generosity.
Where there is bitterness show forgiveness.
Where there is gloom show joy.
Where there is anxiety show peace.
Where there is violence show gentleness.
The point is, if there was no evil their would be no way to identify
the good. The goal of history for the Christian is to bring good out of
evil, so that evil does not win the war. Whenever you stop with evil,
you let it win. The Christian is to overcome evil with good, and that
means to go over, around, or through it, and if you can't avoid it no
matter what, then seek to use it for some good and outwit it. The
providence of God is God working in history to make bad events and
circumstances lead to good consequences. Paul's imprisonment was
bad for it was unjust and unfair, and caused by hate. God used their
evil scheme to get the Gospel into the very household of Caesar. This
was the beginning of Christianity becoming the official faith of the
Roman Empire.
We often forget the idea of no pain, no gain philosophy, and we
resist making anything bad for our children to endure, even when we
should know that helps them to become stronger. Cheryl Forbes, a
Christian journalist who worked for Zondervan Publishing House,
wrote a book called Backdoor Blessings. Her first job was terrible.
The boss was an older women who made her rewrite almost everything
she submitted for publication. For a year she resented this
snooty miss know-it-all. But slowly it dawned on her that she had
become a good writer, and she owed it all to this boss she did not like.
Had the boss been a good buddy, and let her get by with less than her
best, she never would have attained the level of expertise she had
reached. The one she thought was her enemy was really her secret
In Acts 9:16 God said of Paul, "I will show him how much he must
suffer for my name." Paul was chosen for a tough life, but out of all
the evil he had to suffer, the world is still, an will forever, reaping the
good fruit of his life. His thorn in the flesh was a pain he had to
endure lest his pride caused him to lose his favored status with God. It
is a principle of life that if someone you love will be a better person by
what they suffer, then love will permit that suffering for the sake of
that goal. If your child will be more loving as a person by being
discipline, then in love you must inflect pain for the sake of this higher
goal. If its a good enough principle for God, it is a good enough
principle for us to practice in all loving relationships.
I had to hurt Lavonne over and over again this past week. I
rubbed her damaged muscle to fight the inflammation. It was painful,
but I did it willingly, for I knew it was the only way to get her back to
health. Pain was the necessary path to pleasure. I hurt her on
purpose for the sake of a positive goal. That was why Paul was in
prison, and that is why a lot of negative things happen in life to all of
us. The path of pain can lead to pleasure for those who wait to see
where the path will lead.
Dr. Reuben Youngdahl, of Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church in
Minneapolis, tells of his experience on a world tour. He was enjoying
the white sands of the Indian Ocean at Durham, South Africa. He
gave no thought to sunburn until it was too late, and he looked like a
lobster. He was so sick in the night he considered going to the
hospital. He had to spend the rest of his time there sitting in the shade
watching others have fun. The day of his great suffering was the day
the blue-battle fish infested the shore waters, and with their stingers
sent over 1000 swimmers to the hospital. 150 were poisoned serious
enough to be hospitalized. Several almost died. He could have been
one, and so he realized that his misfortune was also his good fortune.
His pain saved him from worse pain, or even death.
President Theodore Roosevelt lived before bifocals were invented.
The result was he had to carry two pairs of glasses with him. One was
for near vision, and the other for far vision. In his last campaign he
was shot when he was in Milwaukee. The surgeon who examined his
wound handed him his steel spectacle case and said that the bullet hit
this case, and it was deflected from your heart, and saved your life.
The president took the case with its shattered spectacle and said, I've
always considered the burden and handicap of having to carry these
two pairs of glasses, especially these heavy ones that were in this case,
as a very sore one, and here at last they have been the means of saving
my life." It was a long wait to see any good from that negative reality,
but in the long run it turned out that his burden was a blessing.
Arturo Toscanini, the famous orchestra conductor, hated being
handicapped with his near sightedness. At nineteen he was playing
the cello in an orchestra, but he could not see the music on the stand,
so he had to work harder than anyone, and memorize the music. One
day the orchestra leader became ill, and suddenly Toscanini was the
only member of the orchestra who knew the score. So he conducted it
without the score, and got great responses from the audience. Had he
not been near sighted he never would have been ready for this
opportunity that lead him to become one of the great conductors of all
time. The bad thing in his life became the best thing in his life for his
career. Charles Spurgeon tells the true story of how lies can be used to the
glory of God. An evangelist was to preach in a small Italian town
back when there was a great deal of hostility between Catholics and
Protestants. The local priest told his people that this man who was
coming was a worshippers of the devil. This scared many, and so they
stayed away, but one depraved soul was interested in devil worship, so
he went to hear the man. Nothing could have gotten him there but this
lie. But when he came and heard of Jesus, the devil's conqueror, he
became a convert to Jesus rather than the devil he was going to seek.
God used a lie to bring this man to Jesus.
The point is not, that liars are good, or handicaps, or other bad
things are of value. The whole negative aspect of a fallen world is just
that-negative. It is bad, and not good, for it would all be taken into the
eternal kingdom if it was good. But the fact is, it is all eliminated. We
are calling black white, or evil good, for all bad things are bad. The
point is, God is not limited to using good things for His purpose. He
can use bad things as well, and it is to be one of the challenges of life to
work with God to bring good out of evil.
What happened at Standard Oil is a good illustration in the world
of industry. After oil is refined, a greasy black liquid is a waste
product. They use to empty it at the river, but laws were passed to
stop that. Then they dug a pit to get rid of it, but that failed. They
tried to burn it, but that was almost a disaster. Finally, in
desperation, they called in chemists from all over the country, and by
accident they stumbled on to a way to make this massive nuisance into
paraffin. This became one of the most profitable products of the
refineries. This story is repeated in the history of dozens of waste
The point being, what is true for things is true also for events.
Negatives, like the wastes of life and the bad events, can, by the grace
of God be transformed into valuable products and good experiences.
So don't waste anything in life, for what you feel is bad and worthless
can become your most treasured event. Charles Kettering was
cranking his car in the good old days, and it kicked on him and broke
his arm. He thought, this is terrible. There must be an easier way to
start a car. This painful event motivated him to go and invent the
self-starter that has saved millions of others from suffering. One
man's pain led to the greater pleasure of the masses.
That good can come out of evil does not mean there is nothing
difficult to bear in the evil. Paul lost his freedom and had to be
confined in chains and pay a heavy price for the good that came of it.
It was not free but costly to be used of God this way. It would be just
as hard, or even harder, however, if no good ever came of it. The hard
part is made easier in knowing good will be the end result. Paul did
eventually get executed, but he had all the joy of seeing the good that
was coming because of his suffering. This is not always the case. The
nuclear crisis at the reactor in Chernobyl is a good example. Many
people died in that crisis, but it forced doctors to learn rapidly about
the removal, treatment and transplant of bone marrow. They had to
act quickly, and they learned by trial and error, but the end result was
they learned what will benefit all mankind. One of the doctors made
this comment.
"We were like Star Trek. We were going
where mankind had never gone before,
but we were being dragged there reluctantly.
Now, as a result, we have a whole new way to
deal with an even cure cancer." The same
chaotic energy that killed so many at
Chernobyl may now result in a procedure
of donor and autologous bone marrow
transplants that will save thousands of lives.
This new order was born of loss and chaos. So often in history
terrible things for the few can be tremendous
benefits for the many. We are among the millions who are benefitting
from Paul's imprisonment. Because of it, we have all the wisdom of
this letter he wrote in prison. Paul suffered for your pleasure and
mine. God used the bad things Paul had to endure to give good things
to us. It is one of the ways of God in history to show that He is in
control even though man, by his sin and folly, is perpetually doing evil
and harmfully things. God is in the business of reversing the effects of
man's folly.
What we need to learn from all of this is not to jump to
conclusions, and write off bad experiences as total loss. Ask God to
help you use the bad as a stepping stone to some good. If God loves to
bring good out of evil, then don't waste evil, and let it be evil only, but
seek for ways it can lead to good. A most dramatic and radical
illustration of this comes from the diary of Ann Taylor, a servant girl
coming to America from England. She was raped on board the ship.
It was so devastating she wanted to die, but fortunately for her a
Quaker lady named Henrietta Best was there, and she had been raped
decades before by French soldiers. Now let's make this clear-this was
a totally evil experience-it was pure evil. But the point is, it was not
wasted, but used. Henrietta came to Ann and used her evil experience
to bring comfort to her. Ann wrote in her diary-
"She could say to me, "Hush, it happened to me,
too." And those words saved my life and my
reason. What resurrected me, were her love
and her understanding, which, clearly, were
the fruit of her own suffering; she could identify
with me without pious pretense. When she
consoled me and took me in her arms, I
experienced the presence of God."
The evil of the past was still evil, and those who did it will be
judged, but good was brought out of the evil by a wise use of it. Had
Paul laid around his cell swearing at the guards, his evil experience
would not have been used for good. He had to be an impressive
witness to his joy in Christ in spite of his suffering, or he would have
seen no fruit from his evil experience. Bad things don't lead to good
by their nature. They only root like fruit and get worse. They can
only lead to good as we learn to use them wisely.
The point here is not to say let's all get arrested and see what good
can come of it. We are to avoid all evil, and try to prevent every bad
thing in life. But when we cannot, and we have to suffer in this fallen
world, let's not waste it, and jump to the conclusion that it is of no
value. Let's work with God, and seek to overcome evil with good, and
rob the devil of his pleasure. Robert Schuller in his popular book,
Life's Not Fair But God Is Good, deals with this issue, and gives many
marvelous illustrations. One is of Serena Young, a Los Angeles
Orthopedic Surgeon. As a two year girl in Taiwan, this Chinese
toddler contracted polio, and lost the use of her legs. She was in and
out of the hospital until she was 21, but never regained the use of her
She was a bitter young woman. She was angry at God for allowing
this to happen to her. She started to search in high school for some
way to make sense of this, which seems so senseless, and this is what
she discovered; Rom. 8:28, "And we know that in all things God
works for the good of those who love Him, who have called according
to His purpose. "She wanted her handicap to be used for good, and so
she began to pray that God would use her tragedy for something good.
She stopped her grieving and accepted her disability. She decided she
wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon. She was told that it was crazy,
but she felt it was God's calling, and though the training was so hard
she wanted to quit at times. she persevered, and now has a very fulfilling
career helping people deal with their handicaps.
The Los Angeles Times had a picture of her propped up on crutches
leaning over an operating table giving help and hope to others, who like
her, had been dealt a bad hand. She was not wasting her bad experience,
but was using it for good, and for the glory of God, whom she praises
for helping her see bad things can be used for His purposes. May God
help us all learn this lesson, and strive by God's grace to bring good out of evil.