Summary: All of us will experience suffering, but few if any will have to go the route of Job. His severe experience can help all of us make our less severe journey smoother.

One of the first impressions I gained at the Baptist General

Conference annual meeting in Green Bay was that Christians are

perpetually suffering. Every day we were reminded of leaders in our

conference who are fighting with cancer. Just in our small

denomination there are hundreds who have cancer, and hundreds

more who suffer from other diseases. On top of this,

accidents are taking life, or leaving people injured and maimed

everyday. If this be the case in just one arm of the body of Christ,

how great must be the suffering of the whole body?

It is no wonder that Paul prayed that Christians might be

strengthened in the inner man. Christians need internal shock

absorbers to keep on going in spite of the blows dealt by life. The best

shock absorbers are right thoughts about suffering. Wrong ideas and

theories to explain it only adds to the burden. Helmut Thielicke, the

great German preacher and scholar, who has traveled across America

many times was asked, "What is the greatest weakness of American

Christians?" He responded, "Their views of suffering." American

Christians suffer one by one and have not gone through the holocost of

war with its cities bombed and thousands dying all around them. The

result is, most of the deepest thinking on suffering comes from

Christians in England and Europe where they have been through it.

They will not be comforted when you squeeze rose-water on their

cancer. The facts of life have forced them to rethink the popular

simple views that Christians hold in sunny times. Fortunately for us

God has given us another way to think deeply about the mysteries of

suffering. We do not have to go through the fire to see the light. The

book of Job reveals the debate on suffering as no other piece of

literature on earth. Just as Jesus suffered for us that we need not

experience hell, so Job suffered that we need not go through hell on

earth to come to right ideas about suffering. Thank God we do not all

have to learn by experience. It is possible to learn much from the

experience of others. All of us will experience suffering, but few if any

will have to go the route of Job. His severe experience can help all of

us make our less severe journey smoother by giving to us the shock

absorbers of right ideas.

In the book of Job we learn from the mistakes of others. This is the

path of wisdom, for we cannot live long enough to make them all

ourselves. We can make plenty of them, however, and the fact is,

many go on making the same mistakes made by the friends of Job.

They were good and godly men, but are the great examples of how

wrong good and godly men can be when it comes to suffering. Their

mistake was the common mistake still being made by Christians.

They tried to impose their simple explanation on all of reality. They

followed the path of all who are dogmatic. In order to get all of the

evidence to support their theory, they just ignored the facts that didn't

fit. They hated complexity. They demanded that Job conform to their

nice neat simple formula for explaining his, and all suffering.

Their simple formula was that all suffering was a sign of divine

displeasure. When men are good and godly they do not suffer, for

God blesses them. When they do suffer they have ceased to be good

and godly. They have sinned, and all suffering is punishment for sin.

The beauty of this formula is that anyone can grasp it. It solves the

mystery of suffering and explains everything. If you suffer it is just a

reaping of what you have sown. There is really no mystery to solve. It

has only one major defect-it is not true. This is what Job keeps saying

over and over in his defense.

Many Christians, however never read the book of Job, or do not

understand it if they do. The result is that many Christians suffer

great mental agony because they try to explain everything by this

simple but false formula. They cry out in affliction saying, what have

I done to deserve this? This implies that all suffering is deserved and is

punishment for bad behavior. They may be conscious of some sin in

their life, but there is no way that their sin can be so great as to

deserve such severe punishment. So they get angry at God and accuse

Him of cruelty and injustice. They know people much worse than

themselves who do not suffer at all. Their faith is often damaged, and

they suffer mental and spiritual torment all because they start with

bad theology and a wrong view of suffering.

If we learn nothing else from our study of Job, let's learn the folly

of trying to force all of the facts into a simple formula. There is a

fascinating Greek legend about a robber named Procrustes. He had a

very unusual way of treating guests who came to his home. He had

only one bed for guests, and so everyone had to sleep in it. Since he

wanted each guest to fit the bed just right, he would stretch short

guests on a stretcher so they were the right length, and, of course, if

they were too long, he cut them off so as to fit. Needless to say he was

not a popular host. His perverted practice has led to the word

Procrustean. It describes the friends of Job perfectly. It is a word

that refers to people who will cut off facts, or stretch the truth, or

anything else that is necessary to squeeze all of reality into the bed of

their iron-clad formula.

The book of Job is anti-Procrustean, and it demands that we

stretch our minds rather than the truth. It forces us to see life from a

larger perspective, and to expand our theology to cover a greater

diversity of facts. The book of Job forbids us from getting a hold of a

piece of the puzzle and calling that the picture.

Let's look at some of the Procrustean beds which men have tried to

force all of the facts of life to fit into, but which the book of Job rejects

as inadequate formulas to explain suffering. You may not like this

study anymore than Job's friends did, for maybe you will find your pet

theory among them. Don't feel too bad, however, for if there were not

a lot of false ideas about suffering, God would not have devoted so

much of His Word to the purpose of fighting them. All of us will be

forced by this book to reexamine how we think about suffering.

The first false view of suffering is:

1. Suffering is the result of the sin of the sufferer. It is agreed by

numerous commentators that the main purpose of the book of Job is

to destroy this popular and almost universal view of suffering. Most

religions of the world follow this formula. The whole doctrine of

reincarnation is built around this theory. If babies suffer and die they

must have sinned in a previous existence. If good and rightous people

have terrible diseases, it can only be explained by the sins they

committed in a former life. The main purpose of the doctrine of

reincarnation is to force all of reality to fit this formula. Those who

really believe this formula have solved the problem of suffering by

denying that there is a problem. If masses of boat people are

drowning, and thousands of children are dying, and disease is turning

people into zombies of affliction, there is nothing to get upset about,

for they all deserve what they are suffering. All suffering is

punishment for sin, and so all is fair and God is just. This theory

enables those who hold it to watch people die like flies without

compassion, for they see no evil in suffering. It is all good because it is

just punishment for sin.

Believe it or not, this is the theory of suffering held by Job's

friends. No wonder those who add to life's misery by this cruel

counsel are called "Job's friends." They did not believe in

reincarnation, but they did believe that all Job was suffering was

justified, and that it was God's way of punishing him, and trying to get

him to repent. They each take turns at trying to break Job down so he

will confess his secret sin. The best arguments for their view of

suffering that you will find anywhere are right here in the book of Job.

As eloquent and forceful as they were, however, they never convinced

Job that he was being punished for sin. They could throw at him

Scripture verses by the dozen that say, whom the Lord loveth He

chasteneth. Job knew that was true of much suffering, but he refused

to accept it as an explanation for all suffering, and especially his own.

Why? Because it just did not fit the facts of life. You cannot just take

a truth, even a Biblical truth, and impose it on all of life's experiences.

It is a Biblical truth that men reap what they sow. It is a Biblical

truth that sin leads to suffering. It is Biblical truth that whom the

Lord loveth He chasteneth. No one will deny that these are sound

Biblical truths. Nevertheless, if they do not fit the facts of a specific

case, they are not true of that case. The best of medicine is of no value

for a sickness it cannot cure. Suffering can be educational, but this

truth is of no value to the man who is killed, or left in a coma, by an

accident. What the facts clearly reveal about Job is:

No. 1. Verse 1 tells us he was blameless and upright, and one who

feared God and turned away from evil.

No. 2. In verse 8 God confirms this description and adds, "There is

none like him on earth."

It is established from the start that the man we are dealing with is

in the center of God's will. He is as near perfect as any man named

anywhere in the Bible. This means that any theory of suffering that

does not take into account that even the most righteous can suffer

terribly is false. Job was not being chastened by the Lord, for the

Lord loved him and held him up as the best example of godliness. His

suffering had nothing to do with his sin, and, therefore, all of the

arguments of Job's friends which try to convince him he has angered

God are themselves what made God angry. At the end of the book

they are only spared from God's wrath by Job's prayer and sacrifice

on their behalf. Their theory which was so false in relation to Job was

almost true for themselves in that they came close to great suffering

for their sin of teaching that all suffering is due to sin. This is a serious

sin, for God has gone to great lengths to make it clear that it is a false

view of suffering, and to be ignorant where knowledge is available is


Does this mean the righteous do not suffer because of sin? No, it

does not mean that at all. The Bible is full of examples of saints who

suffer due to their sin. Poor Peter weeping because of his cowardly

denial of his Lord is a prime example. It is not that there is not truth

to the formula that suffering is due to sin. It is just that it becomes a

false view of suffering when you try to impose it on all experiences of

suffering. A partial truth made into a whole truth becomes a lie.

When you take something relative and make it absolute you are guilty

of idolatry and sin against God. That is what the friends of Job did,

and the book of Job exists to help us avoid their mistake.

If you think all suffering is punishment for sin, you will be forced to

pervert the image of God into a cruel creator rather than the merciful

creator that He is. Imagine how cruel it would be to imply that all who

have cancer or some other fatal disease are suffering because they

deserve it. Such cruelty is a sin that God forbids by this book. The

parents of a girl born with a crippled foot were asked why they did not

have the child's foot straightened by surgery. They replied, "If we

had the foot straightened He'd find some other way of punishing us."

They looked upon their suffering as God's punishment, and the result

was they had a perverted and pagan view of God. Had they

understood the book of Job, and that tragic things can happen even to

the innocent, they would have been motivated to turn to God in faith

rather than from Him in fear.

We don't have time to look at other false views of suffering. The

main truths to grasp is that the righteous can and do suffer, and

wicked sometimes do not. These are the facts of life. The question of

course is why? Why isn't it true that only the wicked suffer, and that

only the righteous prosper? It seems like the friends of Job ought to

be right. Why are they so wrong? They were wrong because of the

cross. The cross was in God's heart and mind long before Jesus came.

The teaching of Job was essential to prepare the way for the Messiah.

No one could ever believe in a Messiah who was a man of sorrows, and

who would suffer crucifixion between two thieves if they were

convinced that only the wicked suffer and the righteous escape it.

Those Jews who never learned the message of Job missed God's

greatest gift, for they rejected Jesus because, like Job's friends, they

said he must be a sinner, for he suffers. The poet said of Jesus:

The best of men

That e'er wore earth about him was a sufferer;

A soft, meek, patient, humble, tranquil spirit,

The first true gentleman that ever breathed.

We can look at the cross and praise God for our suffering Lord, and

what He purchased for us by His suffering. Those who believed, and

yet believe, that the righteous can never suffer, can never grasp the

truth of the cross and the fact that God Himself suffers-the only