Summary: God taught Moses that He demands reverence, promises His presence and reveals His essence to those who seek Him and obey Him.

J. B. Phillips in his book Your God Is Too Small tells of how

he asked a group of young people to give a snap answer to the

question, "Do you think God understands radar?" They all

said no, and then they roared with laughter as they

considered how foolish their answer was. It showed that in

the back of their minds they thought of God as an old man

who lived in the past and was rather bewildered by modern

progress. Nothing is more pathetic than a mature person

with an immature concept of God. Such an adult is seldom a

dedicated Christian, or an active servant of God. More than

likely they reject God completely. They mature in all other

areas of life, but in their concept of God they remain childish.

To make things worse, they think the rest of us are

worshipping the God of their immature conception. They

think we are quite simple and unacquainted with the hard

facts of life.

These people have not rejected God, for they don't even

know Him. They have only rejected a god who doesn't exist

anyway except in their own mind. What these people need is

a true biblical concept of God. This is what we all need, for

our conception of God controls our attitudes and actions, and

it determines the measure of our devotion to Him and His

will. Is your God just a spare time God you call upon only in

emergencies? You answer that by your commitment to Him.

The person who gives his God only one hour a week of his life

has a very small God and not the God of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ.

One cannot stand in the pulpit and hand over to you an

experience of the greatness of God any more than one can

measure the horizon with a ruler. This can only come when a

person says with Moses, "I will turn aside and see this great

sight." A man has to be willing to forsake his old concepts if

he would grow in the knowledge of God as He really is. When

Martin Niemoller was in Hitler's prison he had time to think,

and he turned his thought toward God. He had to give up his

old opinions about God. He wrote, "It took me a long time to

learn that God is not the enemy of my enemies. He is not

even the enemy of His enemies." He had to give up the God

He had created in his own image, and he came to see that God

is love.

Moses needed to grow in his knowledge of God as well.

God had prepared him to lead the children of Israel out of

Egypt. The first 40 years of his life he gained the best

education possible in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, but this

knowledge was not enough for the task God had for him. He

needed some good practical experience, and so God in His

providence saw that he got it, and for the next 40 years he was

a shepherd in Midian where he learned the ways of desert life.

He learned about the plants and animals, and about water

sources and hardships. Now the second 40 year training

period was over, and all Moses needed now was to meet God,

and this he did at the burning bush, which is the Damascus

Road experience of the Old Testament. We want to look at

this experience and draw from it 3 things which God does

that enlarge our concept of Him.


You will notice that God appealed to the curiosity of

Moses. Some people feel that faith and curiosity are

contradictory, but this is not so. The impulse to inquire and

learn is essential to a growing faith. God says, "Come now let

us reason together," and all of nature is a stimulus to

investigation. Curiosity is what made Watts ask why the lid

on a boiling kettle bobbed up and down? His search for an

answer led to the first workable steam engine. Curiosity is

what made Sir Alexander Fleming investigate a mold, which

led to the discovery of penicillin. Curiosity is what led

Zaccheaus climb a tree to see Jesus, which led to his

conversion. It may have killed the cat but curiosity saved him

and many others.

God wants people to investigate, but we see that when

Moses came near He stopped him and tells him to take off his

shoes. This was a sign of reverence and God demands that.

If one is going gain from his search he must come in reverence

and humility, for neither God nor His creation will reveal its

secrets to the proud and irreverent. "Moses was led through

the gates of curiosity into the sanctuary of reverence. Those

who come to God or nature in pride to force the truth from

them are courting disaster. You can count on it that those

working with atomic energy are reverent before its power,

and they are not careless and proud as if they needed no

caution in its presence. To do so would be as foolish as for a

Jewish person of old to stumble into the holy of holies.

The great men of science such as Copernicus, Newton,

Kepler, and Edison have been men of reverence in their

inquiry. Edison said, "I sit down before the law. I try to find

out how the law operates. I try to bring my mind and

mechanisms into harmony with the way things are, and the

more I obey the law, the more the law obeys me and serves my

purpose." Success in science comes through obedience just as

success in the Christian life does. This is the only way to

know God and His will. You must adjust to reality and not

try to twist reality to your proud and preconceived notions.

A proud self-sufficient tourist went through one of

Europe's famous art galleries looking at many great

masterpieces. As he was leaving he said to the custodian, "I

don't see anything so great about these paintings." The

custodian replied, "Sir, these pictures are not on trial, those

who view them are." So it is with Scripture, God and His

Word are not on trial, but you are. You must come in

reverence seeking to know God if you expect to grow. The

poet wrote, Earth is crammed with heaven,

And every common bush aflame with God,

But only he who sees takes off his shoes.

The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.


Moses said, "Who am I?" Forty years before Moses felt

he could handle things and he killed an Egyptian, but now he

is more mature and humble. He wondered how a shepherd

like him could walk into the palace of Pharaoh and persuade

him to let hundreds of thousands of slaves go free. It can't be

done was his thinking, and he was right if he thought the

success of the plan depended on his eloquence and ability to

charm Pharaoh. Without the promise of God, "Certainly I

will be with you," Moses could not have succeeded. This is

the case with the Apostles as well. Without the promise of

Christ to be with them they could not have succeeded. Nor

can we, or anyone else, for we all need God's presence to be

successful. With His presence comes all the other promises.

If God wills it then it can be done. The poet has written,

Never say it can't be done,

It simply isn't true.

What you mean my son

Is it can be done,

But can't be done by you.

One of the greatest fallacies in the world is that one does

not count. All of history proves it to be a lie, and yet we believe it.

What can I do? Problems are to big for any one

person to make a difference, and so I ignore the problem and

become a part of the problem. It is true that you cannot do

anymore than Moses could on his own, but could we believe

and claim the promise of God to be present with us, then we

could say with Paul, "I can do all thing through Christ who

strengthens me." When David Livingston returned to

Scotland after 16 years in Africa where he suffered 27 attacks

of African fever, had one arm rendered useless by the bite of a

lion, lived among a people whose language he did not know,

and whose attitude toward him was often hostile, he said,

"Shall I tell you what supported me through all these years of

exile? It was this, 'Lo I am with you always, even unto the

end of the world.'"

There has never been a power that has been able to

conquer a people who live and believe in the presence of God.

When Julian the Apostate was Emperor of the Roman

Empire he did all he could to destroy churches and erect idols.

Libanus, one of his friends, asked a Christian one day, "What

is your Carpenter of Nazareth doing now?" The Christian

responded, "He is making a coffin." And soon Julian was in

it and all the idols were swept away. In his dying breath

Julian cried out, "O Galilean! Thou hast conquered!" The

early church believed that there has always been success

where there has been one or more persons who believe that

God is with them, and that through them God can accomplish

His will. Moses said, "Who am I?" But that is beside the

point said God. It is not who you are but who is behind you

and with you that counts.


To try and define God is to confine Him. Our minds

cannot fully grasp His nature. This should not surprise us,

for we cannot fully understand anything. The Psalmist cried

out, "O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me. Thou

understandeth my thought afar off." But when he reverses

the process and considers God he says, "Such knowledge is

too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain unto it." This

does not mean we must join those who think of God as a

vague blur. We cannot find out by searching, but we can

know who God is if he speaks to us, and that he has done.

Paul constantly urges us to grow in the knowledge of God,

and we can only do so by searching His revelation. Someone

said, "We can never attain a maximum love of God with only

a minimum knowledge of God."

A virtuous godly man may be ignorant of many things,

but his ignorance is not one of his virtues, nor is it the cause

of his godliness. It would be strange if God could be loved

better by being known less. What I am saying is that theology

is not just for the theologian, but it is for all believers.

Imagine telling a man who is going to drive across a field and

over a hill that he better watch out for the tree just over the

hill, and he says, "Don't talk to me about trees. I'm a

motorist and not a botanist." This is carrying specialization

too far, for that tree is not only a fact of botany, but a fact of

life. Likewise, God is not just a fact of theology, but He is the

greatest fact of life.

The first and most basic fact that God reveals here to

Moses is that He is a Person and a God of persons. Those

who know God only as He is revealed in nature come to think

of Him as a power rather than a Person. They call Him the

first cause, the unmoved mover, the cosmic organism, or the

stream of tendency. It is easy to see how they arrive at this

conclusion, for power is what nature reveals. A prominent

physicist tells us that if we had to pay for the light bill from

the sun at one penny per kilowatt, one-hundredth millionth

part of a second would cost us more than World War II.

Thank God he doesn't charge for His power. The Bible tells

us that this power has its source in a Person, and it goes

further yet and even says He can be known as a Father.

God is not a power that is unconcerned for us, but He is

a Person whom we can know by faith in Jesus Christ. The

Christian attitude to the wonders of the universe is in the

words of the hymn, "This is my Father's world." All of

reality should take on new meaning to one who knows God.

A mother rushed up the stairs as a thunderstorm broke loose

thinking her little boy would be frantic with fear, but she

found him at the window with his eyes bright with

excitement. He was shouting loudly with every clap of

thunder, "Bang it again God! Band it again!" He had no

fear of the power because he knew the Person behind the


The second thing God reveals about Himself is that He is

the Eternal Present One. God never began, but always is. If

He began then whatever caused His beginning would be greater

than God. When the skeptic asks when did God

begin, he is contradicting himself and does not realize it

because of his false concept of God. He is asking when did

that which had no beginning begin? God by very definition is

without beginning. How far down is a bottomless pit?

Bottomless by very definition eliminates the possibility of

giving any meaning to the question how far down? How long

is eternity? This is asking when does that end which by

definition has no end. If you ask where was God before

creation, you are asking where was God when there wasn't

anywhere, and where was God when there wasn't any when.

You might say that you don't get it, and you are not alone, for

eternity is just not part of our experience. About all we can

say about it is that it is not time, and we cannot think a part

from time.

Eternity is ever present, but in contrast time is never

present. You might say that it is right now, but that is not so

for even in saying the word now you see the constant flow of

time. By the time you say the w the end is already past, and

when you finish the word the time you referred to is already

gone. The present is so short, and so all of life is either in the

past or the future, whereas in eternity all is present. The

present is just the hole in the needle through which the thread

of time passes for us, but for God it is where He dwells

beyond any of the limitations of time.

What God says to Moses implies many things about the

nature of God. The important thing is that we begin to see

that the God of Scripture is greater than any concept that

man has. The gods that many atheists reject are puny

concepts that have nothing to do with the God of Scripture.

We do not believe in the gods most people reject either. They

are often the product of man's imagination and not God's

revelation. On the other hand, we do not believe in the many

gods that others create in their own image. The god of the

alcoholic is liquor and they are deeply devoted to their god.

They love neither father nor mother more than it, and they

will go to any length for it. There are many such gods that

people are devoted to, but they are not the God revealed in

Scripture through Jesus. He alone is worthy of our worship

and devotion.

God taught Moses that He demands reverence, promises

His presence and reveals His essence to those who seek Him

and obey Him. Your God is not big enough if He is not this

God who revealed Himself to Moses and more completely

through His Son Jesus Christ.