Summary: God had the power to win, and His omnipotence is established forever. He can do anything that He wills to do. Thank God there is much He does not will to do, and thank God He is not compelled by His power to do anything contrary to His nature.

Alfred North Whitehead, one of the philosophical giants of

the 20th century, said, "The glorification of power has broken

more hearts than it has healed." He warns against the glorifying

of even God's power. For the abuse of power all through history

makes this attribute produce fear rather than faith.

If the authority figures in one's life have been people who

abused power, than power will be seen as negative. For people

who have lived with a tyrant father, or under a political tyrant,

the concept of an all-powerful God is frightening. Whitehead

points out that power is not good or evil in itself. It can be used

for both, and so it is not worthy of worship in itself. Satan too has

great power, but he is not worthy of worship because of that

power, for his power is devoted to evil, and the destruction of all

that is good.

Back in ancient Greek history men knew that power was

dangerous, and that it was not a good thing even in the hands of

the gods. Aesclyus wrote Prometheus Bound, and in it he tells of

how Prometheus helped Zeus dethrone the Titans, and become

the supreme God. But soon Prometheus was disillusioned, for Zeus

used his power to rule lawlessly. He cared not for what was

good for man, but only about sheer power. He was nothing but a

big bully abusing his power. Prometheus loved man, and he saw

sought to help men by giving him fire and general help in the use

of his gifts and reason.

Zeus despised him for his love of man, and he chained him and

tortured him. Prometheus would not bow to the power of Zeus.

He became the hero of all who fight and resist tyranny. He said,

"Worship, adore, court him who is now in power, But I, for Zeus

less than naught do I care." He predicted that the chief God was

doomed to fall in spite of his power, for power corrupts and leads

to weakness. He said again,

"Then bravely there

Let him sit trusting in his heavenly thunders,

With hands that brandish his fire-breathing blot.

Naught shall avail these to prevent his falling

Ignoble with a fall intolerable."

Here is a pagan poet teaching us that power is not worthy of

worship. If the pagan mind can come to this conclusion, then we

need to be extremely careful in how we promote the omnipotence

of God. It has often been so portrayed that it stimulates rebellion

toward God rather than attraction. That which makes God

attractive and worthy of worship is not His power, but His

goodness. The Bible does not exalt power for power's sake, but,

rather, exalts the moral qualities of God. It is the goodness,

holiness, righteousness, and love that control the power of God.

His power is always devoted to overcoming evil with good.

He has the power to judge and condemn, but that is always the

last choice after He has exhausted every avenue to prevent it by

His grace and mercy. He is not willing that any should perish, but that

all should come to repentance. In His grace He has made

it possible for all to repent and be forgiven. His first use of power

is always positive. It is used to prevent the negative use of power.

The primary task of the prophets was to warn Israel and the

other nations round about, so they could respond in repentance

and obedience and not have to endure the power of God's


The whole Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is the

story of God's power in providing a Savior, and God's power in

overcoming Satan and death that there might be adequate

provision for every sinner to become a child of God, and escape

the judgment of God. God's power is directed toward a positive

purpose, and it is limited by love. In other words, although God

is all powerful, He cannot use that power for that which is

inconsistent with His moral attributes. He cannot be unloving

and unholy, and in any way be inconsistent with those attributes

that make Him honorable, admirable, and worthy of our worship.

The God of the Bible cannot be a Zeus, who arbitrarily uses

power to achieve selfish ends regardless of who gets hurt, and

how unjust and immoral it might be. God cannot be a tyrant. All

of His power must enhance the goals of love, and this is what

makes the God of the Bible the God who alone is worthy of our

love and worship. We only love God because He first loved us. If

we do not present to men a God whom they can love, they will not

love Him. That is why it is so important for us to understand the

omnipotence of God. Lack of understanding, and

misunderstanding, does great harm to the cause of God in the

minds of men.

It is possible to pay God such great compliments that you

destroy His glory in the minds of men. God is indeed almighty.

This is one of the familiar names for God in the book of

Revelation. John uses it 8 times. It is used only one other time in

the entire New Testament. Paul uses it in II Cor. 6:18 as he

quotes God saying, "I will be a father to you and you will be my

sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." The Greek word is

pantokrater, which means all-powerful. In the Old Testament the

Hebrew word for almighty is used 48 times. All together God is

called Almighty 57 times. These are sufficient to make it a part of

the Apostle's Creed, which is quoted by millions of Christians all

over the world as they repeat, "I believe in God the Father


The problem comes when these millions of Christians assume

that what they mean by this is that God can do anything. If that

is what they really mean, then they have rejected the God of the

Bible, and they have substituted a god of their own creation, and

in doing so they make millions of people reject the God of the

Bible in the process, because they are saying that their god is the

God of the Bible. If God can do anything, then He is not worthy

of our worship, for He can lie, deceive, break His promises, do

evil, and give us no assurance that He will always be good. A God

who can do anything is a God to be feared and not loved, for He

can by mere whim decide to prefer evil over good. He can abuse

His power just as Zeus did, and like Zeus, be rejected as

unworthy of worship.

Thank God that the Bible does not reveal a God who can do

anything. All His power is power with a purpose, and that

purpose is determined by His total nature, and not just His

strength. Power is not His primary characteristic. God is holy,

good, just, and righteous, and all of His power is directed

according to these qualities. His nature limits Him so that He

cannot do what violates His nature. He is truth, and so He cannot

lie. He is holy, and so He cannot do evil. R. A. Torrey in his book What

The Bible Teaches writes, "The exercise of God's

omnipotence is limited by His own wise and holy and loving will.

God can do anything, but will do only what infinite wisdom,

holiness, and love dictate."

Only limited power is good power, and only that kind of power

can be honored and admired. You would not admire me if I used

my power to do all the things of which I am capable. I have the

power to throw a brick through the neighbors window. I have

the power to stand on the organ and stomp its keys until they

break. I have enormous power to be destructive, but I keep that

power under control because it is a foolish use of power. It is not

wise, helpful, or loving, and so I choose not to do what I could do.

In sane people power is always under the control of their higher

attributes of reason and common sense. Nobody who is sane does

all they have the power to do.

The power to do evil is not a strength, but a weakness and

defect if you choose to use it that way. When we become totally

like Christ in our resurrected bodies, we too will be perfected,

and it will be impossible for us to lie, or choose any other evil, for

our nature will hate all evil. What we need to see that there is a

great paradox here, and that true omnipotence is not being able

to do everything, but being able to do anything that is good, true,

and beautiful, with the negative ability to be able not to do

anything that is destructive of the good, the true, and the

beautiful. It is the very impossibility of God to do anything that

destroys and hinders His perfect purpose that makes Him truly


A God who can do anything is not nearly as powerful as a God

who can do only what achieves His purpose.

The God who can do anything can do that which destroys and

hinders His purpose, and this makes Him weak, fallible, and a dangerous

power. The God who can do only what achieves His

goal is a joy and pleasure to Himself, and such a safe and secure

God for man that He is ever worthy of worship and praise. This

is the God of the Bible. He is the God who cannot do what is

immoral, illogical, absurd, stupid, or self-contradictory.

If power is the ability to achieve purpose, then being all

powerful as God is the ability to achieve all His purposes with no

defect that could taint the purpose, and achieve it in any way that

is inconsistent with His nature. Nothing is power that does not

achieve His purpose, and so any evil in God, or inconsistency, or

deviation from the goal which is unholy and unloving would not

be power, but weakness. God has no such weakness. All His

limitations are a part of His power. What He can't do is a major

aspect of His omnipotence. Could He do anything that was not

consistent with His purpose and nature, He would not be


This means that the list of things God cannot do are all

valuable aspects of His power, for they define His purpose and

make it clear. It is because He cannot be or do anything contrary

to His purpose and character that He will achieve all of His

purpose. If He could lie, He would have a weakness that could

hinder His goal of truth, and He would not be omnipotent. What

God cannot do is just as vital to His omnipotence, as is what He

can do. I can tell the truth, but I can also lie, and because I can lie

I have the ability to not achieve the goal of always being truthful,

and so I have a defect and weakness in achieving this goal. It is

not an absolute certainty that I will. God cannot lie, and so it is

an absolute certainty that He will achieve the goal of always being

truthful. That is what omnipotence is. It is the absolute power to

achieve a purpose.

The most powerful are those who have the ability to limit their power.

The absolute dictator is really very weak. He has to keep

a gun and a knife at everyone's throat constantly, for soon as he

fails to keep control of everyone he risks losing his power. He is a

slave to his power as much as all those he enslaves by his power.

There is no comparison to the man who gives his power away and

lets his people share it. He is loved, and has far greater power

than the greedy dictator who grabs and grasps for power.

Self-limitation is the key to true power, and is the finest

expression of power. Which is the greater power? The miser

who hoards his wealth so no one else can be blest by its power, or

the philanthropist who gives money to others that they might

share in the blessings of his wealth?

All truly great power, and good power, is power that is limited

by values that are greater than power. If I choose to relate to a

dog or cat I limit my power. I am obligated to care for, feed, and

provide shelter for these lesser creatures. My freedom is

conditioned by my love and care. There can be a great price to

pay in this choice to care for pets. They often do not do what it is

your will for them to do, and more often than not it is on the

carpet. People do not have to put up with this sort of thing, but

by the millions they do. They deliberately choose to limit their

power in order to relate to an inferior creature.

We could follow through and show how every relationship that

is developed with friends, mates, groups, and neighbors imposes

limitations on your power. But in love we choose all of these

limitations because the values of love are greater than the value of

totally independent power. We feel this way because we are made

in the image of God. God did not have to create man, nor did He

need to create him as a being with freedom. He could have

maintained total power and control on this earth had He made

man like the planets. They are easy to control, and they obey the

laws of God perfectly, and He has no problem whatever with them.

But God choose to limit His absolute power and control by

making creatures who were free to even say no to Him. The only

reason for such a choice is because God's nature is dominated

more by love than by mere power. Had power been the ultimate

in God there never would have been the risk of creating beings

like man. We only exist because God is love.

Once you love, you put a limit on your power, and it no longer

becomes the dominate issue. When you marry you make a

covenant of love, and this means power can no longer be the main

issue in your relationship. If power was number one, then I could

always have my way for I have no doubt I can take Lavonne in a

fight. By shear power alone I can win any dispute and have total

control of all that we do. But power is not the issue. Love is the

issue, and if power is not loving, then it has to be set aside or

shared. Power is always limited by love.

This is the key to understanding the power of God. If His

omnipotence was exercised without regard for His love, and His

sharing of freedom with man, there would not be any evil in the

world. And all-powerful God could rid the world of all evil in

seconds. Like lightening, God could solve all the problems

created by evil in this world. But since He does not do this, it

leads to complex questions about His power. Take murder for

example. Everyone agrees murder is evil. God either wills

murder, or He does not. If He wills it, then He is not the God the

Bible reveals, for the God of the Bible forbids murder, for it is

contrary to His will. But if God does not will murder, as the Bible

says, why then is there still murder if He is all powerful? And

all-powerful God who does not want murder to be a part of

reality should be able to prevent it from every happening, but

God does not prevent it from happening. It would seem that God

is not all-powerful. In order to avoid this conclusion many have

gone to the extreme position of saying that God is the cause of evil

as well as good. All that is, is because God has willed it to be as it


This kind of thinking leads to exalting God's power above all

of His other attributes, and destroys all that makes His love and

goodness superior to power. Even a non-Christian like Albert

Einstein could see where this kind of omnipotence in God leads to

a God that does not fit the Bible description. He wrote, "Nobody,

certainly, will deny that the idea of the existence of an

omnipotent, just and omnibeneficent personal God is able to

accord man solace, help, and guidance; also by virtue of its

simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind. But, on

the other hand, there are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea

in itself, which have been painfully felt since the beginning of

history. That is, if this being is omnipotent-that every occurrence,

including every human action, every human thought, and every

human feeling and aspiration is also His work; how is it possible

to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts

before such an almighty being? In giving out punishment and

rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on

Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and

righteousness ascribed to Him?"

He is asking, how can you have your cake and eat it too? How

can you say God is all-powerful, and so all that is and happens is

His will, and yet say that He condemns those who do what He

does not will? There is a clear contradiction here that forces us to

recognize God has had to limit His omnipotence in terms of its

control of free-willed beings. He controls their destiny, and so

there is no way they can escape His power, but He does not

control their choices. He has limited His power to control their

choices. It is not that He lacks power to do so, but He does not

use it because His goal is not achievable by mere power. If God

had to make everybody do what He wills, He would be so power

oriented that He would not be free to achieve His goal of having a

vast family of children who freely love Him by choice.

Mere power cannot achieve this goal, and so if God was all

powerful in the sense that He made everything to be as it is, then

He would not be omnipotent in the biblical sense, for in the

biblical sense God's omnipotence is His ability to achieve His

purpose. This means the ability to limit His power and share it

with others, and so risk sin, disobedience, and evil, with the

assurance of reaching the goal of a vast family of men who freely

love Him and worship Him, and serve Him forever and ever.

The God who has full control of every event, and who by sheer

force of His strength makes everything go His way, is no match

for the God of the Bible who can limit His power by love, and risk

even rebellion, and yet come out a winner with redeemed people

out of every tribe, tongue, and nation praising and serving Him

for all eternity. This is biblical omnipotence. It is God's power to

achieve His loving purpose without inconsistency in His love,

holiness, and goodness.

The only way God could achieve His purpose was by the power

of love. If He had not had the power to choose to sacrifice His

Son, and had Jesus not had the power to lay down His life and

pay the ultimate price for sin, the whole plan with free will beings

would have become a disaster, and God would have been proven

to be impotent in this experiment. But God had the power to win,

and His omnipotence is established forever. He can do anything

that He wills to do. Thank God there is much He does not will to

do, and thank God He is not compelled by His power to do

anything contrary to His nature.

It would have been easy for God to have willed to make man a

machine, and then control him by law like the rest of the universe.

But God chose the infinitely harder task of making man free. The cost

to God was infinitely greater by choosing this way, but He

had the power to pay that cost and achieve His purpose. So God

took both roads. He took the easy way of law to control His

creation, and the hard way of love to control man, and He arrives

where He wills by both routes. That is what omnipotence is all

about. It is the power to get where you want to go regardless of

the difficulty of the route you choose. That is the only kind of

power that really matter in the long run, and that is the kind of

power the Bible reveals to be the power of Him we will call

forever, the Almighty.