Summary: God is light. Nothing stronger can be said. This is as far as human language can go in relating God and light. God is light. Light is of the very essence of God's nature.

The Emperor Trajan said to Rabbi Joshua, "You teach that your

God is everywhere. I should like to see Him." The Rabbi replied,

"God's presence is everywhere, but He cannot be seen. No mortal

eye can behold His glory." The Emperor insisted, however, and

so the Rabbi said, "Let us begin then by first looking at one of his

servants. The Emperor consented to this, and so followed the

Rabbi out into the open. "Now," said the Rabbi, "Gaze into the

splendor of the sun." "I cannot," said the Emperor, "The light

dazzles me." The Rabbi responded, "Thou art unable to endure

the light of one of his servants, and canst thou expect to behold

the resplendent glory of the Creator. Would not such a light

annihilate thee?"

The Jews had a higher concept of God than all ancient peoples,

because God revealed Himself to them as a God of glory, light,

and splendor. The Old Testament has many descriptions of God

like that given in Hab. 3:3-4. "His glory covered the heavens, and

His praise filled the earth. His splendor was like the sun rise;

rays flashed from His hand, where His power was hidden." It

was because of this knowledge of the glory of God that the Jews

were an optimistic people. A man's character is determined

largely by the character of the God he worships. If one worships

a god who is a tyrant, and unpredictable, and without mercy, but

cruel, it is not likely he will be a man of flaming joy. Luther lived

for years with a false concept of God, and as a result, lived in fear

and dread. Most religions have had such a dark concept of God

that the followers of these religions seldom knew what it was to be

truly joyful and at peace.

Many ancient peoples, and peoples yet today, whose god's are

made in the image of man, and are only depraved supermen,

cruel and immoral, are no more optimistic than the materialist

who says, "I feel the universe is one huge, dead, immeasurable

steam engine, rolling on in its dead indifference to grind us limb

from limb." You can't expect persons like that to be bursting

with optimism, and bubbling with joy. On the other hand, when

people have the concept of God as He is revealed in Scripture, it

leads to optimism and joy. This was true in the Old Testament,

even before God fully revealed Himself in Jesus Christ.

The Jews began their day at sundown, rather than at sunup.

All their festivals and holidays begin at night, and their Sabbath

also begins at night. All of this was to symbolize their optimism

and confidence in the God of light. Anyone can have confidence

in the day, and look forward to a bright day when the sun rises,

but the Jews began their rejoicing as the sun sank to symbolize

their confidence that even in the darkness light will prevail, and a

new day will dawn. Tomorrow always comes for the believer.

Even death cannot change that. Such was the attitude of the Jews

who had only a shadow of the full revelation yet to come. How

much greater ought our joy and optimism to be who stand in the

full light? Paul in II Cor. 4:6 writes, "For God, who said, 'Let

light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to

give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face

of Christ." We have a message as superior to the Old Testament, as it was

to the pagan darkness surrounding it. That is why John, after

stating that his purpose for writing this book was that the joy of

believers might be full, immediately announces the truth on which

all Christian joy is based, which is the truth that God is light.

This morning we want to examine this primary message and its

meaning. First let's look at the message itself.


John has built us up to a point of

expectation. He has made great statements of his aim to share

with us truths that will lead to fullness of fellowship, and fullness

of joy. We ought to be standing on our tiptoes breathlessly

longing to see what it is he is going to declare. In verse 5, after

this stimulating introduction, John says, this is it! Here it is! This

is the message that we have received, and now pass it on to you.

This is no matter of speculation and theory, this is the message we

have heard from Christ Himself, and now declare to you, and that

message is, God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. We see a

positive and negative side to this message.

A. Positive-God is light. This is the strongest statement in the

whole Bible about Gods nature as light. Many text describe the

splendor of God, and the light of His presence, and that He dwells

in light unapproachable, and that He is the author of all light, but

here alone do we find the statement that God is light. Nothing

stronger can be said. This is as far as human language can go in

relating God and light. God is light. Light is of the very essence

of God's nature.

It is important, however, that we recognize that this is not the

whole truth about God's nature. It is but one aspect of what He

is. John will tell us He is also Law, Life, and Love, and

underneath all of these is the foundational fact that He is

personal. Light is impersonal, and if this was our main concept of

God, we would have only a God who was a great impersonal

source of all energy-a Divine Dynamo.

We must ever keep in mind that light and love, and all other

attributes of God are attributes of a Person. This means, it is God

who is light, and not light that is God.

This was the mistake of many people who began to worship the

creation rather than the Creator. They worshipped the sun,

moon, and stars, for they reversed the truth and said, light is God.

This is false. The light of the sun is not God, and the light of all

other bodies is not God. God as light is the ultimate source of all

light, but He is not that light. All physical light is from God, and

is a symbol of what He is in Himself.

All physical reality is what it is because God is what He is.

Science can tell us what the sun does, and how it is the source of

all life on earth, but it is the Bible that tells us why this is so. It is

so because God is light. His creation resembles His nature. The

universe is a symbol of what God is. It is not God, but is made by

God, and is separate from Him, but it is an expression of what He

is. This is why all life depends on light, for all life depends on

God, and God is light. This is why the earth revolves around the

sun which is the source of all life, because only as men put God

into the center of their lives, and revolve around Him, will they

have light and life.

All of this is simply saying God has made the universe, and

physical light, as a pattern of what is true in the spiritual realm.

God is in the spiritual realm what the sun is in the physical realm.

He is the source of all light and life. As light is the absolute in

science, so God is the absolute in the spiritual realm.

Thou art, O God, the life and light

Of all this wondrous world we see;

Its glow by day, its smile by night,

Are but reflections caught from Thee;

Where'er we turn, Thy glories shine,

And all things fair and bright are Thine.

The very first thing that God called good was light. In Gen.

1:4 God saw that the light was good. It was His first stroke of the

brush on the canvas of reality, and it was a masterpiece already.

God did not make anything in the dark. He began His project of

creation just as we usually begin ours, by turning on the light.

Light is the link between the Creator and creation. Light is part

of the nature of God, and it is the foundation of all that God has

made. When you study light, you are into both science and

theology. Many of the great scientists have known this. They

have seen that life is dependent on light, and that the Creator of

life had to be a God of light.

Dr. Michael Pupin, the great inventor, philosopher, and

teacher, got his start in scientific research by watching the stars

as a shepherd boy in the Hungarian hills.

All his life, as he studied light, he was devoted to the God of light.

He wrote,

"I found in the light of stars a heavenly language which proclaims

the glory of God. Each burning star is a focus of energy, of

life-giving activity which it pours out lavishly into every direction;

it pours out the life of its own heart, in order to beget new life.

What a vista that opens to our imagination! What new beauties

are disclosed in the words of Genesis: 'God...breathed into his

nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.' The

light of the stars is a part of the life-giving breath of God. I never

look now upon the starlit vault of heaven without feeling this

divine breath and its quickening action upon my soul.

Kepler, after discovering the laws that govern the speeds of the

planets, prayed, "Dear Lord, who hast guided us to the light of

Thy glory by the light of nature, thanks be Thee. Behold, I have

completed the work to which Thou hast called me, and I rejoice in

the creation whose wonder thou hast given me to reveal unto men.


The power of life is in light, and without light life cannot

continue. We could get into biology here, but man's new

discovery of the power of light is more fascinating. Albert

Einstein back in 1905 wrote a paper on light that won him the

Nobel Prize. In it he proved that light is both a wave and a

particle, and so light is a paradox, and has the freedom to be

different things in different experiments. He predicted then that

man would be able to some day use light in a very intense and

focused ray. In 1960 Dr. Theodore Maiman made and used the

first laser, and since this, many new lasers have been developed

for doing what man could never do before. Now, by the power of

light, the life of man is being radically changed. In our life-time

light has changed almost every facet of our lives.

The books I checked out to study light were checked out by

means of a laser light. The groceries we purchase are read by a

laser light. Laser light can cut steel and even diamonds. Lasers

are used for eye surgery, so that those who once would be blind

are now made to see. Miracles that Jesus did as the light of the

world are now being done by light, which also has Him as its

author and creator. The military uses lasers in missals and other

weapons. The whole security systems of the world depend on

lasers. Laser optical discs can hold the entire Encyclopedia

Britannica on one side. There seems to be no end to the power

and blessings that man is finding in the power of light. If God

lets history go on, man will create a whole new world by the

power of light. And if God ends history soon, the result will be

the same, for in eternity we will dwell with God in that city filled

with the light of His presence. However the story of history goes,

we can be optimists as Christians, for we are heading for the light.

Georgia Harkness wrote,

Our light grows dim, the air is thick with gloom,

And everywhere men's souls are crushed with fears.

Yet high above the carnage and the gloom

The call resounds across the teeming years,

Lift high Christ's cross! Serve God and trust His might!

I do believe the world is swinging toward the light.

Light is not only the coming thing, because Jesus, the light, is

coming, but He is already here, and says in John 8:12, "I am the

light of the world: He who follows me will not walk in darkness,

but will have the light of life." Gilchrist Lawson wrote,

The one who made the earthly sun

So full of power of warmth and might,

Can cause the Sun of Righteousness

To bathe the soul in floods of light.

The greatest changes in life are always based on what man

does with his physical or spiritual light. Jesus was the light that

lightens every man said John. He was and is the light of the

world. He was and is the source of life that is eternal, for all life

needs light, and He is the only light that can never be put out, and

so He is the only source of eternal life.

Light that we see is self revealing. One does not need to light a

match to see if his flashlight is on. But all men are blind to most

of the light God has made a part of reality. We see only the six

colors of the rainbow which is white light divided up into its six

different wave lengths. But this is a mere fraction of light. There

are cosmic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared

rays, television, radar, short wave, standard and long radio

waves, and long electric waves. These ten different categories of

light we cannot see. But man has learned how to use these

invisible sources of light to do wonders in life. So the challenge of

the Christian life is to recognize there is great power available in

the realm of the invisible. Paul says in II Cor. 4:18, "So we fix

our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen

is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." There is power for

life abundant in the light of Christ's unseen presence, and in the

light of the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit. We need to


Light of the world, illumine this darkened earth of Thine,

Till everything that's human be filled with the Divine.

There is no physical factor in all reality that can better be used

as a symbol of the nature of God, than light, for as Alford, the

Greek scholar said, "It unites in itself purity, and cleanness, and

beauty, and glory, as no other material object does." Light is the

most spiritual of all the things we know in the realm of the

physical. The more we know about light and its blessings, the

more we will understand the glory and splendor of God, who is

light, and the source of all lights.

Then John adds to his positive message a statement which is-

B. Negative-in Him is no darkness at all. The Greek here is

very emphatic. There is a double negative here, which is

permitted in Greek, and would sound like this in English, "There

is not none at all." This is the concept that is the basis for a

common bond among believers, and is the basis for much joy.

The positive without his strong negative would not distinguish

Christianity from the Gnostics and many other false religions.

The Gnostics, like the ancient Persians, had a dualism in their

concept of deity, in which, there was both light and darkness in

God. Many others have also had concepts of God which while

recognizing Him to be glorious, also attributed to Him much evil.

The Christian revelation rises to the heights of a God who is

absolutely pure, and is not the origin of any evil.

This becomes the basis for our fullness of joy, for the God and

Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is light without

darkness. Even the sun has spots, but not our God, for He is

perfect light, and the source of all good, but no evil. Any idea of

God that implies He is the source of evil is inconsistent with the

New Testament revelation. E. S. Jones tells the story of the little

girl who was playing with a friend when a cloud came up and

covered the Sun. She looked up and said, "That mean old God

again, always spoiling our fun." The mother heard it and that

night she told the father. He was shocked and did not understand

where in the world she would get such a concept of God. They

punished her by making her say her prayers ten times. Imagine,

prayers being made as a punishment, and yet they wondered

where she got her concept of a cruel God. Parents may in many

ways convey to their children concepts of God that include spots

and shadows of darkness. This message of John must be our

guide. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

We need the light of God to guide us so that we do not blot His

image with the darkness of our own ignorance and faulty faith.

Let our prayer be that of Constance Milman.

Lord send thy light,

Not only in the darkest night,

But in the shadows, dim twilight,

Wherein my strained and aching sight

Can scarce distinguish wrong from right,

Then send thy light.

The light of God is known by the fact that in it is no darkness

at all. Satan himself can appear as an angel of light, and the

world uses light to glorify all its evil, but we need not be seduced

by these false lights if we keep this absolute negative in mind-no

darkness at all. Wordsworth put it, "But ne'er to a seductive lay,

let faith be given. Nor deem that light which leads astray, is light

from heaven." This then, is the message that is essential to

making our fellowship unique and joy complete. Now, let us

consider some further meanings contained in this message.


A message like this is filled with more

meaning than we can begin to comprehend. To say that God is

light sheds more light on His nature than we have eyes to see, but

what we can see is important to look at. The first thing we want

to look at is-

A. The Ethical Meaning.

This is really the primary meaning that John is conveying in

this context. God is absolutely pure. God is righteousness, and in

Him is no sin at all. That is why John goes on to say, "If we say

we have fellowship with God and walk in darkness we are liars,"

for God cannot fellowship with men who walk in darkness. He is

light, and light has nothing in common with darkness, and,

therefore, fellowship is impossible. A man living in sin can no

more walk with God than fire and gasoline can have fellowship

together. God is absolutely ethically pure, and that is why

Christians must constantly confess their sins and be cleansed by

the blood of Christ, for it is the only way we can truly have

fellowship with God.

In this context John makes clear there are two ways of

thinking that are false, and lead to false living. One is to imply

that there is any sin in God, and two is to deny that there is sin in

man. The Christian must be clear on both points. God is light,

and is pure, with no darkness at all, but no man, except he who

was God incarnate, and the light of the world, is totally pure, and

without some degree of darkness due to sin. Christian ethical

thinking must be based on these two truths. The Gnostics denied

them, and the result was all kinds of unethical and immoral conduct.

Let this principle be a guide. God is far more than we can

think, but He is never less than what we can think. This means, if

you can think of a higher concept of God than the one you now

have, the one you now have is a false concept. God can never be

less than the highest you can conceive. Whenever men talk about

God, you can know if they speak of the true God, or one of their

own making, by simply asking, is the God they speak of the

highest and purest that man can conceive. If the God they speak

of cannot measure up to this standard, he is not the God who is

light, and in whom is no darkness at all.

B. The Intellectual Meaning.

When we say a person has seen the light, we mean the truth

has been grasped by the mind. Light and truth are often

synonymous. This could be paraphrased, God is truth and in

Him is no error at all. It means, not only that God is absolutely

pure, but He is also absolutely wise. This is again a basis for

great joy, for the believer. He has a resource like no other. Jesus

said the Holy Spirit would lead His disciples into all truth. He can

do this, for as light, He knows all truth.

All our knowledge, sense, and sight

Lie in deepest darkness shrouded.

Til Thy Spirit brakes our night,

With the beams of truth unclouded.

There is much more meaning in this message-the theological,

biological, emotional, but we can't cover them all. What we have

looked at, however, ought to make it clear how great a message

this is, and how a deeper understanding of it will lead to a greater

fellowship and joy in the believers life. Praise God for who He is,

for God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.