Summary: This is what fear would do in your life, it is more dangerous than Corona virus, the only vaccine for this is the Word of God. Are you listening?

Close call

1 Samuel 21:10”Then David arose and fled that day from Saul, and went to Achish king of Gath.”

Have you had a close call in your life, I mean a big boulder would have fallen on your head if not for the sudden intervention of your friend who saved you from being killed, or a lorry that just brushed across your skin in the traffic…close call…a narrow escape from danger or disaster. There are times God averts such ‘close calls’ in our life, that we are not even aware of, lift your hands and thank Him for His divine protection.

FEAR: The above scripture is about such a close call for David, suddenly David’s mind gets attacked with fear and he feels that he would one day be killed by Saul so he fled to Achish, king of Gath. What? Say it again. Achish king of Gath, the place where he chopped off the head of Goliath, are we reading right? Absolutely! This is what fear would do in your life, it is more dangerous than Corona virus, the only vaccine for this is the Word of God. Are you listening?

HOW THE ENEMY LOOKS AT YOU: What comes next is awesome, the servants of Achish say like this: 11 "Is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of this one as they danced, saying, 'Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands'?" Did you read that? They didn’t look at David as a ‘vagabond, wanderer, homeless man, failure, a man fleeing from his enemy.. but instead they look at him and say: Is this not David the king of the land?” Wow! King of the land! When David had negative feelings about himself but the people still looked at him as a hero. How soon we forget the glorious things that God has done in our life and get discouraged. Alas! This same man who roared at king Saul and said, 'I once killed a lion and a bear so this giant Goliath is nothing', ran the wrong direction into the hands of the enemy. The enemy makes you feel discouraged, scared, anxious and restless so that you run away from the plans of God, this is what David exactly did, instead of running to God for shelter who had thus far protected him and kept him as the apple of his eye, he does something crazy and weird. A great lesson for each one of us today, do not run the wrong direction!

I watch some students in my school who have great potential inside them; however, these kids are careless and lackadaisical in their attitude towards studies and do not possess that confidence even after drilling it in them, one such school topper student left us last year, I still have few left with me. David had to disguise like a mad man in order to escape from the shark Achish. Warning word!

TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND: Apostle Paul said, Philippians 4: 8..”whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. 9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Amen. We got to understand the goodness, greatness and largeness of God and keep our mind buckled on to His Word so that perfect peace fill us. Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
