Summary: Pray like Nehemiah. All you have to do is follow, trust, repent, listen and serve. And the blessings, and protection of God will upon you.

Nehemiah’s Prayer

A brand new pastor visited the 7th grade Sunday School Class at the church. He decided to test them a little and asked, "Who can tell me who broke the walls of Jericho?"

There was dead silence. Finally one of the boys said, "I don't know, but it wasn't my fault!" The pastor, surprised, turned to the teacher. The teacher replied, "Trust me, I know Tom and his parents very well. I don’t think he would do something like that!"

We all know the great story about the walls of Jericho falling down. God fought on the side of His people. Well, today we are going to be meditating on one of the Biblical Heroes that God used to build walls back up. Namely the walls of Jerusalem. Let us study about the prophet Nehemiah. Did you know that he was the shortest Prophet in the Bible? Because, His name says he was only Knee-High-miah.

Turn with me to Nehemiah 1:5-11. This is Nehemiah's Prayer.

Nehemiah was a man of great faith. And he needed that faith to complete the task God had placed on his heart, which was to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem. Those walls were the city's protection from its enemies, but the walls had been torn down by some enemies who had overthrown Jerusalem. It made Nehemiah sad to hear how his home city was being treated by the enemy and how the people were all afraid because they did not have any protection. So, he went to the King. Nehemiah was a good prophet and advisor to the King, so he told the King to repair the walls of Jerusalem.

In order to repair the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah had to follow, trust, repent, listen, and serve. And when he did, God honored Nehemiah.

I. Follow

“I said, "O LORD God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments;” (Nehemiah 1:5)

God loves those who keep His commandments. Therefore, first, Nehemiah had to follow God just like Abraham did. God made a covenant with Abraham, and Abraham did not fully understand where God was taking him, but he followed God wholeheartedly. And so did Nehemiah. Nehemiah was faithful to God. That was one of the things the King liked about him. That was also why God called Nehemiah to tell the King to rebuild the walls.

God keeps His covenant with those who keep His commandments. When we focus our lives on God, our faith and our relationship with God will put us on the right path. We must make sure to follow in the path of God, through faith and prayer and worship and keeping His commands. The wind of God's Holy Spirit will move us to our destination as we follow God's plan for our lives. And in this, we bring glory to God.

II. Trust

“Let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer of your servant that I now pray before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel,” (Nehemiah 1:6a)

Second, Nehemiah had to trust God, just like Joseph. Remember Joseph's brothers were jealous of him, sold him into slavery, and later Potiphar’s wife lied about Joseph. Joseph was in prison for many years, but he never gave up believing and trusting in God. God was right there holding Joseph up the whole time.

When we talk about faith, we are also talking about trust. Nehemiah prayed to God “day and night” because he knew the Lord our God would see and hear the prayer of His servant for His people. Trusting in God carries us in the midst of trials and troubles.

We trust that God is here. Nehemiah had to trust God in order for God to lead him in how to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

III. Repent

“confessing the sins of the people of Israel, which we have sinned against you. Both I and my family have sinned. We have offended you deeply, failing to keep the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances that you commanded your servant Moses.” (Nehemiah 6b-7)

The third thing Nehemiah had to do was to help the people turn around to a different way of thinking. He had to help them repent and change their ways.

Remember the story of Zacchaeus. When Jesus told Zacchaeus to come down from the tree so He could have lunch with him, Zacchaeus was so moved and touched by God's love that he changed and he repented.

Repenting allows a believer to start their lives again, like a clean slate. God does not hold grudges. When we confess our sins whole-heartedly to the Lord, He forgives us for our transgressions. That is what Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem found out, Our God is a God of “clean slates” and second chances.

IV. Listen

“Remember the word that you commanded your servant Moses, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples; but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your outcasts are under the farthest skies, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place at which I have chosen to establish my name.'” (Nehemiah 1: 8-9)

Fourthly, Nehemiah had to listen so he could know how to rebuild the walls because there just weren't enough people to go around to have the huge work crews needed to repair and rebuild the walls. Nehemiah had to learn how to spend lots of time in prayer listening to God's plan and how God wanted the walls rebuilt.

Just as the Lord commanded Moses, if you do not listen to the Word of God, He will scatter you. But those who listen to His commandments will be brought to a place where He has established His name. We are called to listen to the Word of God. If we talk using our own knowledge and do not listen to God, then the only thing we will learn is what we already know. In order to learn, you have to listen. If Nehemiah had spent all his time talking and telling God how much trouble he was having and never stopped to listen, he would never have been able to hear the solution would he?

And in order to be filled up with God's never ending love, Nehemiah had to listen. And God's love is never ending. Our faith lives can be like that too, but we have to take time in prayers to listen.

When Nehemiah listened, God told him how to build the walls with the people he had. The people of Jerusalem were called together and Nehemiah assigned each of them the task of rebuilding the wall in front of their home. When the portion in front of their home was finished, it was tied into the portion finished by their next door neighbors. And pretty soon, the walls were rebuilt, the gates were re-hung, and the city was safe once again.

V. Serve

“They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great power and your strong hand. O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name.” (Nehemiah 1:10-11a)

Nehemiah knew that the best way to strengthen our faith is by putting it into action, by doing something like the apostle Peter. That is what the great commission is, it is all about serving. Jesus told us to go into all the world with the Good News, preaching, teaching, baptizing, making disciples, feeding, nourishing and caring for God's flock. Nehemiah had faith in God, and carried out his faith by serving God and rebuilding the walls of God’s people. Nehemiah was called upon God to rebuild walls, but each and everyone of us are also called for a purpose by God.

We all need to serve, that is the way God made us. Nehemiah put his very life in God's hands and went to the King to make his request known. He repented of anything he had done wrong so he could do this mission for God and serve both God and the people of Jerusalem and rebuild the walls so they were protected.


Nehemiah wanted to help restore the walls of Jerusalem. During this time in Israel, the people of Jerusalem were constantly overthrown by their enemies and their adversaries. But he did not rely on his own power, but prayed and called upon the Lord to guide him. You may not be trying to build a wall right now, but many of you may be going through our own adversities. You may be struggling with your own trials or enemies constantly putting you down.

I say to you today, pray like Nehemiah. All you have to do is follow, trust, repent, listen and serve. And the blessings and protection of God will upon you. Follow the way of the Lord and keep His commandments. Trust in God for He is always in your mist. Repent your sin and receive the forgiveness of God. Listen to the commandments of God than your own understanding. And Serve the Lord with gladness in your heart to bring glory to the name of the Lord. Amen.