Summary: People who don't want God in their life are called fools.


A) The first thing that I would like to do is define the word “fool.”

* In Psa. 53:1, and all other Old Testament passages, the word fool is the Hebrew

word “nabal,” (naw-bawl’) and it means, “a stupid, wicked, vile person.”

* Of course “vile” means, “morally despicable, abhorrent, or obnoxious.

B) In the New Testament there are only two Greek words for fool.

* One is the Greek word “moros” (mo-ros’) and it means, “dull or stupid,

blockhead.” (Blockhead is a stupid person).

C) The other Greek word is “aphron” (af-rone’) and means, “mindless,

stupid, ignorant, egotistic, unbelieving.”

* Our English word is “moron” and means, “a very stupid person.”

D) The word “fool” is mentioned 66 times in the Bible.

* Fools – 42 times ... Foolish – 52 times ... Foolishness – 20 times.

* That’s a grand total of 180 times – And we should never call someone a fool

because Jesus warns us in Matt. 5:22 “But whosoever shall say, Thou .......”


A) In this verse God is talking about people who don’t believe there is a God.

* But there are other fools in the Bible that need to be brought out, and I will

mention all of them in this message.

B) But first, let me talk about the one that God talks about in our text we read.

* A fool lives without God – Ignores the Bible – Dies in his/her sins outside the city

of refuge without Christ.

* Here are seven fools mentioned in the Bible .......


A) The fool who says there is no God says it because his heart is corrupt.

* I have met a few “so called” atheists in my ministry, but not everybody who

says they are atheists, really are.

* But I can promise you this – There will be no atheist in hell.

B) They say there’s no God because they’re proud and they want to make

themselves god.

* They say it because they rebel at the thought of the Supreme One – They don’t

want a God to rule their lives.

* I say this in humility, that I have met some fools in my ministry (according to

their own testimony) – National holiday: April 1st – April Fools’ Day.

C) These scientists who don’t believe in the creation are fools – Plain idiots.

* Psa. 14:1 ....... says basically the same thing as our text that we read.

* Rom. 1:22 “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”

* God help any fool who doesn’t believe in the Supreme Being called God.


* Luke 24:25-26 “Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow .......”

A) There are those today who only accept the words of Jesus Christ.

* They don’t accept the Old Testament – They don’t accept the words of the

Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, John the Baptist, John the Beloved and Revelator.

* What these men preached and wrote we must accept too.

B) Then there are those who only accept parts of the Bible.

* If you can’t believe it all, you might as well not believe any of it because the

Bible says in 2 Tim. 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration .......”

C) There are those who reject the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

* They say that man wrote the Bible ... A man told me one time that man wrote

the Bible just so there would be some good people in the world.

* Well, God says they are fools.

(3) THE FOOL WHO MOCKS AT SIN * Prov. 14:9 “Fools make a .......”

A) Fools think sin is something funny.

* Young lady laughed at a pregnant teenager who was not married until she

found out that her son was the father of the child.

* We should never put someone down or laugh at them when they fall,

we should help them up – Gal. 6:1 “Brethren, if a man be .......”

* Brothers and sisters, if someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him,

saving your critical comments for yourself – You might be needing

forgiveness before the day’s out.

B) Fools sing and laugh at sins content.

* Fools have no fear at sin’s power – Remember Samson?

* Fools take no warning of sin’s slaughter ... Listen to me – Sin kills, but fools

will not listen to God’s warning – James 1:15 “Then when lust .......”

C) Prov. 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of .......”

* Prov. 1:22 “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love .......”

* Prov. 19:29 “Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes .......”

D) When you sin and the preacher rebukes you for it, love him because

that’s his job – That’s what God has called him to do.

* 1 Tim. 5:20 “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”

* Prov. 9:8 “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise .......”

* Prov. 27:5 “Open rebuke is better than secret love.”

* Eccl. 7:5 “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a .......”

E) Don’t laugh and mock at sin.

* If I preach the Word of God and it rebukes you, I preach it because I love

you and I know the danger of sin.

F) So love me for it – Don’t get mad at me – And don’t slander me.

* Prov. 10:8 “The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating .......”

* The wise are glad to be instructed but babbling fools fall flat on their faces.

(4) THE FOOL WHO BUILDS ON THE SAND * Matt. 7:26 .......

A) Fools build upon a refuge of lies such as self-righteousness.

* Rom. 10:3 “For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going .......”

* Prov. 12:15 “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he .......”

B) Morality: A person can never get good enough to go to heaven.

* Church Membership: Over 50% of members don’t know what it means to

be born again and can’t even explain it.

C) Water Baptism: Titus 3:5 “Not by works of righteousness .......”

* Only fools try to go to heaven other ways than God’s ways – By the blood.


* Luke 12:16-21 ....... Parable of the rich fool.

A) This kind of fool has the wrong conception of life.

* He lives altogether for himself – Prov. 28:26 “He that trusteth in .......”

B) He never thinks about anyone else – He is selfish and rude.

* A Christian life is a life of serving and helping other people.

* Something else about this fool – He prepares to live but not to die.


A) He waits too long to enter – He dies near the gates of hope.

* He almost enters in, but doesn’t go in – Acts 26:28 .......

B) He dies without hope – Hell is full of fools.

(7) WE ARE FOOLS FOR CHRIST * 1 Cor. 4:10 “ We are fools .......”

A) I’ve been called a fool – Jokingly, seriously, and by the Bible.

* If you aren’t a fool for Christ today, I invite you to become one as the Bible

says to be – 1 Cor. 3:18-19 “Let no man deceive .......”

B) We are thought fools for preaching the cross.

* 1 Cor. 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is to them that .......”

C) We are called fools for believing in the Spirit of God.

* 1 Cor. 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of .......”

D) We are called fools for believing in God.

* They say you can’t see Him, you can’t feel Him – Oh yes I can too.

E) We are called fools for believing the Bible – So be it.

* If you believe God’s Word, you’ll be called a fool for it by your loved ones,

your friends – People who don’t believe the Bible will call us fools – Let ‘em.

* Take a stand against sin and you’ll be called a fool – Then rejoice.


A) Noah was called a fool because he obeyed God – You will too.

* Apostle Paul was called a fool for preaching Jesus – Acts 26:24 .......

B) I’m a fool for Christ and I invite you to be.

* Don’t be the devil’s fool.