Summary: Next in series on John. Examines the importance of mission

John 6 (2)

Who’s the King?

Please turn in your Bibles to the book of John. John chapter 6. John chapter 6 and this morning we will begin in verse 14. John chapter 6 and verse 14.

What does one preach on at a time like this? What does one preach on, at your first drive in service, and hopefully, if all of the technical issues have been figured out, your first live-streaming service? What do you study when borders are being closed, people are being asked to stay home, businesses are closing, many restaurants are serving drive-through only, the stock market is in free fall, many stores now have “seniors-only” hours, water and toilet paper are hard to find, and healthcare, trucking, and first-responders appear to be the only jobs which are recession-proof?

You look at the next passage in the book you’ve been studying, because none of this is a surprise to the Lord. You look at the next passage in the book the Lord has led you to study because none of this is a surprise to the God Who sits in heaven. None of this has taken Him unaware. None of this has Him wringing His hands wondering what to do next.

You look at the next passage in the scripture He’s had you studying, because heaven is still beyond anything we can imagine, hell is still hellish, the Great Commission is still our assignment, people still need to know Jesus, and God is still on the throne.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could remember that all the time?

And so this morning we find ourselves in the 14th verse of the 6th chapter of John. Look there with me please.

- Read John 6:14-15

I have to admit, when I recently began studying these verses the first thing that came to mind was all of the debates we’ve seen on TV recently, where people are lined up side-by-side, debating and arguing, and spending countless millions of dollars advertising trying to become president, when in this passage we find people wanting to make Jesus king and instead of encouraging them or taking them up on the offer, He slips away to a mountain by Himself, to get away from the people.

My goodness, that’s no way to start a movement. That’s no way to change things. Jesus’ family and brothers were not political consultants, but even they knew better than that. In John, we read,

- John 7:2-4

But Jesus slipped away.

If there was ever anyone qualified to be king, it is Jesus.

John 1 tells us Jesus created all things. All things were made by Him and apart from Him was nothing made that was made. Who better qualified to be king than the One Who created it?

In John chapter 2, Jesus cleanses the Temple. He drove out the money changers and those selling animals. He knew that God has standards and what was going on in the temple did not meet those standards. Am I the only one here who wishes we had a king who had not only the desire but the ability to clean house, to hold people to godly standards?

In John chapter 3 we find Jesus’ mission and the Fathers love for us described. You remember the verse. Say it with me,

> John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but hath everlasting life.

In the same chapter we read of Nicodemus, a religious leader coming to Jesus in the night, and Jesus teaches the teacher. He explains what is necessary to be saved. He talks about being born again.

When so many of our politicians go into office poor and become wealthy. Jesus left the glories, the majesty, and the praise of heaven to come down here and be hungry, to be spat on, rejected and abused for us. Who better qualified to be king than One Who would leave the glories of heaven to come for us, and One Who is wiser than our instructors and Who knows the way to heaven?

In John chapter 4, we find Jesus encountering the woman at the well. She was the low of the low, married and divorced 5 times and now living with a man she wasn’t married to. Living on the edge. An outcast of society. One so despised by people that she would go get her water in the middle of the day, just to avoid them, their talk, and their judgmental stares. She’s the one “good people” would stare at and use as an example for their children, telling them, “You better shape up and change your life or you’re going to end up like her one day.” She’s the one we would see today, standing at the intersection or the off ramp holding a sign asking for handouts; the one we try to ignore, or not see because we do not understand, and yet, of all of the people in that town, she is the one Jesus chose to talk with and to work through to reach that whole community.

A man Who cares for the lowest of the low in society? Who better to be king?

In John chapter 5 Jesus goes by the sheep gate. He goes to the pool of Bethesda, to a place we would probably avoid because of all of the sick and disabled people lying around that we couldn’t possibly help. They are people heart-broken, and hopeless because they so desperately hope that they can get in the water when its stirred and they can get healed, but it never happens. Their disease and disabilities remain with them. In steps Jesus. From that whole group He selects one to be healed, and then confronts the religious leaders when they get upset about Him healing on the Sabbath. He is decisive and able to make difficult decisions when from the whole crowd there that day, and in spite of the fact that on other occasions He healed everyone brought to Him, on that day He said, “today this man will be healed.” And then busted the chops of the folks who tried to make religion something it isn’t supposed to be.

In chapter 6, Jesus is moved with compassion when He sees thousands coming to Him, who have nothing to eat. He takes the little that is available, 5 loaves and 2 fish, multiplies it beyond imagine, and feeds everybody there according to verse 11, as much as they wanted. Not just what they needed, but as much as they wanted!

Can you imagine? No wonder the people wanted to make Him king! My goodness, give me a presidential candidate like that today, and Republican, Democrat, Independent, Whigs, or oompaloopas, I’d vote for Him. I’d vote for him, I’d make political contributions toward his election. I’d have one of his bumper stickers on the back of everyone of our vehicles, the church’s golf carts and Travis’ tractor. I’d have signs lining the front of our yard. I’d campaign for him. I’d call everyone of your houses, while you’re sitting down with your family eating supper, and try to convince you to vote for him, and to send in a contribution as well.

My word, give me a candidate like that, and I’m all in.

But, When Jesus knew that they were about to come and take Him by force and make Him king, He withdrew again to the mountain by Himself.

You see, Jesus had an issue, and the people had some problems.


Jesus had an issue. One day Jesus will be king, but this was not that time. One day Jesus will sit on the throne and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, but this was not that time.

Jesus had an issue, and that issue was timing. He will be king, but this was not the time.

Jesus didn’t come, according to His own words, to become King. Jesus came:

1. To seek and to save the lost.

> Luke 19:10 The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

That was Jesus’ mission. It wasn’t to accrue fame and fortune. It wasn’t to acquire material things, or political influence or power. His mission was to seek and to save the lost.

2. To free the captives

Do you remember the first time it is recorded that Jesus preached? What did He preach?

> Luke 4:16-21 He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release[l] to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. He began by saying to them, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.”

Jesus had a mission and He wasn’t going to be distracted by the things of the world and allow them to keep Him from accomplishing what the Father had sent Him to do.

3. To serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.

When so many of our “public servants” claim to be our servants, many of them use political office as a way to curry favor and to enrich themselves. They like the accolades, and the attention. They enjoy having folks wait on them.

Jesus, Who already had all of that, left it to serve others. He washed the disciples’ feet.

Ultimately, He died on the cross. He gave His life for you and Me.

Jesus Had an issue with becoming king because that is not what the Father sent Him to do. His goal was to do the Father’s will.

Jesus had an issue with the people’s desire. It did not fall in line with God’s plan.

Wouldn’t it be great if we were more concerned with discovering and doing the Lord’s will in our lives and less concerned about what other people wanted? Wouldn’t it be great is we were more concerned about the Father’s opinion of us, than we were about the world’s opinion of us?

Jesus had an issue. The peoples’ desires did not line up with God’s desire, so He chose to follow the Father.

Jesus had an issue, and the people had some problems.


The people had some problems.

1. They did not know the scriptures as well as they should have so they made some mistakes.

The people wanted to make Jesus their king. They wanted to make Him their Messiah.

These people were Jews, so they had a religious heritage in which the idea of a delivering-Messiah was very prominent. And, the Bible makes a number of promises about a coming Messiah that the people recognized in Jesus.

> Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.

After Jesus taught, they remembered this and thought Jesus must be the Prophet because of the wisdom He taught with.

> Psalm 132:12-15 For the Lord has chosen Zion;

he has desired it for his home: “This is my resting place forever; I will make my home here because I have desired it. I will abundantly bless its food; I will satisfy its needy with bread.

The Lord promised to provide bread, or food, for Israel. Here is Jesus, multiplying loaves and fish and feeding all of those people.

Jesus is smart, and He’s feeding folks, providing food. Surely this must be the Prophet. Surely this must be the Messiah.

And one day Jesus will be king. We correctly sing, “Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne.”

But the people had overlooked or missed or forgotten the passages which talked about the king, or the prophet or the Messiah having to suffer and die. They didn’t know their Bibles as well as they should have or as well as they thought, and it caused them to make some mistakes.

Isn’t it heart-breaking when you deal with people like that? Isn’t it heart-breaking when you deal with people who claim or think they know their Bibles when they really don’t. It’s like Mick Dundee saying, They were all fishermen, just like me. Yeah, straight to heaven for Mick Dundee. Yep, me and God, we be mates.

How sad, and dangerous it is when people think they know their Bibles and they really don’t.

You can often recognize this. They’ll answer a question you have by saying, “Well my Bible says . . . “. What’s that, “My Bible stuff?” Either the Bible says something or it doesn’t.

People will say, “Jesus is love.” Yes He is. Or, a loving God wouldn’t send someone to Hell.

Oh my friend, God is a good God. He is loving and merciful, and kind. He loves you so much He sent His only Begotten Son for you.

The Bible tells us, “But God commended His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ dies for us.”

He is so many things. But one of the things He is is just, and justice requires sin be paid for.

You don’t have to know much to her saved and to become a follower of Christ. The blind man Jesus healed, when he was questioned by the religious leaders said, “All I know is I was blind but now I see.”

The thief on the cross didn’t know much but cried out, “Master, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom, and Jesus answered, “This day shalt thou be with Me in paradise.”

They didn’t know much, but what they knew was correct. What they knew was right.

Let me ask you my friend, do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you know Him as your king?


Admit that you’ve sinned.

Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He’s been raised from the dead.

C - Confess your sins to Him, and confess Him to men.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe in your heart God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

It is so important to learn and to know the scriptures, so that people can’t mislead you, or so that you don’t get only part of the picture.

That’s one of the reasons we are told to “study to show thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God.”

How scary that passage is where Jesus says in Matthew 7,

> Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, drive out demons in your name, and do many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you lawbreakers!

The people had some problems. They didn’t know the scriptures. The also had a second problem. They wanted a king who would give them what they wanted.

2. They wanted to king who gave them what they wanted.

The people wanted Jesus as their king because He gave them bread. As long as He gave them what they wanted, they were happy, they were content to have Him as their king. But, not too far in the future, some people not much different than these, perhaps some including some of these very same people were crying, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him.”

- John 6:26

They supported Him for selfish reasons. They followed Jesus, only because of what they could get from Him. If we examine our hearts, we may find that we follow Him for the same reasons.

When we’re hurting, we want Him to comfort us. When we’re broken we want Him to heal us. When we’re lost we want Him to direct us.

Jesus, give me, give me, give me.

What kind of Lord/Disciple relationship is that? What kind of Creator/created relationship is that? What kind of Master/servant relationship is that?

Is Jesus some kind of cosmic Santa Claus that is just to magically give us everything we want?

Do you remember when Jesus was teaching His disciples and He said to them,

Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it.

We don’t talk much about that do we. This is one reason the Bible speaks so plainly of the need to deny self and selfish desires as Christians.

> Romans 6:4 We are buried with Him by baptism unto death.

What does it mean that we are to die to self? It means that we are to say “NO” to anything that lies outside the will of God for our lives.

Have you crucified self? Is Jesus really the Lord in your life? Have you really crucified anything that is outside God’s will for your life?

Here’s how you can tell. When you have stopped complaining.

Let me say that again. One way you can tell if you have really submitted yourself to God is when you have quit complaining.

The Bible has a good word for what we do when we really haven’t stopped complaining. It’s murmur. What is murmuring> Murmuring is expressing rebellion about something you don’y really want to do, under your breath. It’s what your children do when you tell them to do something, and they walk away mumbling under their breath. It’s called murmuring because that’s what it sounds like.

That is what we do with God. God tells us to do something and the first thing we attempt to do is to stare Him down. We want to see if He really means it. After we find that He does mean it, we murmur. And the reason we murmur is because we don’t really want to do what He told us to do. If you do that, then you ate in the company of the crowd of people who only followed Jesus because He gave them bread. You are part of the crowd that only followed Jesus when He gave them what they wanted.

Grow Up! Come to the point in your life where you who longer murmur but instead you say, “Yes Lord, You know best!”

3. They wanted a king they could use.

These folks were under Roman rule. In some ways their lives were actually better. Crime was better controlled. They had better streets. They didn’t have to worry about people attacking them, other nations coming and enslaving or killing a bunch of them, or hauling them off. But they hated being under Roman rule.

The folks thought Jesus might be the Messiah that would give them their country back. So they looked at scriptures they wanted so they could use Jesus.

Don’t we do that at times as well? We often use the Bible to justify the American way of life. God has so richly blessed this nation, and so we often use the fact that this country was founded as a Christian nation as an excuse for our excesses.

We want a Christ that will make us comfortable and happy. One we can use when there’s a sickness in the family, or the bills are stacking up.

Does that describe the kind of relationship you have with the Lord?

Let me ask you, when was the last time you prayed with Isaiah, “Here I am Lord. Send me?”

When was the last time you prayed with Jesus in the garden, “Not my will but thine be done?”

My friend, that is not who you are called to be. That is not why Jesus died.

You and I are to be salt in a rotting and tasteless world. We are called to be light, in a world being overcome by darkness. We are called to be different. To talk different. To act different. To have different priorities than the rest of the world?

Let me ask you my friend, how are you doing on that?

You see my friend, this morning you are being an opportunity to decide who will be king in your life. Will you remain king in your life, doing what you want and trying to change Jesus into someone who will do your bidding; or will you make the crucified, sacrifice-demanding, real Jesus the King in your life and work to follow and please Him?

The choice is your’s.

If we had sold our stocks or moved our retirements 3 weeks ago, we could be much better off than we are today, but we didn’t know.

Here is something we do know, Jesus is coming. He will be king and we will give an account. Choose wisely.