Series: Action [#41]
Galatians 4:1-7
We live in a time, when having a discussion about slavery can be very tense. Many of those conversations become about slavery in the United States. After 4 years of Civil War, the 13th Amendment was ratified. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery.
During Paul’s time, slavery was considered acceptable. With that in mind, Paul was describing who we are without Jesus as Savior.
Galatians 4:1-3 (NIV)
1. What you were.
If you are a Christian, what were you before you were saved? I love how the Message paraphrases this.
Galatians 4:1-3 (MSG)
We are born into a nature of sin. That sin nature holds us captive. The Law teaches us that we are sinners, and we deserve eternal punishment. Before you are saved, you are a slave to sin. Before you are saved, you are a slave of fear. Before you are saved, you are a slave of the world and the ways of the world.
Galatians 4:4-5
2. What God has done to save you.
God sent Jesus in the form of a man just at the right time. Jesus was born under the Law. He is the only person who the Law did not condemn. Jesus did not come to destroy the Law; but to fulfill it. Through Jesus, we can be redeemed, so that we can be adopted by God.
This was Roman adoption, which is like US adoption. Once a child is adopted into the family, they can never lose their inheritance. A natural born child can be left out of the inheritance; but an adopted child will get their portion of the inheritance. God has adopted us into His Family.
Galatians 4:6-7
3. What you are now.
Once a person is saved, they are a child of God. Once a person is saved, the Holy Spirit of God lives in their heart. The Holy Spirit within us calls out to God the Father. Because you are a child of God, you are no longer a slave. Instead, you are an heir.
If you have not been saved, you are still held captive by this world; and the Law condemns you. If you are a Christian, you are no longer a slave- You are God’s child.