Summary: When God Places the Power in your Hands

In this scripture, we find an inspiring story tucked away in these couple of verses in 2nd Samuel 23. Here we find the story of Eleazar; one of David’s mighty men. In fact, there are a number of names of those soldiers who distinguished themselves in combat for David which are recorded for us her in 2nd Samuel. However, out of all the name that were mention, three were particularly honoured: Josheb, Shammah, and this great character Eleazar.

He is particularly remembered for his heroic deeds in a battle with the Philistines. We know this because in 1st Chronicles 11:12-14 we are told a little more about this occasion. The battle scene was at a place called “Pasadammim” the dell or the basin, of bloodshed”. And what I found so interestingly, is that it is the same place where David (years before) had defeated Goliath.

This place seems to have been a recurring headache for Israel, because Saul had been held up in this same place by the Philistines until David stepped in, and now David has returned there facing the same enemy (the Philistines) in another confrontation.

There is a great lesson to be learned here, and what I have found out is that the enemy will often time take us back to old battlegrounds; places where he has held us up in the past!

In fact, as I look back on my Christian walk, my greatest battles have been fought on the same battle grounds as before, over the same things time and time again, some of those same things that I’d already dealt with. Some of those same battles that I’ve had before. Some of those same issue that has confronted me before, it seems like I had ended up on the same battle ground again.

It’s here at Pasadammim again then, that the Philistines group themselves against the forces of David’s army. It seems that the Philistines posed a terrifying foe; because all the men of Israel were gone away, they had fled in fear. But David and this man Eleazar took up position, these two men took a stance in a barley field in a small valley. And David noticed something, David recognizes that I have been here before fighting against the Philistine opposition. And as David and Eleazar understood this plight in flight. David and Eleazer knew what they had to do, and the Philistine army was so overtaken, that when the other men of Israel returned, all that was left to do was the looting of dead men!

What a man this Eleazar was! And if we were to look a little closer, we could learn a lot from him and his weapon; the 1st thing that we notice is:

When dissecting this verse, the first thing we see is the adequacy of Eleazar’s weapon.

In verse 10, the bible says that He arose, he got up and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the Lord wrought a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to spoil.

In other words, Eleazar brought down the entire Philistine armed forces with just one weapon in his hand, his trusty sword. In fact, it was a weapon that he had confidence in. And I believe without a shadow of doubt that he had fought many other battles with it before. In fact, it had been a reliable sword to him - he cared for it himself, sharpening and oiling it continually, and he knew that it would not fail him in the heat of battle.

And those of on the live you have got to know the sufficiency of your sword. You have got to know that it is two edged and when you need it, it will cut coming and going. You have got to know that your weapon is available to you day and night. In fact, it is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Your sword is a battle-axe in the time of war. Your sword (or your word is) weapon of many faucets. You can lean on it when you are tire, you can depend on it when you are weary. You can consult with it when you are confused and you reach for it when you are in need. Eleazar handle his sword with confidence because it had proven to be reliable to him time and time again.

We see the sufficiency of his weapon, but we also see that it was a weapon that he was familiar with.

Eleazar, by constant use, had mastered that sword. Before he ever came near the battlefield, he had defeated a thousand imaginary enemies - he had practiced with it for hours on end.

He was familiar with how it feels, he knew the weight of it; he knew what it could cut through, and he knew how much force he needed to swing it with. He knew how to use it both defensively and offensively - he was totally at ease using this sword. He was so familiar with it, that it became just like an extension of his own arm.

Eleazar’s sword provides us with a picture of the weapon that God has placed in our hands as Christians. In Ephesians 6:17 we are told to take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. But the question is - do we know our weapon? And the question is do we know it well enough that we have unflinching confidence in it? We need to study our Word, know the power of our Word, learn the strength of our Word, and definitely we need to know the power of our Word.

And let me share this with you. It does not matter if preacher after preacher assures you that God’s Word is unfailing, and it does not matter if we can present it in such a way that rings out with truth to you. Because it will, all be just words until you begin to live out God’s Word in your own life and see for yourself that he never fails to keep a promise, and that He is always faithful to His Word. At this point you will know - then that you have unflinching, and an undaunted, and a waving confidence of the weapon that is in your hands!

My question is are we familiar enough with our weapon to know that there is an answer in the Word of God for every situation you will ever face. The fact of the matter is, if we haven’t spent any time in the Word we won’t know those answers when we need them.

Eleazar’s sword was sufficient for the battle - but for him to be effective with it he needed to have confidence in it and to be totally familiar with it. The Word of God is sufficient for every battle we ever have to fight - how well do we know our weapon? And how often do oil and sharpen our weapon, and most importantly how often do we use our weapon?

Then we see: The stubbornness of Eleazar’s grip. The bible says that His hand clave unto the sword. Oh, I like that! Eleazar’s hand clave unto the sword, despite the fact that: the situation “seemed” helpless, because notice that all of the other men of Israel were gone away, they had ran away, but Eleazar, what’s the point? There are a couple points. First of all everyone that says that they are in the fight with you isn’t, people will run off and leave you when things get hot. And the second things is, when you have the sword of God, know that you can face a whole multitude of Philistines by yourself.

Despite the fact, that all of the human resources were gone. He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, until he was tired, until he was exhausted. He was so tired that all of his human strength was drained, but he didn’t he give up, because he had some extended power? The bible said that His hand clave unto the sword or his hand clave to the power. The word clave here meant that it moved in a rhythmicity style in rhythm.

Thirdly, and finally, we see: The securer of Eleazar’s victory.

The bible says, and the Lord wrought a great victory that day."

Here is the strength in Eleazar’s sword. God took this one warrior and used him to put an army to flight. It was God that secured the victory for Eleazar.

Eleazar trained himself with his sword, he learned to used it as an expert, and he clung to it through the battle, but it was God’s power that enabled him, empowered him, permitted him and authorized him to defeat the Philistines.

And this is why I love 2nd Corinthians 10:4 for it says: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

And let me just throw this in. if you don’t know what the name “Eleazar” means it means- “God (is my) helper”. He helps me when I’m in trouble. He helps me when I’m in need. He helps me when I’m going through, and he helps me when I’m down. I can hear him saying that God indeed helped him to overthrow the enemies of Israel.

And that’s a word for someone that’s been dealing with the enemy, that God can give you the strength to defeat the Philistines in your life.

God was the security of Eleazar’s victory.

And can I tell you this morning, that God’s weapon in the hand of God’s man or woman is a awesome thing!

Because His Word is sufficient for every situation that you or I will ever face, but we need to know it, and we need to have confidence in it, and most of all we need to be familiar with it.

Well Pastor how we can be confident that in this, well, if we learn to honor His Word - the Lord is able to secure every victory for us (no matter what the odds). And I know that the victory is mine when the battle is the Lords!

All I’m telling you is that if you got God on your side you have already won. If you have God on your side then you are already victorious.

The reason why many people fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle to prepare for battle. The reason why others succeed in battle is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came...Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory.”

I’m reminded of a little boy that was in a accident while riding his four wheeler, which hurt the young man real bad, and they tried to call the doctor on the phone, but I heard that the doctor was unreachable. But I heard thar grandma came in the room with an old Shaw on her shoulder, and she said I know that you have tried your doctor, and I know that you have tried calling your doctor, and you didn’t get an answer, so, now let me call my doctor because he’s never to busy and he’s never to late.

And I heard that one of the grand children tried to hand her a telephone and she said I don’t need no phone all I need is this little closet right here. And I heard that she broke out with a song and the lyrics was come on in the room Jesus is my doctor and he writes out all of my prescription and he gives me all of my medicine in the room.

I heard that the little boy jump up off the bed leaping and dancing saying that I feel God moving all over me.

And I heard him say can somebody just jump with me. And somebody said why do you want us to jump and I heard him say that jump is the acronym Jesus Understand My Praise.

So, can I just get somebody to jump with me for all that he has done.

So, Pastor why was everyone jumping and shouting? Well, it was because of the weapon that the grandmother used to help here grand baby. She used prayer when nothing else would help. She talked to the one that made us and he knows all about us.

And for someone that is listening to my voice this morning, your weapon is the blood that Jesus shed for you and me, our weapon is Jesus dying on the cross. Our weapon is his death, bury and resurrection.