This year we are on a journey to discover our destinies. Meaning that there must be a movement. However, we need to know that;
Movement is not progress.
Direction movement is progress because with you now have what to measure your progress with.
And nobody can move beyond the vision they see.
Therefore, catching a vision is the first step to progress.
This morning God is calling you not us. He is calling you to come up hither.
I pray that we answer the call of God this morning and fulfil our destinies, Amen.
The Title of my Massage this Morning is MADE FOR GLORY.
Text: Colossians 1:27
Glory is the goal of life. There is no greater purpose in life than to manifest your personal glory. It is a fact of creation that every living thing possesses its own glory and exists for the purpose of manifesting that glory. If the greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose, then the greatest shame in life is not revealing your true glory. The cemeteries of earth are filled with the glory of many who failed to access their true selves, and left the earth without ever showing their real worth.
I believe that this issue of glory is the most important aspect of creation and that it holds the key to fulfillment of our destinies.
What is glory? What do we mean when we speak of the “glory of God” or the “glory” of the sun, moon, and stars? The Hebrew word for “glory,” as found in Psalm 19:1 and Isaiah 6:3 (and nearly 200 other places in the Old Testament) is kabod, which comes from a root word with the basic meaning of “heavy,” or “weighty.”
Kabod also carries the idea of “fullness” or the “full weight” of something.
When used in the phrase, “the glory of God,” kabod most often refers to “a visible manifestation of God” that is “directly related to God’s self-disclosure and His intent to dwell among men.
The word glory in its fundamental meaning connotes such concepts as “full weight,” “true nature,” “full essence” or “true reality.”
God made everything in GLORY
Therefore, the glory of a thing is its true essence and nature. The Creator designed all things with their glory, or true essence, buried within.
Glory is the hidden truth of all created things. The purpose of life is to manifest that glory.
You and every one of the people on this planet are walking containers of glory, and it is the Creator’s desire that each one release that full glory and fill the earth with the glory of their Manufacturer.
It is time for us to realize that all men possess glory and have this hidden treasure of their Creator crying out for exposure.
It is my belief that the Creator desires all men everywhere, male and female, to manifest their glory. Only He has the ultimate prescription for its full release.
I dare you to move to the next level of your life and decide to go from glory to glory. You owe it to yourself and your Creator.
Let men see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven (Matt. 5:16).
Yet the question is: How do you accomplish this?
1. All of Creation exists
to manifest the glory of God. Not just humans
King David the psalmist wrote,
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands (Psalms19:1).
The apostle Paul referred to the glory in all things when he wrote to the Corinthians,
(1 Corinthians 15:40-41 KJV).
2. Glory Is the Full Expression of God’s Nature
The greatest and ultimate display of God’s glory on earth was in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, of whom the apostle John wrote, “We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” ( Jn. 1:14b). “Through [Jesus] and through His presence in the church, God’s glory is indeed filling the earth.”
In the New Testament, the basic Greek word for “glory,” as in First Corinthians 15:40-41 and John 1:14, is doxa, from which we get our word doxology. Essentially, doxa refers to the attributes or true nature of a thing. The “glory” (doxa) of God refers to the characteristic qualities of His nature, which are best seen through the person of Jesus Christ and the lives of believers.
To put it another way, the glory of God is the full nature of God on display.
God is a Creator by nature, and His creation displays His creativity.
Creation manifests God’s glory.
The Four Principles of Glory in Creation
1. God created everything with glory. (Gen. 1:1).
Because God is a Creator by nature, it is only natural that His creation would reflect His glory. Everything God made has its own unique glory, which reflects His glory. Birds, cats, dogs, ants, mosquitoes, trees, flowers, sun, moon, stars—each have their own unique glory.
2. God created everything to manifest its glory.
God’s original design was that every creature, by becoming everything it was created to be, would manifest its own unique glory and by so doing reveal God’s glory. The words of the first chapter of Genesis make this clear.
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so
(Genesis 1:11).
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so (Genesis 1:14-15).
And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky” (Genesis 1:20).
All of these things—plants, animals, birds, fish, heavenly bodies—were created to act or behave according to the nature God put into them. They were created to manifest their glory, “and it was so.” It is a bird’s glory to fly; God created it with “flight” nature. The full nature of a creature its glory—is already present when it is created. All it takes is nourishment, growth, and the right environment for that creature to fully display its glory.
3. God is pleased when glory is seen.
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good” (Gen. 1:31a). God is pleased when His creations manifest their glory—and His—by becoming everything He created them to be.
4. Finally, God created man as the ultimate exposure of His glory. God’s purpose in creating the human race was so that we could live in fellowship with Him, and he rule over the earth.
If the lower ranks of creatures were designed to display God’s glory, how much more were we, who represent the highest order of creation and the greatest masterpiece of God’s artistry.
We are God’s Masterpiece, You are God’s Masterpiece.
All Creation displays God’s glory, but only man was made in God’s image.
God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness.” The Hebrew word tselem (image) also means “likeness,” “resemblance,” or “representation.” Since God is spirit and man is flesh, our likeness to Him is not in physical resemblance. Rather, God has endowed us with spiritual, intellectual, and moral likeness to Himself.
God is God, and He took a little part of Himself and poured it out into us.
That means that whatever our Daddy got, we got. Everything God ever intended us to be we already have—virtually infinite potential hidden inside these earthly bodies. God created us to have dominion over the earth; anything less squanders our potential.
Human beings are God’s representatives on earth. He created us in His image. We are not fake imitations. We are genuine masterpieces “painted” by the hand of the Master Artist.
Sin has distorted God’s image and hidden it away under a lot of worldly “junk,” so we are hard to identify as “God’s originals.”
He has the power to dig down and cut through the junk to expose the glory
See, every living thing needs a proper environment in which to display its God-given glory. A bird was created to fly; therefore, the glory of a bird is to fly. Birds need the sky and the open air to fully express their glory. If you take a bird and lock it in a cage, it cannot show its full glory. The bird’s glory is restricted by its environment.
It is natural for a fish to swim. That which is natural to a thing is its glory. A fish doesn’t struggle in the water; it swims. Swimming is its glory. But if I take a fish out of its watery environment, it will start having problems immediately. Therefore Only in its proper environment can a fish display its glory.
Like the bird and the fish, mankind was also created to function in a prescribed environment: the presence of God. We thrive best in the environment for which we were designed. Our glory is to be like God and to rule like God in fellowship and harmony with God. Like a bird in a cage, anything that hinders us from becoming everything God created us to be restricts our glory. The only way we can really learn how to be like God and to rule like God is to live in an environment that is permeated with the presence of God. In order to be like God, we must know God, and to know God, we must spend time in His presence
From the very beginning, God provided both the proper environment and the proper relationship in which the humans He had created could thrive and fully express their glory as beings living and working in harmony with Him.
Sin marred both the environment and the relationship. Man failed to realize his glory and thus distorted the image of God in which he was made.
Adam and Eve needed an environment where they were surrounded by the presence of God, a place where they could be in continual union with Him. God provided just such a place. The Bible calls it Eden.
Eden represented a state of pure, complete, and unbroken fellowship
between God and man.
God’s original purpose was for Eden to be duplicated throughout the world so that His glory truly would fill the earth.
Under His covering they were completely free to be fruitful, to multiply, and to become everything He intended for them to be. Only in God’s presence could they attain fullness of personhood.
Only in His presence could they fully expose their glory.
Only in His presence could His glory shine through them.
It is important to understand the difference between the presence of God and the glory of God. Many believers today make the mistake of equating the two, when really they are quite different.
The presence of God is the active manifestation of God that fills the environment in which creation exists and lives. Presence means “per-sense”; we get a “sense” of God before He fully manifests Himself.
The presence of God is His pre-determined environment for us to function and be fruitful.
While the presence of God is an environment that is very real but invisible, the glory of God is an actual, observable thing.
Sin made it impossible for us to accomplish our purpose because it separated us from God’s presence. We can’t become what He created us to be without His presence. God’s Word and will must be fulfilled, however, so He began right away to carry out His plan to restore us to our proper environment.
The problem with us today is that we don’t really know who we are. We have either forgotten or simply stopped believing what the Bible says about where we came from and why we are here. Some people have never known. This ignorance of our identity and purpose as humans pervades every society and culture around the world.
You see…one thing that Satan has always tried to keep away from mankind, was not money, was not material things..,
Satan has always tried to keep the man from his True Identity.
* Let us turn our Bibles to the book of John 10:33
The Jews replied him: "We are not stoning you for any good work," they replied, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God."
* Nothing in the physical can reveal your identity, not your possessions, not your clothes, not your car nor house.
*The man that God created in Genesis 1:26 who is in the image of God is not flesh but Spirit.
* When Jesus died on the cross, he was not dying for our flesh. He came to save the spirit man.
*No matter how nice your body is, it will die, go down in the grave and get eaten by worms.
*Knowing your true Identity is to know who you are spiritually.
*When the Bible says my people perish because of Lack of knowledge, the Bible is not talking about people not knowing Science or Biology or failing to memorize the Bible. - People perish because they lack the knowledge and the revelation of who they are... and who is living inside of them.
Psalms 33:13-15 …can someone read it from NKJV
Vs 15 : He fashioned their hearts individually, he considers all their works ….
If the bible you are using is yours, you can underline that.
Your heart has been fashioned individually by God and consider what we do. There are 2 concepts I want us to consider here –
1. God sees each of us individually: in the midst of all the people living in the whole world, God view each of us as individuals. He knew each one of us. We are not a number, or a mass of people. When God down on earth he doesn’t see earth people, He sees individuals. This is very important because it is very common for us to see ourselves based on the group we belong to but God see us individually. You are unique in God’s scheme of affairs. And God has “wired” each of uniquely to fit into that scheme.
2. God will judge what we do by what he has put in our hearts….
This passage suggests that God is not just considering what you are doing…he considers it based on what he has put into you. That is why I said at the start that movement s not progress…only movement in the direction of his will can be progress…and that’s out ultimate destiny.
God will never demand anything of us that He will not equip us to accomplish.
No one can fully fulfill God’s purpose for them without His presence. The Israelites couldn’t and neither can we. Without the energizing power of God we cannot maximize our full potential or bring out the ultimate glory hidden within us. In order to expose God’s glory in us we must pursue His manifest presence around us. God’s presence paves the way for His glory. We cannot see God’s glory without His presence.
If we say that it is his PRESENCE that brings the glory then we need to get that. But how?
The answer is in:
Colossians 1:27
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
The whole scripture has always been about the journey to get back his glory. The glory is the LIFE of God manifest. This life of God becomes the light of men. This life of God is what we call "NEW LIFE" or born again.
New life usually starts with a CRY. It comes with a sense of need. So if you feel uncomfortable with what you are hearing…it’s normal…but stay with it
A male Child though he is gat everything a man gets, but he never produce an image. Why? Maturity….
If we are to birth Christ, then we must be mature
2 very important things, one will make us get his presence, the other will make us loose it the more…
1. Holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:18
2. Unbelief. Hebrew 4.
Our natural birth bring the consciousness of self
Our spiritual birth bring the consciousness of God.
Everything we hate in life is a fruit of Adam.
Real conversion starts the day you understand that what Adam needs is death not renovation.
Romans 6:6-10
God cannot be and you are also, you need to put yourself to death.
Salvation is God saving me from me. Not saving me from fornication or pornography…saving me from the adamic nature in me...
Christ in me is the salvation not in me trying to stop sin.
God is calling YOU to “salvation” meaning you must be born again to what you know, knowing that Christ has already saved me without my participation. This new born again is conscious of what Christ has already done.
When God sees you, he does not see sin, He sees Christ because you are sitted with Christ in high places. He is just waiting for you to see yourself there too – that’s real born again.
The passage “if you confess the name of the Lord you will be saved. Actually means that because you believe in heart – you now confess. Not because you have confessed you now have him.
Romans 10:10
These revelation of Christ will come you in two forms.
1. The knowledge of Christ
-Knowing the truth about the finished work of Christ
-Knowing that we are Crucified with Christ. Gal. 2:20
2. The expression of Christ