Summary: Psalms 23 is one of the most popularly known and read psalms. Many people often recite it because of the power of God behind the words in this Psalm. This particular portion of the Bible is truly a practical guide to everyday living. There is no better captioned for it than “JEHOVAH IS MY SHEPHERD”

PSALMS 23:1-6, “ Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: He guideth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou hast anointed my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and lovingkindness shall follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of Jehovah forever. Psalm 24 A Psalm of David”.

Psalms 23 is one of the most popularly known and read psalms. Many people often recite it because of the power of God behind the words in this Psalm. This particular portion of the Bible is truly a practical guide to everyday living. There is no better captioned for it than “JEHOVAH IS MY SHEPHERD”

I group this Psalm 23 into four distinctive parts, In verses 1-2 – it talks about God being our caring provider who goes all out to ensure our refreshment and rest. In verse 3, we see God caring for our spirituality; He takes delight in keeping our souls alive for His glory. In verse 4, God manifests His power to protect His children which He takes to be His responsibility, and then in verses 5-6, God pours into us His abundant blessings that are immeasurable.

Do you know that when God created you, He made work for Himself to do? God has job description and the good news is that it is centered on you. God is the best and dependable Good Shepherd; John 10:11 –‘ I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep.’ It is very serious that God commits His life for our salvation and this is the best part of His job description. God is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pastures.

Let’s critically get the best from verses 4 – 6;

‘EVEN THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE SHADOW OF DEATH’ - I will fear no evil because God is with me. Alleluia! There is no shadow that operates independently, shadows depend of light. The activities and attacks of the enemies are seen to be shadows in the presence of God. As shadows, they depend on Jesus Christ who is the True Light. They depend on He that is in you to function. They depend on Him that has the power to destroy them to function. Now you see the wonders of God, which is the reason that you are unstoppable. Every challenge that comes around us, we must be rest assured that they come to pass away and never to stay with us. We are on a walk through it. The Rod and Staff signifies instruments of rebuke, correction, protection and guidance. God is interested in you that He combines both instruments so that we become the best. When the Rod is used, the staff comes into play immediately to restore us again

‘PREPARE A TABLE’ – the One that prepares this table is the MOST HIGH GOD, because He is already high, the table is automatically a High Table – Celebration table where the VIP (Very Important personalities, dignitaries) sit to be entertained. The hands of your enemies that reach the height of your blessings and they cannot come near it because we are far above principalities and powers of the satanic kingdom. You know that after the war come celebration. I see God making you the next celebrant in Jesus name, AMEN.

‘IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES’ – God has vowed to prepare your celebration table in the presence of your mockers. A great testimony will be recorded in your name that the church of Jesus Christ will increase when your testimony shall be told to the world. Moses was tagged a criminal in Egypt after he killed the Egyptian but God took him back and made his rod to destroy the rods of Egyptian, God turned it a snake that swallowed the deadly snakes of Pharaoh’s household. God is turning your mockers to be your announcers because the supernatural evidence will happen before them. I presume that there was a headline that carried the slavery of Joseph immediately he entered Egypt, but when God prepared his table, there was another publication that read, JOSEPH THE PRIME MINISTER. May there be another news concerning your matter that will bring ovation of praise to you and your God.

‘MY CUP OVERFLOWS’ – God is anointing your head with oil this season and this grace commands surplus in your life. The God of surplus is your God, when He comes, the blessings shall be surplus that will extend to every side.

‘GOODNESS AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME’ – This is when mercy becomes the judge of your life and case. When mercy seats over your matter, he rewards you with goodness. God is Mercy and He has brought us in this season to qualify us and to discharge us from every allegations/charges. In John 8:1-11, the adulterous woman was taken to the wrong address but her enemies didn’t know. May God’s mercy cancel judgment hanging around you in Jesus name, Amen.