Summary: New Years Eve

Brothers and Sisters as we are about to make our exodus out of 2020 and about to cross on the threshold of 2021 I think that it is of the utmost important to understand that we all have something to shout about because when we reflect back on the days of our lives in 2020 we all have had our share of good days as well bad days, we have all had our moments of ups and downs. We all have had either had a touch of covid, or known someone with covid, and there is a great possibility that we knew someone that died from covid. Yes, we have all had our share of dangers toils and snares, but in the midst of it all God has still been good to us. That’s why I feel that it is imperative, vital and with a sense of urgency that this proclamation, this announcement and claim is validated that you have something to shout about. We ought to enter the year 2021 shouting, because shouting is one of the greatest instrumental tools in giving God the praises that he truly deserves. I know that it is important because even David discloses, divulges and releases a statement to us in Psalms 22 and verse 3 that says “that God inhabit the praises of his people, and if he inhabits the praise, in other word dwells or lives in the praises of his people then we ought to be shouting every chance that we get. for shouting suggest great victory as well great praise and if the Lord has done anything for you in 2020, then you have something to shout about.

Now to fully appreciate this text, we must understand the context in which it sets. And my teacher Ms. Beckfire taught us in grade school that we have to understand the past in order to appreciate the present this episode in the text takes place during the last days of Jesus ministry Jesus had been teaching on marriage and divorce, he blesses the little children, he counsels a rich young ruler and tells him that to inherit eternal life he must sell all of his possessions and follow him. He teaches the multitude that with God all things are possible. He predicts for the third time his death and resurrection. He teaches about the greatness in serving, and as he journeys from Galilee to Jerusalem the text informs us that he passed through Jericho. Now as he was leaving Jericho, he met a man who lived there, by the name Bartimaeus—the son of Timaeus who was blind and sat by the Jericho road with his tin cup of existence begging

As we look at Bartimaeus open his classroom up and teaches us some value able lessons, and as we enter-into 2021, and the first lesson that he teaches us is that our conditions doesn’t have to be our conclusion. 2020 had some major blows, but our 2021 doesn’t have to be the same. In other words we had some problems that pushed us down, shoved us down, and laid us down, but we remembered the song that said we fall down but we get up. He also teaches us that we ought not allow the opportunity of a lifetime to pass us by. Because the next thing that the text reveals is that when Bartimaeus heard that

Jesus was passing by he began to shout, and I believe he reason that he shouted is because Bartimaeus had heard how Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana, he had heard how Jesus took a two piece and five biscuits- ok, two fish ad five loaves of bread, and break it and bless it and fed 5000 not including the women and children. He had heard about how the woman with the issue of blood found a pharmaceutical shop in the hem of Jesus garment, how she touch the hem but receive her Healing from the him. Verse 47 in the text says (When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"

Bartimaeus didn’t wait till Jesus got there to shout but he shouted before Jesus got to where he was. In other words, he gave God some praise in advance, since he heard that faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Can I borrow a skinny minute and tell you what I`m talking about?

Bartimaeus didn’t need no preacher to preach him happy

-he didn’t need no choir to sing him happy

-he didn’t need no deacons to pray him happy

-he didn’t need no hymn of preparation, all he needed to know was that the living word of God was near and the bible says he began to shout-son of David have mercy on me

Well not only didn’t he let the opportunity of a lifetime pass him by, the text also tells us that didn’t let the crowd keep him from getting his praise on verse forty-eight, the text says many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

And can I tell you in 2021 don’t allow anyone to silent your praise or your shout. I don’t know what the Lord has done for you, but I can tell you what the Lord has done for me.

So, the record is, he did not let the opportunity of a lifetime pass him by.

He didn’t let the crowd keep him from getting his praise on, but the text also tells us that he used what he had, and what he had was a shout.

He didn’t have a press like the woman with the issue of blood in Mark chapter 5.

He didn’t have 4 friends to bring him to Jesus, like the paralyzed man in Mark chapter 2.

But he used what he had, and what he had was a shout down on the inside and it was powerful enough to get Jesus attention. I know because in verse forty-nine it says in the that when Jesus heard him, he stopped there in the road and said, "tell him to come here."

Well not only did he not let the opportunity of a life time pass him by, not only did he give God some about to praise, not only did he not, let the crowd hinder his praise and he used what he had, but the text says that he got rid of things that would hinder him to from getting to where Jesus was, because verse 50 says that Bartimaeus threw his cloak aside, then he got up and came to Jesus.

And I believe this evening that we ought to allow ourselves to follow Bartimaeus and dismiss anything that might be hindering us from getting to Jesus.

No matter what it is, if it`s hindering you dismiss it and get to Jesus.

And I don’t care how you get, you can get there by railway, you can get there by trailway, you can take a boogie board, skateboard, or even a hoverboard. Just get to Jesus. You can get there by plane, train, or a shopping cart, Just get to Jesus, and when you get there Just Shout. You can shout that I have the victory,

You can shout nobody, but the Lord saved me,

You can shout he is my way maker.

Those are some reason to shout about, but if that’s not good enough, here is one great reason why one Friday evening, they crucified him before lunch, he died before dinner, but he got up before breakfast. And when he got that Sunday morning, and he declared that he has all-power in his hands.

Somebody help me shout.

That reminds me of a story about a man who was going skydiving for the first time. He had taken all his lessons and it was time for his first solo jump. So, he jumped out of the plane, but he panicked and couldn’t remember how to open his parachute. As he was falling rapidly to the earth, he suddenly met another guy who was going up. So, he seized the opportunity and shouted, "excuse me sir but do you know how to open a parachute?" The man shouted back, "No! Do you know how to call on Jesus?" So, he called on the name of Jesus, and when he did, he remember John 14 and 26 that says. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Somebody ought to shout Jesus.