Summary: Our Actions matter---when God leads the way and we follow

Esther 8-10 15th Nov 2020

Welcome back to the final teaching on the Book of Estherfrom Calvary Reformed Church…I'm Pastor Greg and we've spent about five weeks on the Book of Esther. It's been a wonderful study if you've watched them all with us. I trust you've learned a lot; I know that I've learned a lot.

If you have not, I encourage you to go back and watch and learn about this amazing Jewish woman and her cousin, Mordecai. Overall, we see the reality that God has a providence in our lives.

With that, let's have a word of prayer…Father God, as we come to you Lord, I'd ask for wisdom to have Your words, to educate and engage those who are watching right now. That we can better learn how to and understand how we are called to walk in Your providence in our lives and to walk a closer walk with Jesus Christ our Savior. And all God's children said, Amen.

Just to catch us all up with where we've been, the book of Esther is written in the time of Persia when King Xerxes is the king. The book of Esther takes place about 130 years or so after the Babylonian captivity with Nebuchadnezzar taking the Jewish people out of the land of Israel. King Xerxes is the grandson to the king who overthrows the Babylonian empire.

There are five main players in the Book of Esther. Today, a lot of people know King Xerxes by the battle that he lost against the Greeks. There was a movie that came out called ‘300’. It is about the 300 Greeks that stood up against King Xerxes army.

We have Vashti, the queen. King Xerxes got rid of her because she would not listen to what he had to say.

Last week we talked about Haman, the Jew hater, who was a descendant of the Amalekites (who were supposed to be destroyed by King Saul because of how evil they were). That’s a whole other story. You can watch the last video for that one. Amazing story.

We also have Esther, whose mom and dad died when she was a young girl.

Her cousin Mordecai takes her on and becomes her father in a way. He raises her and she ends up being placed into (by her own free will or taken by force) the Bachelor… Persia style, for the king…and she wins. She becomes queen.

We looked last week how Haman hated the Jews and he hated Mordecai because he would not bow down to him. He decided he would kill all the Jews. He convinced King Xerxes to get rid of them. It's interesting because the date that they chose had been cast and it was called the Pur. It was decided this would take place in about one year from that time. There were around 12 million Jews at least at that time in the land of Persia that could have been killed.

The queen finds out about this through her cousin, Mordecai. The phrase that so many people know from the Book of Esther is when Mordecai says to his cousin, who is now queen, ‘For such a time as this, God has placed you in this position. What are you going to do about it?’

In the last video we talked about the fact that God has placed all of us in the position that we are at within our life to do that which He calls us to do, He has a purpose and a call and a plan in our lives. Friends, it's not that God calls the gift, but he gifts the called. He gifts the call to those whom He has placed in the purpose…for such a time as this we have been placed where we are.

If you know the whole story of Esther, you know that she invites the king and Haman over to have a meal. There are two meals in a row for two nights. The second night the king says, ‘What do you really need Esther?’ Esther says if it pleases you, spare my people…the Jews’ I love this because Esther says this many times…

• Esther 7:3 ‘If it pleases the king, please spare my life in spirit of the life of my people.’

• Esther 8, ‘Oh king, if it pleases you and I

have found favor with you…’

• Esther 9:13, “If it pleases the king give the Jews permission to fight back.’

The King then says, ‘Who did this?’ Esther replies that Haman had sent the edicts out to kill all the Jews. King Xerxes is upset. Haman erected some gallows. Really it was a 75-foot spike to put Mordecai on.

When King Xerxes comes back in, Haman was begging for his life from the queen. He falls down on the couch and the King says, ‘What!? You would even attack my queen in our own house!?’ Haman was put up on the 75-foot stake.

Then King Xerxes listens to Queen Esther, a Jew, and to Mordecai, who if you can recall, saved the King's life a few years earlier. A new edict goes out and friends, this is so amazing…King Xerxes tells Queen Esther and Mordecai to write another decree in the King’s name on behalf of the Jews stating that the Jews can protect themselves. Not that they could go off and attack other people, but that if they were attacked, they could protect themselves. He told them to seal it with his signet ring so it couldn’t be taken back.

This is where it is really pretty amazing friends. You see, the casting of the dice that Haman and his friends did to pick a time to exterminate, to have the genocide of the Jewish people, was 12 months in the future. That would have been the day before Passover, 17th of April 474 BC. Then two months later when the Queen is able to talk to the King into changing the ruling. He puts out the new edict and that edict goes out and it is about two months late from the first.

Friends, I find this amazing because of the providence of God. There was providence in the rolling of that dice. If the date would have been any sooner the second edict

would not have reached all the nation of Persia. What is really amazing with this is that within that second edict, the Jews were able to protect themselves. What we read is that the Jews did not take any plunder if you can recall. The first edict talked about the fact that whoever attacked the Jews could keep their property, money, cattle, whatever… It gave incentive to go after the Jews.

Regretfully, during World War II within the Nazi time frame and with Hitler in Germany, the Jews lost all their goods to those around and to the Nazi government. It's interesting because within Esther, when the Jewish people protected themselves, they did not plunder the people that they were protecting themselves from. They did not lay their hands on the plunder.

Friends this is the cool part. Haman’s edict went out 12 months ahead of time. Esther and Mordecai’s edict went out about 10 months ahead. SO---IF the dice would have rolled for an earlier date---the second edict would not have made it to the whole country for the Jewish people to protect themselves. Plus, both edicts were for the DAY before Passover.

It talks in Esther about how many of the people ended up standing up and supporting the Jewish people. Why did they support the Jews?

Well, number one, I believe it was God's favor on them. There's something else going on here as well. Mordecai, who is the cousin to Esther… Esther 8:15 Mordecai left King Xerxes presence wearing royal garments of blue and white and a large crown. The city of Susa the capital city was in joyous celebration.

Okay, now you must take that and compare it to a couple chapters earlier when Haman got the King to put the edict out that all the Jews could be exterminated. We are told in Esther that the city, the capital, Susa was all in confusion. What is going on? What is this evil taking place? But when Mordecai becomes the second in

command (Esther 10 talks about how the king makes him second in command) the city is in celebration.

It’s amazing when the people of God follow what He calls them to do. Loving their neighbor as they love

themselves. When the people of God follow the call that God has set within their lives…seeking God first, what does Jesus say to us? ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and after that all the other things will follow.’ Seek that relationship with Jesus Christ first.

Throughout the whole book, all 10 chapters of Esther, it's about the providence of God. Yes, the book is named after Esther the Queen. Yet Mordecai is of utmost importance within this book. And yet within it, the reality is the book laser focuses in on Yahweh God.

I’ve got a couple of points here I want to just bring out insummary of this teaching series.

1. God is the only one with the power to turn trials into blessings. A pastor some years ago, Robert Schuler, used to say that God is the only one that can turn our scars into stars. Our scars into stars friends. He is the only one that can turn the trial that you're walking through right now…the trials of not just a nation, but as a world…as a church and within our families…He can turn what we're going through with Covid…into a blessing if we keep our eyes on Him.

2. Our prayers, our voices, our actions matter. Mordecai would not have gone to Esther to let her know about what was going on with the edict if Esther would not have listened to her cousin. For such a time as this… she went into the King even though she was taking her life in her own hands. The Jews could have died. Our prayers and voices, our actions matter.

3. God gives us the courage to do that which he asked us to do. Let me repeat: God gives us the courage to do that which he asked us to do. The apostle Paul says to Timothy, don't have a spirit of timidity. I like that Timothy doesn’t have the spirit of timidity. Don't be fearful. Don't slink back. Don't say I can't do this or that…you have the Holy Spirit within you. Friends we have the Holy Spirit within us.

4. God can bring favor or blessing even in the hardest of places. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are with me. Even in the hardest places of our lives God can bring favor and blessing. Does that mean that He is going to take us out of that situation? No, not always. But He is faithful, and He will bless us.

5. He is faithful to lead and to fight for us. God is our deliverer. Again, some are taken out some are left in. But the reality is our ultimate deliverance friends, my ultimate deliverance is when I will be with the Lord in his presence forever.

6. Pride is a trap. Humility is key. Haman had all this pride. It can be a trap. Humility, having a humble heart, fertile soil…Having a fertile heart is the key to allowing God's love to grow in us. To be offered to others…

7. God is sovereign overall and he lovingly cares for his people. In other words, the whole book of Esther deals with the providence of God.

With that, I just have a couple of questions for you to think about. I want you to think about these questions.

• In what situations in your life do you need to see God's hand that you presently are not seeing it? Even though He seems distant, what situation in your life, if you step back, can you see God's hand at work? Friends pray for eyes to be able to see what’s being doing behind the scenes. Let me repeat that…may we pray for eyes so that we can see what God is doing behind the scenes.

• In what situations in your life do you need to learn to trust God's providence? Even though life seems pretty chaotic right now, what in your life do you need to turn over to God and say God I trust your providence. I trust in your sovereign love and will in my life. Friends pray for a heart of confidence because He is on the throne. I don't need to understand His plans for my life. I just need to know and follow the purpose that he's called me to follow.

• In what situation do you need to take a step of faith even though you don't feel like you're the man or the woman for the job? What is God calling you to do by loving other people and drawing them into a relationship with Jesus Christ? What situation is God calling you to step up into to draw others into a relationship with Jesus Christ?

Friends, I would encourage you to pray for Godly dependence, for Godly wisdom, for Godly courage, to go where He leads you. Praise Him when you know that He is calling you and equipping you for such a time as this. Esther was used by Yahweh God. Mordecai was used by Yahweh God. The providence of God in my life…in your life…hold on to that friends. Hold on to whatever takes place. God is in control.

In the name of the Father, name of the Son, name

of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Friends, I know in the last 7 or 8 months a lot of us have had a lot of questions with Covid…a lot of concern. The spectrum is so wide and varied on how we view this. May God use us through this time…for such a time as this - to draw others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Paul says all things work together for good…he doesn't say all things are good…he says all things work together for good for those who love God. Continue to walk with the

Lord Jesus Christ. Love God the Father and seek His grace.

Friends may the Lord bless you and keep you. May He lift His grace and His faith upon you. May He grant you a strength in your life as we place our lives on the firm foundation of the providence of God. Amen