Summary: This sermon centered around Hagar is how the Lord deals with her during her time of pain and suffering. We examine how the Lord helped Hagar and how He is ready to help us with our times of pain and suffering.

Scripture: Genesis 16:1-15

Theme: Dealing with Pain/Suffering

Title: Hagar the Wonderful


Grace and peace today from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I want to talk to you today about pain and suffering. Pain and suffering that can result from our own sins and pain and suffering that can result from the sins of other people.

It is easy for us to treat people well when they have in turn treated us well. The real test comes when we find ourselves being treated unfairly. The real test comes when we are the victims of injustice or when we are being bullied by someone.

For a moment, reflect on a time when you believe that you were wronged. It doesn’t matter if it was a big wrong or a small one. Maybe someone said something negative about you, made fun of you in a crowd or betrayed your confidence. Maybe someone stole something from you, lied about you or hurt you physically, emotionally or mentally.

If you are like most people, you felt mad, hurt, wounded, devastated and perhaps even depressed. You may have wanted to strike back at them verbally or physically. You might have wanted to give them and others around you a piece of your mind.

It’s natural to feel those things.

But what happens when you go off and say something twice as negative or do something even worse to that person(s). Perhaps for a moment or two you feel good. You feel a release and you feel a measure of satisfaction. You feel like you got them back. They might have hurt you but you landed an even harder blow on them. It feels good in the natural.

However, what usually follows is the beginning of an all out ground attack. The other person now feels wronged and is not about to let it go. Suddenly, battle lines are drawn. Your family and friends line up against their family and friends. Harsh words are slung around. Hurt feelings begin to pile up. Relationships are damaged to the point of no return.

As Dr. Rich Hanson writes

“Blasting another person with anger is like throwing hot coals with bare hands: Both people get burned.”1

This morning we see the young woman Hagar in a similar situation. Abraham’s first wife Sarah2 was unable to bear children and decided to give her slave woman, Hagar to Abraham to become his second wife. Sarah did this in the hopes the Hagar would have a male child and therefore fulfill God’s Promise to Abraham.

Hagar did become Abraham’s second wife and she did become pregnant. It should have been a happy time. Sarah had gracious promoted this former slave woman to the status of being the second wife of a very rich and powerful man. Hagar had chosen to remain serving Sarah and had been blessed by being able to carry a child.

It is at this point that the story takes a horrible downturn. Whether it was hormones or pettiness, Hagar began looking down on Sarah. Perhaps being younger and now carrying Abraham’s child she felt that she should now be queen of the home rather than second fiddle.

Hagar’s contempt for Sarah led to an out and out war between the two women. Sarah holding the status of first wife and former owner of Hagar began to lash out at the younger woman. The word translated “harshly” (anah) in verse 6 can also mean – “put down, afflicted, mishandled, humiliated and brow beaten”.

In other words, the two women began fighting. While Hagar’s looks made Sarah feel unworthy, Sarah returned those looks with her own harmful words and actions. She made fun of Hagar. She did her best to make her life miserable. No doubt, Sarah made Hagar do all her duties regardless of her morning sickness.

Finally, one day Hagar felt like she couldn’t take it anymore. She felt like her life with Abraham and Sarah was unbearable. Perhaps she was even afraid that she would lose the baby. Anyway, she gathered up her things and ran away. She decided she would go towards the land of Egypt and it was on the way to Shur when the Lord stopped her.

We would have never heard of Hagar or her child again had it not be for the Lord. For the Bible tells us that the angel of the Lord3 came to the spring of water near the area of Shur and talked to her, encouraged her and revealed His plan for her and her child.

It is there in their encounter that we see how the LORD teaches us how to deal with pain and suffering. Let’s see what the LORD did for Hagar and learn from their encounter.

I. The LORD provided Hagar a time out

Hagar was running away. She was on the move. All the time I am sure she was rehearsing her story over and over again. She would need to tell someone what had happened so she could get some food, rest and shelter.

But what she needed more than anything was to take a time out. She needed to pause. She needed to get centered so that she could really look at things from the right perspective.

How many times have we done the wrong thing by not taking a well timed pause? How many times have we watched someone else commit mental, emotional or social suicide by not taking a well timed pause?

Where was Hagar going to go?

Who would take her in?

Who would want her while she was carrying another man’s child?

If she went back to Egypt having left as a slave would she be warmly received or put into prison until Abraham was notified?

Was she safe traveling alone through the wilderness country?

It is easy for us to just allow our emotions to cloud our judgment and get the best of us. When we get hurt, we may just decide enough and enough and start out without having a plan or an idea what will happen next.

It is times like these that it would do a lot of good if we would just sit down and take a pause. It would be good for us if we could just get to a place where we can center ourselves. If we do that it will greatly help us to understand what we should do next.

It is amazing what can happen if we just take a time out. Listen to these words from scripture:


“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” – Exodus 14:14

“Know this, my beloved brothers; let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” – James 1:19-20

Our Lord did that for Hagar by creating a space for her to take a pause.

II. The LORD helped Hagar by Actively Listening

By slowing her down the LORD began asking Hagar some questions.

It had to surprise her a little bit when He called her by her name. But then again when we are running on full emotions we don’t always hear things clearly and she may have not even noticed that He knew her name or that He knew she was Sarah’s servant.

I love the fact that the LORD allowed Hagar to share her story. He allowed her to say things out loud to someone who she thought didn’t know what was going on. The LORD became her sounding board.

Now, we have to acknowledge that Hagar said more than just the one sentence we have recorded. The writer of Genesis doesn’t share the whole conversation. We have to know that there was much more conversation going on than what our writer shared.

The Lord showed that He cared about Hagar. Before the LORD said anything He allowed Hagar to have her say. He allowed her to clarify her story.

That is one of the things that I love about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not interested in judging us or simply treating us like robots. The Holy Spirit works with us and in us. He listens to our thoughts and our feelings. He listens to our stories and allows us to share what is going on in our hearts.

That is what it means to be a good friend. It is not always easy to allow someone to share their story without interrupting. It is not always easy to allow someone to share their story and truly be listening.

The other day I was listening to a XM Sirius call in show that featured Victoria Osteen. I listened as the different people shared their stories with her. Some seemed to go on and on. But after a few minutes I noticed something.

Victoria gave each one of them time to share their story. She did not interrupt them or join in the conversation. She allowed them time to tell their full story.

Then she would share something that they had said. That meant that instead of just sitting there acting like she was listening she was actively listening. And she ended the conversation with a positive note or a challenge for the person. It was inspiring to hear her help people.

We all need to be and to have people in our lives that will take the time to hear our stories. We all need to be and to have people in our lives that will take the time to just listen before they formulate their own advice.

The Lord did this for Hagar. It was very encouraging and healing.

III. The LORD reminded Hagar that she was not alone

There are some wonderful little hints in this passage that are just full of spiritual gold.

“I will surely multiply your offspring”

“El Roi” – the God who sees

The LORD was there physically with Hagar which had to be of a great comfort. Furthermore, the LORD tells her something that is going to happen to her and her child, which again had to surprise her and give her even more encouragement and peace.

In the end Hagar begins to realize that this was no ordinary man who was traveling the same direction that she was traveling. She began to see Him for who He really He and understood that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY was both talking to her and watching over her.

When I was a child my mom had a glass plate hung on the wall of my bedroom that had at its center the painting of the Guardian Angel4. It was a picture of a Guardian Angel watching over these two children as they were crossing a bridge. The bridge was in bad shape. It was missing some floor boards and missing some side supports.

What looks like a really bad accident about to happen instead is transformed by the presence of the Guardian Angel. The Angel watches over the children as they are crossing the bridge to safety.

The message the picture portrays is one of tremendous truth and comfort. There are going to be times when things look scary and impossible. However, in the end we need to remember that someone is always watching over us and will take care of us.

Hagar needed that kind of encouragement and comfort that day and she received it from the LORD. His presence brought peace, courage and strength. His words with her brought comfort.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone who is going through pain is just be there for them. We don’t have to come up with any special words or ideas. All we have to do at times is to listen to them and be there for them. There is great comfort that comes when people know that they are not alone. There is great peace and encouragement that comes when people realize that others care for them. There is strength in numbers.

IV. The LORD told Hagar He had a plan for her life

You can put up with a lot in your life if you know in the end there is going to be something that happens for the better.

Football, basketball, soccer and baseball teams learn over time to put up with all the pain and suffering that result from repetitive practices, weight training and running exercises because they know in the end it can all lead to great play and wins. All that pain and suffering can result in good things happening for them.

People can put up with pain after surgery knowing that over time the pain will subside and they will be able to get back to normal. Enduring pain and suffering is not a great deal of fun but when you know there is a reward ahead it is easier to cope with it.

The Lord wanted Hagar to know that He had a plan for her. The pain and suffering she was going through right now would not last forever.

That is why the LORD sent her back to Abraham and Sarah. He did not send her back so Sarah could continue to badger her and mistreat her. He did not send her back so that she could suffer.

The LORD sent her back so that she could live in safety. He sent her back so that she would have food, water, shelter and help during her pregnancy. He sent her back so that Abraham would reach out and put her under his care. He sent her back so that Abraham and Sarah could understand that just as they were His Children so too was Hagar.

We have to understand that Abraham allowing Sarah to mistreat Hagar was wrong. Abraham had taken Hagar to be his second wife. Therefore, he had an obligation to Hagar that went far beyond her ability to bear him a child.

Abraham should have never said what he said in verse 6. Abraham was wrong to still refer to Hagar a slave. She was no longer a slave. She was not merely a surrogate or Plan B in having the Promise Child. Hagar was a precious child of God, his wife and the mother of his child.

This whole encounter between Sarah and Hagar would not have happened if Abraham had just told Sarah he would not marry or have a child by anyone else but her. That would have been the righteous and smart thing for Abraham to have done.

Even afterwards, none of what happen would have happened if Abraham would have stepped up and been the man that God wanted him to be. Abraham was called to be the righteous leader of his home and we can see that in this instance his failure caused a great deal of pain and suffering.

Sometimes we humans can cause a great deal of our own pain and suffering. Sometimes we humans can cause a great deal of pain and suffering for others when it’s unnecessary.

Understanding and following God’s plan for our lives avoids a great deal of unnecessary suffering and pain.

God’s words to Jeremiah are words that I believe God has for us as well:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

V. Finally, God blesses Hagar generationally

In verses 11-12 the Lord showers a blessing on Hagar. It is a generational blessing.

Have you ever thought that God could have just given Hagar a girl?

I mean we are God’s creation. He knows whether we are going to be a girl or a boy.

In this case what would have happened if Hagar had simply had a girl?

Would we have seen the jealousy stop between Sarah and Hagar?

Would that have been the end of Hagar’s pain and suffering?

Would Abraham have realized that he and Sarah should continue to wait for the LORD?

We can wonder all of that but the reality is the LORD looked down and wanted to bless Hagar more than she could ever imagine.

The Lord reveals to Hagar

+Your child will be a boy

+This is the name you are to give him – Ishmael (God hears)

+He will become a great man in his own right

+His descendants will be too many to count

While both Abraham and Sarah had treated this woman harshly and cruelly the LORD stepped in and gave her a blessing beyond imagination.

Hagar might have been a slave but now she would become the matriarch of billions of people. Hagar might have felt like she needed to run away but God instilled within her courage and a blessing that is felt even today.

We need to rest in the fact that Our Lord is able to take our pain and turn it into something beautiful. He has done it in the past and He will do it in our time as well. In Isaiah 61:3 the LORD tells the nation of Israel that He will turn their ashes ( their pain and suffering) into beauty. He will take all their pain and suffering and will turn it all into something that is amazing.

Our Lord Jesus was no stranger to pain and suffering. He suffered from people lying about him, betraying him, condemning him and physically assaulting him. But He didn’t let that stop Him from enjoying an Abundant Life. He allowed His Holy Spirit to instill within Him courage, joy, peace and victory.

Jesus understands that we too will endure a time of pain and suffering. He tells us this in John 16:33. But along with telling us that we will experience trouble, He gives us encouragement, courage and hope.

“In this world you will have trouble, but take courage, for I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

And that is the key for all of us today.

We don’t have to face our troubles alone. We don’t have to let them get the best of us. We don’t have to run away. We don’t have to give up on our hopes and dreams. We don’t have to feel like our lives are over and that it is all downhill from here.

Jesus has overcome the world. Jesus has overcome death, Hell and the grave. Jesus has sent us His Holy Spirit to give us hope, encouragement, courage and peace.

Jesus has come to set all of us free. Free from our sins and free from both the penalty and power of sin. Jesus has come to rescue us and redeem us. Jesus has come to give us His Holy Spirit as our Comforter, our Teacher and our Guide.

Whatever we are going through right now we don’t have to go through it alone. We can say with David –

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4

We can say with Isaiah –

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:29-31 NIV

And we can hear the words of Jesus again –

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

This morning the Lord was there for Hagar. She was confused and hurt. She didn’t really know what to do. But the LORD met here there by that spring near Shur and He will meet us as well.

This morning, let’s allow the LORD to walk with us through our suffering. Let’s realize that we can have strength through His Holy Spirit and let us understand that He will give us rest. He will give us encouragement, hope and peace.

Hagar went back to Sarah a victorious woman. She went back and gave birth to Ishmael. She went back and began to fulfill the abundant life God had for her.

Before we close this morning we want to give you an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. We want to give you an opportunity to receive the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We want to give you an opportunity to lay some burdens down before the LORD.

Open Altar/Invitation/Prayer/Blessing


2The word should be Sarai but most people know her as Sarah and that is why I choose to use the word Sarai.

3Angel of the LORD referring to the pre-incarnate Jesus – see article -