“PEACE BE WITH YOU!” (Outline)
April 19, 2020 - Easter 2 - JOHN 20:19-31
INTRO.: Everyone likes gifts. We seldom deserve to be given a gift. The giver gives gift freely. Our loving, heavenly Father is the only One who gives us good and perfect gifts. The Lord God of Armies is the only Giver who knows exactly what we need. And freely gives us exactly what we need. Consider the disciples. Shortly before his crucifixion Jesus gave them the perfect gift that they desperately needed. Even though they did not realize it at the time. “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid” (JOHN 14:27). God strengthens us with that same perfectly needed gift. “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” I. Believe what Jesus tells you. II. Rejoice when Jesus shows you.
A. Verse 19. It was still the day of Jesus’ resurrection. The disciples gathered behind locked doors.
1. They gathered together in fear. They saw what the Jews did to Jesus. Crucified him.
2. Even though the doors were locked Jesus came to be with them. “Peace be with you!”
3. Verse 21. Again, Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you!” They needed to hear this word.
B. Verse 22. Jesus breathed on them. Gave gift of the Holy Spirit. Breath and spirit same word.
1. Verse 23. Gift of Holy Spirit was the faith to better understand the Lord’s peace.
2. Jesus was sending them to proclaim message of peace = forgiveness of sins.
C. Verse 24. Thomas was not there. Did not hear Jesus’ word of peace. Did not see him.
1. Verse 25a. The disciples persisted. The “disciples kept telling him, ‘We have seen the Lord!’”
2. Thomas was simply not ready or willing to listen to the truth. No comfort or peace.
D. Jesus repeated the much needed words: “Peace be with you!” It was imperative for the disciples to listen. We also still need to listen to the Lord’s promises for us every day. We dare not underestimate the importance of hearing God’s Word. Scripture clearly explains. "For Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who believed our message?’ So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through the word of Christ” (ROMANS 10:16b, 17). Like the disciples we need to hear God’s Word over and over. Again and again. It takes time for the depth of the meaning of the Lord’s love for us to soak in.
E. The power of God’s word is proclaimed in the simplest messages. “Peace be with you!” “He is risen! He is not here.” “Faith comes from hearing…” “The blood of Jesus purifies us from sin.” God’s living and active and powerful word strengthens us. We are comforted by God’s word of peace. To-day’s society does not have peace. Some are very fearful about the future. About the economy. About their health. We might even worry a bit too much about what is happening in our day to day lives. Why such a general feeling of unease? Is anyone listening? Is it anyone paying attention to the Lord? The Lord warned his people in the Old Testament. That warning applies to us today. "Look, the days are coming, declares the LORD God, when I will send a famine into the land— not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but rather a famine of hearing the words of the LORD" (AMOS 8:11).
F. The Lord Jesus gave the disciples his peace the world did not provide. Then Jesus said: “I am also sending you.” They were to take that message of peace into the world. It is the same message of peace the lives in our hearts. Comforts our souls. It is the very same message of peace we can share with others. “Peace be with you!” There is only place to find peace. Only one way to have peace. Peace is found alone in Christ. His life. Death. Resurrection. "He was crushed for the guilt our sins deserved. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (ISAIAH 53:5). Jesus was punished for our guilt. Our sins are freely forgiven. We are at peace with God.
“PEACE BE WITH YOU!” Our ears are open to hear. Hearts ready to believe what Jesus tells us.
A. Disciples lived in fear on the first resurrection Sunday. Women had reported Jesus’ resurrection.
1. Verse 25b. Thomas declared: “Unless I see…I will never believe.” Quite a promise to make.
2. This was after the disciples kept telling him, “We have seen the Lord!” As did the women.
3. Verse 20. Other disciples heard “Peace…” “The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.”
B. Verse 26. It is a week later. Jesus’ disciples still meeting behind locked doors. Jesus arrives.
1. Jesus’ message did not change: “Peace be with you.” Thomas heard this message.
2. Verse 27. Jesus invited Thomas to look. Touch. Do not doubt. Believe.
C. Verse 28. “My Lord and my God!” Thomas heard peace. Saw Jesus. Confessed faith.
1. Verse 29. Jesus reassured Thomas about his faith. Saw and believed. Rejoice!
2. Verse 30. Jesus did many miracles after his resurrection. Jesus was alive. God’s Son.
3. Verse 31. Scriptures give us everything we need to know Jesus is the Christ. Eternal Life.
D. Miracles always surrounded Jesus. Did not sin. Resisted Satan. Put to death. Buried. Rose again on the third day. Appeared to disciples. “Peace be with you!” Miracles surround us every day. How many miracles have you seen today? Each of us have witnessed more miracles than we can count. Today. Every day. Sun rises. Sets. Stars in the sky are placed there by God. Seasons change. We get up each morning from the refreshing rest our loving, heavenly provides. We look at our hands. Feet. Comb our hair. We breathe. Our hearts pump gallons of blood every minute of every day. We do not have to think about breathing. Or our heart beating. Automatic miracle. “For you created my inner organs. You wove me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and my soul knows that very well" (PSALM 139:13, 14).
E. Knowing that the Lord has created us comforts us. Knowing the Lord God of Armies miraculously cares for us set us apart from the world around us. Our world has no peace. They do not know God. Many dread the future. They have no anchor. Dear believers you know the truth. Christ is our cornerstone. The resurrection of Jesus changes our eternal destiny. Changes our earthly living. We have heard God’s truth. Listened. Believed. We have seen the love of the Lord in our lives day after day. “He has shown you, mankind, what is good. What does the LORD require from you, except to carry out justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?" (MICAH 6:6). What an amazing gift God gives to us: peace. We are humbled. We love mercy. God has shown it to us.
F. A day without the Lord is a dreadful day. In a broad sense, this dread describes our world to-day. People do not feel comfortable at all when they realize they have little or no control at all over much of their lives. We know who is in control. Absolute control. Powerful control. Perfect, loving control. It is not the government. Not our own feeble reasoning. It is the Lord God of Armies. We have seen his power. Power to do everything for the good of those who love him. “You your-selves were shown this so that you could know that the LORD—he is God! There is none except him alone" (DEUTERONOMY 4:35). The miracle of faith is the greatest miracle. God gives us faith. We have peace.
CONC.: Simply powerful: “Peace be with you!” Jesus teaches us many things so that we believe. Forgiveness brings us peace. Jesus shows us many things so that we can rejoice. Powerful resurrection. But there is even more. "But as it is written: What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceived—that is what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 CORINTHIANS 2:9). We have seen much. Heard much. Our loving, heavenly Father has prepared even more than our mind can imagine. It begins with comfort and strength: “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer
EASTER 2 rdgs: ACTS 2:14a, 22-32; 1 PETER 1:3-9; JOHN 20:19-31; (PSALM 16)
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