Summary: This is a part of a series I preached on the Psalms.

Title: Worship – It’ll Do You Good. Script: Ps. 100

Type: Expos. Where: GNBC rw 10-18-20

Intro: I read an article recently about President Kennedy. Kennedy had many serious health problems that he suffered from throughout his life. He had a serious kidney disease, along with several other maladies that caused severe chronic pain. He took pain medication and received multiple steroid injections daily. Despite his precarious health, he managed to convey to the public that he was young, energetic, and physically fit. He had some good spin doctors! Politicians know that bad press can ruin their reputation and result in defeat at the polls. Sadly, most politicians don’t focus on truthful, upright behavior, but rather on how to convey the image of being truthful and upright, even if they aren’t. From day one, Satan has been on a campaign to smear the truth about God’s goodness so that people will not follow Him. When he tempted Eve in the Garden, his main ploy was to get Eve to doubt that God intended good for her by forbidding her and Adam from eating the fruit. Satan told her (Gen. 3:5). The devil has used this falsehood in varying forms to keep people from following the Lord. Satan promotes the lie, “If you follow God, you’ll have to stop doing the things you enjoy and start doing things that you hate. I believe our joy in the Lord is directly tied to our worship of the Lord. (Story credit: Dr. Stephen Cole)

Prop: Examining Ps. 100 we’ll notice 4 aspects about worship for the believer.

BG: 1. This Psalm is entitled a Psalm for Thanksgiving or a Psalm of Praise.

2. Psalm 100 is the only psalm with the title, “A Psalm of Thanksgiving.” The Hebrew word for thanksgiving literally means, confession.

Prop: Ps. 100 will remind us of 4 aspects of the worship of God.

I. The Psalmist Reminds us that Worship is to be Universal Praise v. 1

A. Since God’s Goodness is Manifest in all Lands, God should be worshiped in every land.

1. As Christians, we should desire to see Jesus Christ exalted in every land!

a. “shout joyfully – KJV – “make a joyful noise” – ruwa – means “to split the ears w/ sound”. To sound a trumpet or to shout for joy. In I Sam. 10:24 the people shouted “Long live the king” when Saul was anointed ruler over Israel. That is the type of “shout” that is alluded to here by the Psalmist. Often when the king went through the gates to battle. People shouted.

b. Illust – This past winter I saw the film clip of the victory celebration in New York City when World War II ended. Folks, that celebration was a shout of praise. The war was over – the victory had been won. We need to shout praises to God – I have read the end of the Book – I know who wins the war – I know Who has victory – Praise God, He has won! Jesus is Lord.

2. As believers we are to be cheerful in our worship of God.

a. v. 1 is a repetition of Ps. 98:4 - God is to be worshiped by happy or joyful people. Cheerfulness is a part of God’s nature and our attitude of joy should characterize our worship.

b. That’s how our joy in the Lord should overflow at times. The Bible does not suggest that it should be that way always, of course. We all go through high points and low points. We are to rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep (Rom. 12:15). The shortest verse in the Greek New Testament is, “Rejoice always” (1 Thess. 5:16). In English, it is, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). So there’s a balance. But, if God has worked a victory in your life, whoop it up! If He has answered your prayer, shout for joy!

B. The Psalmist Reminds us of what should be our motivation in life..

1. The Worship of God should be a primary motivation.

a. “all the earth” – You see, it is zeal for the glory of God that motivates world missions. Concern for missions and lost flows out of a right relationship with God. In Rom. 15:8-9 Paul reveals 3 purposes in Christ’s coming to earth. 1st – Show God’s truthfulness, 2nd – to confirm God’s promises, 3rd: “in order that the nations might glorify God for His mercy.” You see it is that servant spirit and a heart of mercy that motivates missions to seek the universal praise of God. You see not only did Jesus come so as to do the Father’s will at great cost to Himself, He also lived His life so as to extend mercy to the nations. (Let the Nations…, Piper, pg. 29)

b. Mercy is the apex of God’s glory in the same way that the overflow of a fountain is the apex of that fountain’s fullness. God is free to be merciful because He is full and utterly self-sufficient in Himself. Isn’t that thought amazing? God never had a beginning. God never had to “improve”, He is completely self-sufficient.

2. As Christians we should be motivated to make Xst known in every land where He is not presently being worshipped.

a. Illust - There is a story about a young man who longed to become a missionary in the late 1800’s to the “Dark Continent” of Africa. The African continent was opening to missionaries and this young man idealistically wanted to go to participate in the “Conversion of the Africans” This American Methodist was prevented, however, from serving due to frail health. He remained committed to missionary activity in Africa, however, and determined that his family business of making unfermented grape juice could serve a role in saving African souls. Charles Welch’s Christian faith realized material acquisition was fine as long as a good proportion of that was given directly to the Lord’s work.

b. Everything you and I have can be used by the Lord to bring glory to Himself by leading other nations to Christ. Do you believe that? God has a heart for the nations. We should too.

C. Applic: Although we are believers in a local congregation, we are to be vitally interested in what God is doing all around the world to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

II. Worship should be Understood as Joyous Service v. 2

A. Service in Christ’s Name is a form of Worship.

1. Every single believer is to serve the Lord. Not, just “clergy” or professionals, but all.

a. serve – abad – to work or toil or labor. Word occurs 290 x in the OT.

b. Illust – Rom. 12:1 – “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Remember, the way you live, the way you treat your body, your sanctification and abstaining from immorality is “service” to the Lord.

2. Praising God keeps us focused and going forward in our worship of the Lord.

a. Remember that this is called a “Psalm of Praise” or a “Psalm of Thanksgiving”. Serving and praising or serving and be thankful run hand in hand. A lot of times when we feel most discouraged in our walks is the same time in which we are not trying to serve God or trying to praise Him, or even thinking of how you can praise Him. Usually, when our focus is on ourselves is when we are most miserable as believers. Why? Because you and I were designed for a purpose to enjoy and glorify God forever. When we are seeking our own enjoyment or our own glorification, whatever we are doing falls short and flat in our lives because it is not being done for the higher purpose of God’s glory!

b. I Cor. 10:31 tells us: “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (NASB) Although the direct interpretation of this passage has to do with conscience and not stumbling a brother and questions about certain types of foods, an application certainly has to do with glorifying God is everything we do.

B. The Attitude w/which we serve is essential.

1. The Psalmist reminds us that we are to serve the Lord “with gladness”.

a. Christians, the world knows “sadness”. What the world needs to see is “gladness”! The world is looking for a difference and we, knowing the joy of the Lord in our lives, can offer that joy.

b. “People (even Christians!) serve sports, recreation, computer games, movies, music, business, possessions, the stock market, and many things other than the Lord. The Lord threatened Israel with some frightening consequences if they did not serve Him gladly (Deut. 28:47-48), “Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and a glad heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore you shall serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you….” As Bob Dylan sings, “You gotta serve somebody.” Make sure you serve the Lord with gladness!” (Stephen Cole sermon)

2. We serve “with gladness” when we come before Him with “joyous singing”.

-“Come before Him with joyful singing.” Don’t miss the first part of that command, that in coming to sing, you are to come before Him. We gather in His presence. If our singing is lackluster, my hunch is that we’ve forgotten that we’re offering it to Him. Does the way that we sing as a church give our good God good press or bad press? “Come before Him with joyful singing.”

C. Applic: We who belong to God should be people of joy.

III. Worship Gives the Believer a Sense of Belonging v. 3

A. The Knowledge of God Instills a Sense of Belonging in Man.

1. - Here we see the Psalmist turns to witness for God. With firm conviction he was able to declare that the only true God in the universe was Jehovah, the special covenant name that God used with His people, Israel. He challenges his listeners/readers to know that God is the Lord!

2. Man longs to be a part of something bigger than himself, but doubts come in to discourage and dissuade.

a. Illust – Doubt is the skeleton in the closet of faith, and I know of no better way to treat a skeleton than to bring it out in the open and expose it for what it is: not something to hide from or fear, but a hard structure upon which to living tissue may grow. Great heroes of the faith including, Luther, Baxter, Increase Mather, DL Moody, and a host of others struggled with doubts. “Knowing God” comes over time. It comes with time. It comes in the Person of Jesus.

b. Knowing an invisible God, we assume, has little to do with knowing a living, breathing person. Or does it? Actually, the more we learn how the mind works, the more it becomes clear that all knowledge, of God, or people, or anything else, involves uncertainty and demands an act of faith. We know with the mind. And yet the mind cannot see, it does not hear, it cannot feel, it does not smell. Actually, everything takes place in the brain through a sequence of electrical signals like the dots and ashes of Morse code.

B. You and I can truly fit into a worshiping community when we know who we are in Xst.

1. First, we know that we are “His” – we are marked – The redeemed, the 2x born thru Xst

a. We are His because “He made us”. Illust – Years ago I read an interesting interview with Brad Pitt. Obviously a fit body and pretty face does not equate with a sound mind. Pitt, who was raised SBC, told that he doesn't believe in God, "No, no, no!," he declared, when asked if he believes in a higher power, or if he was spiritual. "I'm probably 20 percent atheist and 80 percent agnostic. No one really knows. You'll either find out or not when you get there, until then there's no point thinking about it." I wonder if he applies the same logic when driving to memorizing lines, work, going on a family vacation, or considering a medical procedure? (When I have been faced with “an atheist” I have asked person if God did exist, would there be something in your life would have to change in order to be morally acceptable before God?” Unanimously answered: “Oh, yes!”

b. Verse 3 describes a relationship of submission to God and submission is directly related to thankfulness. If you’re grumbling or griping about your circumstances, you’re not subject to God’s sovereign hand in your life. You’re implying that you could do a better job than God at running your life if He’d just give you the chance. It’s not until you willingly submit to God as God that you can also say, “Thank You, Lord, that You are good and that You will work this trial together for my good.”

2. Secondly, we are associated with God’s people.

a. We are His because thru Christ we have a special relationship with Him – “we are the sheep of His pasture.” What do she do? Follow their shepherd. We are to follow Jesus. Look at the personal aspect of that statement. Think of Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd! Read)

b. Illust - BULLDOG ANT. If a Bulldog Ant is cut in half, the front and rear segments will begin fighting brutally with itself! The bulldog ant’s head will seize the tail with it’s teeth, meanwhile the tail will sting the head ferociously! The ant’s battle against itself will sometimes last for hours! Biting and stinging with no knowledge that the alleged enemy is not itself, but rather the one who cut him in half! That’s why we are not to bite and devour one another in the church. They attack themselves with reckless abandon... not to mention anyone else who happens along! John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. In this dog eat dog world...may I remind you... “You are not a dog!”

C. Applic: When we worship God in the community of the local church we realize that we are more than just ourselves! We have an identity, a purpose, and a place of praise.

IV. Finally, Worship is to be a Corporate form of Thanksgiving v. 4-5

A. Coming together we worship the Lord.

1. vv. 4-5 – Do you recognize that 4th verse? You should. Every time enter this sanctuary, you and I walk under those very words. Thanksgiving and praise is to be on the heart and tongue of every Christian. I believe God gave us that verse when we were building this church building. You see, there is an element of worship that is somewhat synergistic, ie. In that I mean greater than the mere sum of the participants.

2. Illust - The story is told about a poor Widow lady with 5 Kids who Everyday came out on to her front porch, raised her hands to Heaven & Prayed out loud, “Lord, you know I have No food in my cabinets to feed my children today! Please provide our daily needs!” Her next door neighbor was an “Atheist” who was sick & tired of hearing her “Spiritual” talk everyday! So one day, he thought he would teach her a lesson. He bought several bags of groceries, sat them on the front porch, rang the doorbell, and hid in the bushes! The Widow came out, saw the groceries, and burst into a Joyful Praise! “Thank you God, you have supplied my need! Thank you for answering my Prayer! Bless the Lord, O my soul!” The "Atheist" came out and arrogantly said, “Ma’am, God hasn’t supplied your needs today-I did! See how foolish it is to trust in a Nonexistent God and give him Credit for what He didn’t do?” Without taking a breath the woman burst into another Prayer: “Dear God, you are so wonderful! You not only provided food for me today, BUT you got the Devil to Pay for it!”

B. Worship is a sign of my grateful recognition of God’s work in my Life. V.5

1. The Ps. concludes with gratefully evaluating and recognizing the Lord’s work in His life.

a. Why should we give thanks? The psalmist tells us: Because He is GOOD! Because He has eternal lovingkindess! Because He is Faithful! What God are you worshiping? Is He Good? Does He demonstrate “chesed” – lovingkindness? Can you testify that He has always been faithful?! Those three reasons are reason enough for us to worship Him! Satan knows that if he can get you to doubt God’s goodness, you won’t trust Him. And if you don’t trust Him, you won’t obey Him. Why trust and obey a mean God who is trying to make you miserable?

b. Illust - Sometimes it is hard to truly believe that "all things work together for good". As we look at the disappointments and sorrows of our lives we tend to think of them as being bad. After all, good things are pleasant and happy. Or are they? (II Ki.4) When the Shunammite's son died it certainly did not appear to her to be a good thing, and yet God used it to show Himself strong through Elisha by raising the boy from the dead. Our ways are not God's ways, neither are our thoughts His thoughts. We cannot comprehend God's purposes, but He who knows the end from the beginning chooses to use hardships and disappointments to conform us to the image of His own dear Son.


a. Gratefulness is an attitude of indebtedness along with the motivation to adequately express that attitude. It is recognizing that in ourselves we have, that we are nothing, and that whatever we do have, we owe to God, to our parents, to our family, and to others.

a. Illust – Harry Ironsides was one of the most prolific Christian authors of the 20th century, and pastor of Moody Church. Although often came across scholarly and pious, Ironsides was also hilarious with a pointed wit. Once, when going out to lunch w/ a prominent Chicago businessman, Ironsides quietly bowed head and gave thanks before the meal. When finished, the businessman quipped: “So, you’re one of them! I NEVER say grace before I eat!” Ironsides, looked up from his food and replied: “Neither does my dog!”

C. Applic: It’s essential that we derive your understanding of God from the Bible. At the root of who God is, you must affirm that He is good. This means that He “deals well and bountifully with His people.

Conclusion: Back in the 1980’s was a slogan put out by American Dairy Producers: “Milk, it does a body good.” Popular, catchy slogan. “Worship, it does a soul good.”