Text: Numbers 17:1-11
Topic: My Chosen will sprout
The theme for this month is Now it springs up. All, the spiritual leaders, political leaders, sports personalities, young and old alike on the phase of the earth had a great expectation on the dawn of 2020. However, this year has not begun with fatty blessings. But, brought the Coronavirus with a symbol of the crown of destruction. How many losses in personal and community lives. The lockdown of the nations has stopped the movements of the flights and ships. India had witnessed the forceful shutdown of everything by the implementation of the 144 and Disaster Management Act since the end of March 2020. It has witnessed the closure of the business centers.
But on this day God gives us the hope that “Your Staff will Spring” means your lives would sprout for the glory of God. All the dryness will vanish, and your hope will spring forth for the greatness of God. For that you and I need to make these statements:
My Rod is Lord’s Rod
My Rod is placed in the presence of God, and
My Rod is the Chosen Rod of God
1. My Rod is the Lord’s Rod.
A rod is a symbol of authority, and shepherds would use a rod to guide and correct their sheep (Psalm 23:4). The rod represents the identity, and personality of everyone (Ref: Enduring Bible). The rod is a picture of God’s authority over the man (Psalm 2:9, 23:4, 89:32; Isaiah 10:24; 11:4, Ezekiel 20:37). The rod is an emblem of an apostle’s authority in the church (1 Corinthians 4:21).
Now, every one of us has gifted with a Rod. The staff may refer to our profession, business, establishments, and a vision to do something for the community and God. The first question put forth here is, whether my Rod is God’s Rod? Does my thinking, planning, visioning are from my desires or an outcome of my relationship with God?
Without God, I am a dry staff. I could not expect anything to come out of it. Unless the Lord chooses me and blesses me, nothing would happen to my rod. I would use all the best ways and means in my life, but everything will go in vain without proper direction and guidance of God.
The exodus history reveals that God had changed the simple shepherd staff of Moses into a rod of God (Exodus 4:2, 20) after an encounter with God, after reshaping of the Rod at the presence of God, after going through the miraculous process. The lifeless staff has received the life, revived, and empowered as a powerful instrument in the hands of Moses. The ordinary staff has turned into an extraordinary instrument in the hands of Moses, for greater a wider vision and mission of God.
The Rod of Moses has turned the waters of the Nile into blood (Exodus 7:17), by brought forth plagues of frogs (Exodus 8:5), lice (Exodus 8:16-17), hail (Exodus 9:23), and locusts (Exodus 10:13). Not only that that same Rod has helped to divide the Red Sea (Exodus 14:16), the Rod has been used in prayer to get victory in a battle (Exodus 17:9), that rod struck the rock and brought forth water (Numbers 20:11).
When our Rods, our resources, our talents placed in the hands of God, that does greater things for God. God used simple instruments for the result-oriented ministries in the past. Examples are: David used a stone to kill Goliath. Samson used a jaw of a donkey to kill enemies. We have also energized through the words and spirit of God. Whatever small and insignificant resources and talents you have possessed, it has to go through this miraculous experience in life. Commit your staff to the holy hands of God.
2. I Place my Staff in the Presence of God
You shall then deposit them in the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle) in front of [the ark of] the Testimony, where I meet with you. It shall be that the rod of the man whom I choose will bud. The rod of Aaron of the tribe of Levi had sprouted and put out buds and produced blossoms and yielded [ripe] almonds. (Numbers 17:4-5, 8- Amplified Bible)
God told Moses to bring all the rods of the people who are complaining, grudging, and place them in the house of meeting with God. Moses has put all the 12 rods, but only the rod of Aaron of the tribe of Levi had sprouted and put out buds and produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds. The various stages of its natural growth were all exemplified together. It was a miracle. Only the presence of God, and only through meeting the Lord, we could experience the power of God as a miracle in our lives. Always take a sincere attitude of prayer to a greater altitude. Prayer seminars, prayer programs, planning for the chain of prayer will bring nothing but the real-time spent in prayer could result in unbelievable changes.
According to the Pulpit Commentary: The almond refers to "awake." All trees to awake from the winter sleep of nature, and to herald the vernal resurrection with its conspicuous show of snow-white blossoms, which even anticipate the leaves (Ecclesiastes 12:5). Thus the "rod of an almond-tree" shown to the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:11) as the evident symbol of the vigilant haste with which the purposes of God were to be developed and matured.
Matthew Henry: “Aaron's rod became a living branch. There were buds, blossoms, fruit, and it was a miracle. Thus Aaron was under the special blessing of Heaven. Fruitfulness is the best evidence of a divine call, and the plants of God's setting, and the boughs cut off them, will flourish”.
My life needs to place at the hands of God, that is, the presence of God. God meets his people every day for counseling, and to guide. The meeting hall has to witness the submission of my life with the right attitude. Commitment and relationship with God and his children reform our life values and transform us into the making of His vision in and through us.
The role of prayer, the role of a place where we meet God every day matters a lot. The quality time of prayer and spending more time in the presence of God does wonders in life. On many occasions, and times God does things beyond our comprehension and cognizant.
Critical and Explanatory: Rods laid in the tabernacle close to the ark was a symbol of the divine token, and promise to terminate all disputes. However, complainers will continue on their rebellious and unchristian attitude. “Complainers are rarely satisfied by evidence or the resolution of one issue. Complainers are not issue-motivated, though they claim to be and appear to be; they are heart-motivated. They murmur because they have complaining, discontent hearts. The complaining heart is demonstrated when people murmur about one issue after another, never being satisfied” (Enduring Bible Commentary).
3. I am a Chosen Rod of God
In Matthew 22:14, Jesus said: “Many are called but few are chosen”. Jesus again said in John 15:16, “You have not chosen me but I Have chosen you”. The grace of God plays a vital role in the choosing part. The chosen are held responsible and accountable to God in all their dealings Because they are the representatives of God.
I was thinking, what could be the reason for Aaron’s rod has been chosen on that night, at the center of the wilderness Journey. The Message Bible: “The staff of the man I choose will sprout. I’m going to put a stop to this endless grumbling by the People of Israel against you”(Numbers 17:4). Why God has chosen Aaron and why his rod has to sprout has not recorded over here. But the search of the scriptures reveals certain truths about the life of Aaron and with the help of Scriptural reference, we could assume and accept the arguments convincingly the justice and impartiality of God.
4. Aaron
This name means ORACLE GIVER. But the Hellenist Jews refer to this name as MOUNTAIN OF STRENGTH. Examining the biblical material concerning Aaron, he has only reference in Micah 6:4 in the entire of Prophetic literature. Choosing has the divine metaphor of blessings for entire posterity and down the line of generations. So this chapter plays a crucial stage in this regard. Rabbi Hillel says Aaron was a peace-loving man, a man of goodwill, and he is a man who created peace among men.
1 Samuel 16:7: But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.”
God looks into the heart rather than the face. God looks for the covenantal relationship, and the worthiness of the man whom he chooses to stay till the end with faithfulness, integrity, and sincerity (Psalm 89:3). God tests and refines through the furnace of affliction and suffering (Isaiah 48:10). No doubt chose by the grace (Romans 11:5), for priestly representative order (1 peter 2:4).
a. Aaron was Obedient and Humble:
First of all, he was an obedient man than Moses when God called him and told him to meet his brother in the liberation work of the slaved Israelites from Egypt. Moses had a lengthy discourse with God, and he was afraid to take up the mission, he had given his excuses to escape from the responsibility, whereas, Aaron gladly accepted the call of God and believed the YHWH and yielded himself to be the instruments of God (Exodus 4:27-30). Aaron’s rod was elected and selected because of his humility and willingness to accept the leadership of Moses, willing to be a prophet to Moses, willing to serve from a secondary level of leadership. God has chosen Aaron for an honorable calling (Hebrews 5:4). God has chosen Aaron to minister unto Him and to be a role model for people to see him how God has blessed. However, he could not attain perfection in his priesthood (Hebrews 7:11).
b. Aaron was a Committed Co-worker
Secondly, We read in Exodus 17:12, Aaron was a committed co-worker without one among the prayer group, sincerely praying for the execution of the will of God during the battle with Amalekite. The team met at Rephidim (meaning: resting Place) to support Joshua while he was on the field. The cooperation and collaborations in ministry are rare commodities in the lives of churches and missions. While everyone relaxing, resting God’s Children have to sincerely pray and go to the Lord with all their heavy laden burden. Tuck says in his Sermon on the Character of Man (ref:biblehub.com), that Aaron “never occupied other than a subordinate place, and so never felt the sanctifying pressure of supreme responsibility. He was a man who could follow, but could not lead; who could serve, but could not rule.”
c. Aaron was a Man of Silence and Sorry(Penitent)
Thirdly, we read about him in Leviticus 10:3, Aaron was a man of Silence, whenever God deals with him, with his family for their misdoing. There was a silence, and sincere repentance and coming back to God for healing and blessings (Numbers 12:11-12). He never argued with God, nor sought justification for his misdoings. He was a devout, fine, and religious man. Yet he struggled with maintaining the strength of character. Even though his character has marred by several significant mistakes, Aaron must have been truly penitent because God allowed him to serve a long time and later honored his name as a Saint of God (Psalm 106:16). He was a man who followed the mistakes of the majority in the Golden calf incident ( Exodus 32). He joined with Miriam to be proud of his origin and birth to degrade the wife of Moses (Numbers 12) and he made a mistake of Anger at the Meribah ( Numbers 20).