Summary: Sermon based on Mark 1:35 to help believers start or strengthen their daily quiet time


FBCF – 9/6/20

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Years ago when the western U.S. was being settled, roads were often just wagon tracks. These rough trails posed serious problems for those who traveled on them. On one of these winding paths was posted a sign which read: "Avoid this rut or you'll be in it for the next 25 miles!"

A habit is something you can do without thinking – kind of like those wagon ruts. You just get into your your habit & do it w/out much effort or thinking, which is why most of us have so many of them.

- Get up at same time each day

- Use same coffee pot, same coffee mug

- Some exercise at the same time every day.

- Brush teeth at same time, shave the same way, maybe eat the same bfast, do the same thing when we get to work or school each day.

Habits are just a part of our lives – some good, some bad. Today, start a series to help us develop some good habits – some GODLY habits – that will move us further along in our spiritual growth & maturity. Title of series – “My Spiritual Growth Toolbox.”

Most of us have some sort of toolbox. Some use it every day in their work – some use it around the house when there’s a repair to be made. Whether it’s a master mechanic’s toolbox w/ hundreds of tools, or a small plastic box w/ a few screwdrivers, wrenches, & a hammer, we have it so we can get a job done when it necessary.

The job that we are talking about in this series is the job of growing in our walk w/ Jesus. And the tools we will be looking at over the next 7 weeks are time alone w/ God, prayer, Scripture intake, witnessing, corporate worship, intentionality in relationships, & fasting. Today, let’s talk about time alone w/ God.

EXPLANATION – Open Bibles to Mark 1:35.

Love the Gospel of Mark. It’s the shortest of the 4 Gospels.

- Action-packed – “The Gospel of immediacy”

o “immediately” – 40+ times

- Written to disciples about discipleship, the process where we learn more & more about what it truly means to be a follower of Jesus.

- 2 primary concerns: Leadership & service

o Leadership comes through service

o Service is a great way to lead (Tony Evans)

Mark doesn’t tell the story of Jesus’ birth. He starts w/ Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist, then Jesus’ temptation, & then right into Jesus’ ministry.

- He preaches first sermon – “Repent…” (1:14-15)

- Calls first disciples – (1:16-20)

- Teaches w/ so much authority that the people are astonished – (1:21-22)

- Begins casting out demons & healing people – (1:23-34)

Then right in the middle of all of this intense ministry, we come to v. 35. What do we see Him doing here? He STOPPED & He got alone w/ His Father. If Jesus, the Son of God, felt He needed to spend time alone with His Father, how much more do we need to do that!

Jesus set an example for us in every area of life – how to love people, minister to people, preach the Gospel to people, sacrifice for & serve people. And He set an example for us in the importance of stopping & getting alone w/ God.

APPLICATION – Time alone w/ God should be a priority in every Christ-follower’s life.

“No one truly born of God would question that it is a commendable practice to have a daily quiet time w/ the Lord; in fact, it is absolutely necessary to Christian growth & development.” (Stephen Olford) So here are 3 questions that come right out of this verse to help us establish or strengthen this time alone w/ God:

WHEN DID JESUS GET ALONE W/ GOD? – “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark”

- NLT – “Before daybreak the next morning…”

Let me be clear: There’s no biblical mandate or commandment that says that you have to have your time alone w/ God early in the AM. I know that’s good news for you night owls!

- Some folks are just not morning people. And you can’t stand people that are!!! Ha!!!

o You may be one of those people who says that you could be a morning person if morning started around noon.

o Heard of a guy who does 10 sit ups every morning. Said that might not sound like a lot but there’s only so many times you can hit the snooze button.

I believe there are some practical reasons why mornings may be better. Let me suggest 3:

- Less likely to have other things scheduled that would interfere – You have more control over that time of your day than any other time. And most people’s favorite TV shows, football games, etc. don’t happen in the AM

- Sets tone for the rest of the day – Gets mind & heart centered on the Lord at the beginning of the day. Instead of getting our mind filled w/ all the latest political arguments on social media, we can fill our mind w/ the things of the Lord.

- Shows that this is a priority in your life – If you’re willing to sacrifice a little sleep in order to spend time w/ the Lord, then it orders your priorities.

Whenever you decide is best for you, commit yourself to it, not in a heavy legalistic way, but in the same way that you’re committed to those things you love & are important to you & to others:

- Opening day of hunting season

- Your son’s football game, daughter’s dance recital

o Rachel’s first piano recital

o No way I was going to miss that b/c it was so important to her & to me.

WHERE DID JESUS GET ALONE W/ GOD? – “…He departed & went out to a desolate place…”

Where do you want to meet w/ God?

- Jesus preferred the solitary mountainsides & hillsides in the wilderness.

o Luke 6:12 – “…Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, & He prayed all night…”

o Matt. 14:23 – “After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside to pray…”

- Peter went up on roof to pray – Acts 10

When Jesus was teaching His disciples about prayer, He told them in Matt. 6:6, “But when you pray, go into you room & shut the door, & pray to your Father who is in secret…” KJV – “closet”. Does that literally mean that we have to move our clothes & shoes aside & get into a closet to be alone w/ God? Nothing wrong w/ that, & some folks have actually set up a prayer closet in their home (“War Room” movie).

But your “prayer closet” could be anywhere, as long as it’s a place that allows you to have that dedicated time alone w/ God. Sure, you can pray anywhere & at any time – “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). But for this daily dedicated time alone w/ God, I would recommend that you have a place that you’ve set aside to do this, if you can.

- Secluded

- Distraction-free

- Inspirational

I think there is some validity in having a dedicated space for your time alone w/ God. Think about it: The rooms & spaces in your house each have a specific purpose.

- You don’t sleep in your kitchen

- You don’t cook in your bathroom

- You don’t fix your lawn mower in the living room

- You don’t take a shower on your patio

Why not find a space in your home that you can dedicate to the all-important practice of being alone w/ God every day?

- Intentional – not a place to pay bills or check Facebook

- Private – hard to do sometimes when you have kids

o John Wesley’s wife, Susanna, had 10 kids. She put apron over her head.

Where is your place going to be? Jot that down.

WHY DID JESUS GET ALONE W/ GOD? – “…there He prayed.”

Plain & simple: Jesus pulled away from all the people, the busyness, & the distractions so He could pray.

That doesn’t mean that Jesus just sat down & immediately started praying for everybody He could pray for. Prayer is more than that.

- It’s communing & fellowshipping w/ God.

- It’s talking to God, & also listening to God

- It’s just enjoying being w/ God

Let the Word inform your prayer

Let the Holy Spirit guide your prayer

- Eph. 6:18 – “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions…”

- He will tell you who to pray for, & when you don’t know what to pray, He will pray for you

Let your common sense help your prayer

- Prayer list

- Pray out loud, or at least whisper

CONCLUSION – Today, make a commitment to start having a daily quiet time alone w/ God. Or renew your commitment.

- Or come to Jesus today & be saved!