Sacrifice Romans 12:1-8
• Saint Catherine Maximinus ordered her death on the wheel but it broke. She was then beheaded because of her Faith in Christ.
• Joan of Arc felt led by God to set her people free, in the Hundred Years’ War she was called a heretic and burned at the stake.
• Mark, who wrote the Gospel of Mark, founded the Christian Church in Alexandria. an angry mob tied a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets behind a chariot for two days without interruption. The dragging continued even after his death, until his bones were showing
• Jesus died for our sins the extreme sacrifice for all
1. Paul calls for a sacrifice. present your bodies as a living sacrifice,
• The readers in Paul’s Day this was a well-known image
• They saw the shedding of blood on an altar set aside for sacrificial purposes.
• The blood of a lamb, calf or bullock was shed for the tolerance of sins.
• This practice was routine in the lives of the Hebrews for millennia.
• The rituals are still available to us in the books of Moses, the Pentatuech or the first five books of the Old Testament.
2. This sacrifice involved a death or all in living, A willing-ness, A Surrender. Old hymn I surrender all
• Paul believes the followers of Jesus Need to be all in
• Paul doesn’t just say our lives should be a sacrifice They are a sacrifice
• A Theologian said, “He suggests that we present our bodies as living sacrifices, that is, sacrifices that do not die! Living deaths!”
• Consider those who are all in and their lives are given entirely to their music or their sport (like golf or tennis). They do not surrender their lives; they offer their lives. They give up almost everything else. They live for it. It is their life. (
• Paul said “for me to live is Christ for me to die is gain”
3. Paul believes sacrifice is renewal or renewing our minds Change transformation
• Paul points to a transformative mind set self-denial, humility, serving others and seeking the success of others.
• a passion for improvement, radical change, an unwillingness to accept old habits and conventional thinking.
• Purpose of growth involves transformation 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world there is another outline for one’s life it’s the high way
4. Sacrifice also is worship offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.
• True worship is The sacrifice, the blood, sweat and tears, the self-denial, the transformative mindset, the relentless-ness of trying to live the right way — it’s our worship
• Sacrifice is seeking to figure out how will we bless the world?
• How will we serve Jesus in our church, our community, among our friends, among neighbors, co-workers, the lost and needy, the lowly and downcast? This is sacrifice are we willing?
• For the apostle Paul, bringing his letter to the church at Rome. He encouraged : Don’t think to highly of yourself ,use your gifts such as prophesying,. 7If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, give generously; if it is leadership, lead; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
• Therefore I urge you sacrifice, surrender all, Renew transform, worship by serving
• knew then that the world needs Jesus, The world needs people who are all in, who will sacrifice for success — the kind of success that reconciles and connects people to God