Summary: God is going to restore things for his people this month. Restoration is returning something to its former state. The devil has taken away the blessings from his children, health, money etc; God is going to restore it in Jesus’ name.

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Promise of Restoration. 1 Kings 18:44-46

God is going to restore things for his people this month. Restoration is returning something to its former state. The devil has taken away the blessings from his children, health, money etc; God is going to restore it in Jesus’ name.

1 King 18:41 I hear the sound of an abundance of rain: Elijah spoke those words in a place and a time where there had not been one drop of water from the sky or dew on the ground, in 3-1/2 years.

What did that mean to have no rain? It meant no water, rivers are dry, no fish, no vegetation, no crops, no food, no cattle. Thirst, sorrow and weeping had been in Israel. For 3-1/2 years the condition has been the same. Elijah prophesied at such time that he hears the sound of an abundant rain.

God is telling you to get ready for rain, the rain is on it’s way, I hear the abundance of rain. It meant: life, recovery restoration, the rivers will run again, fish will be caught again, the crops will grow again, there will be joy where there has been sorrow, there will be laughter where there has been weeping.

Somebody listening to my voice is waiting for a rain. It means everything for you. It’s on the way, it’s on the way, it’s on the way (tell your neighbor, it’s on the way) Help is on the way, the answer is on the way, the breakthrough is on the way.

I don’t know who I’m talking to but you prayed and you fasted, and you’ve cried and you’ve confessed the word and from every natural evidence (nothing has changed, and if the truth be known for many of you it’s gotten worse). But I came to tell you: Change is in the atmosphere, the rain is coming, restoration is coming, healing is coming, peace is coming, joy is coming,

How can we receive the promise of restoration?

1. Read the Word.

Now, Elijah I hear the sound of the Abundance of rain: He did not see any evidence, didn’t see any sign, (but heard it). Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Only reading the Word of God can buid faith in you. Tell your neighbor: All you need is a word. If you’ve got a word you can make it through the storm. If you’ve got a word you can dance in the fiery furnace. If you’ve got a word you can sleep in a den of lions. If you’ve got a word you can beat the famine with a little meal and a little oil. If you’ve got a word you can walk on water.

There is a sound: Elijah heard the word. Stay rooted in the word. Read the word, practice, and obey the word.

2. Proclaim the Word.

Elijah heard and he proclaimed, I hear the sound of an abundance of rain. Even when there is no rain Elijah proclaimed it. It’s a decree in the spirit realm.

I proclaim victory over your situation today. Somebody’s faith is going to another level today, (somebody who has been struggling through the wilderness of just enough and barely getting by is getting ready to go into overflow.

Some of the stuff that used to hinder you, and used to pull down, after this service they are not going to bother you anymore because restoration is coming.

The rain was on the way but there was work to be done:

3. Pray.

Ahab went to feast and Elijah went to pray.

For every miracle, every breakthrough, every prodigal who comes home, every son or daughter who is delivered from drugs and perversion (Somebody has to pray)

Elijah got himself in the birth position (head between his knees) and began to labor in prayer for what he heard in the Spirit. He sent his servant out to look toward the sea for an answer:

His servant returns the answer: I’m looking but I don’t see any evidence of an answer to your prayer. But Elijah just keeps on praying, he sends his servant back to the sea seven times and while the servant is running Elijah is praying.

Pray persistently till you see the rain. You just have to keep on praying: When you have a word from God in your spirit you just have to keep on praying.

Daniel prayed for 20 days with no evidence whatsoever that God had heard him, but on the 21rst day the breakthrough came, Michael the warring angel broke into the battle and Gabriel got the message through. God will do whatever it takes to get it to you, if you don’t quit!

Keep on praying, keep on praising, keep on confessing, keep on tithing, and sowing, and singing and dancing. Don’t let the devil see you fail.

Delay is not denial (Abraham was delayed 25 years but not denied) Joseph was delayed 15 years but not denied. Lazarus was delayed for 4 days but not denied.

Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: (though it tarry) wait for it because it will surely come , it will not tarry.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent: if he said it he will do it and if he hath spoken it, he will bring it to pass.

We don’t pray because we feel like it, we don’t pray just because it’s the Christian thing to do. We pray because we have an objective that can only be reached and can only be won and conquered through prayer.

Elijah’s servant has brought back another negative report: but Elijah keeps praying. Go back to the sea look again then come tell me what you see.

On the 7th time the servant comes back with the report: Behold there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea. 1 Kings 18:44-46 44The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’” 45Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain started falling and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. 46The power of the Lord came on Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.

Conclusion: It was so small: Like a mans hand (It didn’t look like much but Elijah’s faith grabbed hold of it. There’s something about faith that lets you see the greatness in little things: The servant saw a little cloud but Elijah saw (A river filling, ground soaking, drought busting rainstorm)

I don’t care how big the problem may seem to you, or how long is has existed: The promises of God come in concentrated form and one little word from God will set you free, and will destroy that thing forever.

Jesus said: All it takes is faith like the size of a mustard seed and you can command mountains to jump into the sea and they will have to go. I feel some mountains starting to shake in here right now. I feel some mountains losing their hold. I feel some real mountain moving faith rising up in here right now. I feel a Drought Busting faith in the house (I HEAR THE SOUND OF THE ABUNDANCE OF RAIN)

I hear the sound of the abundance of rain: What is the rain to you? The rain is Gods power visiting your life in whatever area or areas are in drought, or in lack, or broken or empty. The rain is God taking every plan, every plot and every scheme and every weapon that the devil has launched at you and turning it around for your good. The simplest definition of all is just answered prayer.

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