Summary: I preached this sermon to remind believers of the role of government as a God-ordained entity in our lives.

Title: The Christian and Civil Government Scripture: Romans 13:1-9

Type: Topical Where: GNBC 6-7-2020 (Riots)

Intro: During the past week and a half I have heard a lot of people demand and emphasize their rights. The result has been the wanton destruction of our communities, personal property, assault, battery and murder. I want to chart an opposite course this morning. If you want revolution preach on rights. If you want a revival, preach on responsibilities. Friends, we need a revival in America today. Christ is our only hope. Friend, when England was tottering on the brink of the same anarchy that shattered France, God sent revival in the form of George Whitefield and the John and Charles Wesley. Influenced individuals who influenced the government and saw real and lasting reform: prisons, families, poverty, child labor, and slavery.

Prop: Exam. Rom. 13:1-9 we’ll realize 4 Important Truths about the Christian and Government.

BG: 1. Apostle Paul wrote this mid/late 50’s ad. Not a friendly time in the Roman Empire.

2. Important to remember that at the time of writing, Xistians had no legal rights in Roman Empire.

Prop: Let’s exam Rom.13:1-9 so as to realize 4 Important Principles about the Christian and Govt.

• 1st Principle: The Precept – v. 1a

A. Every Person is to be is Subjection to the Governing Authorities.

1. The Bible Unequivocally States that every person is required to be in subjection to the governing authorities.

a. Although Paul wrote this as a Christian for Christians, the principle here is clear. It is for “every person”, both Christian and non-Christian alike. Subjection certainly includes obedience, but it implies even more. Subjection focuses on the spirit or attitude of the individual, which leads to obedience. It recognizes an authority over us to which we are obliged to give not only our obedience but our respect. It implies a spirit which seeks to understand the perspective and purpose of the one who is superior and to seek to enhance that one’s position and purpose.

b. Illust: Our society today has a real problem with the concept of showing respect and deference for others. Many in the minority communities have felt that for years they have been treated with a lack of respect by those in law enforcement. We have also seen horrible pictures during the last week of elderly people being attacked, women being attacked, government and personal property being burned, looted and destroyed. Officers and soldiers and firemen being cursed, spit on and attacked. Vile graffiti defacing personal or public property. We have a proud and arrogant attitude in our nation today that shows no deference or respect for others, and certainly not God, and we only want to demand what we want and we want it when we want it.

2. The Scriptural Reference here is to Political Authorities.

a. The authorities Paul speaks of are the governing authorities, those authorities which govern us politically. Submission to other authorities (e.g. wives to their husbands; slaves to their masters, church leaders) is discussed elsewhere. These governmental authorities are assumed to be legitimate, for there are those who claim authority but are illegitimate. (A Christian living in a country where a military coup or violent revolution; like many of you have experienced in Africa.)

b. Illust: Are there exceptions to this precept in the Bible? Absolutely! There were times when men had to chose to "obey God, rather than men" (e.g. Daniel 3, 6; Acts 4:19-20; 5:27-32). Now please listen very carefully… while the Christian may not, in good conscience before God, always be able to obey the government in every instance, true submission to the government is never actually set aside. Generally, submission is exhibited by one’s obedience. But when one cannot obey, they can still demonstrate a submissive spirit. A submissive spirit shouldn’t be set aside when it comes to those in authority over us. Illust: When King Nebuchadnezzar had Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah’s name changed did they revolt? In OT Daniel and S, M, and A, all required to eat king’s food which was a dietary requirement offense? Did they shout “Up the King”, I am eating what I am going to eat? No, made a humble appeal to their direct authority. Later in life when conspirators attempted to have Daniel executed they attacked him in the area of his devotional life. “If you pray to anyone other than the king for the next 30 days you will be thrown into the lion’s den.” (Dan.6:7). Did Daniel storm into Darius’ palace and say: “O Darius…FORGET YOU!” NO! He went onto his roof top prayer chamber, opened the windows and prayed as was his habit, and trusted God for the consequences. (v.10) Notice the attitude. Humble. Submissive. We have seen that attitude in many protestors and police this week. We have not seen that in rioters.

B. What is our Biblical Duty in Turbulent times?

1. You may not like what I have to say…I may not like it either, but: Submitting to the authority of legitimate governmental agents is required by God, at all times and in all cases. Being submissive usually, but not always, will result in obedience. However, being submissive will always seek to give honor to whom honor is due.

2. Illust: In Acts 5: The Sanhedrin has demanded that the apostles stop preaching in the name of Jesus. They couldn’t obey this, lest they would disobey God. Although they neither would nor could stop preaching Christ, they didn’t challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin. Listen to their answer: “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20). Ordinarily, one who is seeking to do good need not fear government. One who is serving God need not worry about government opposition. Christians should be the best citizens, for their calling is consistent with government’s divine commission.

C. Applic: The Precept of this passage is that everyone is to be in submission to our political authorities Even when we cannot for demonstrate obedience for conscience sake, and we must disobey, we can and should do so in a submissive spirit and manner.

• 2nd Principle: The Provision v.1b

A. Paul Stridently States that Civil Government is Divinely Ordained by God.

1. Paul’s entire Argument is based upon the Sovereignty of God. God alone possesses ultimate authority. He’s the supreme authority over the universe. All human authority is delegated to men by God. No one has authority independent of God. Do you know that our Declaration of Independence declares this? ““We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Did the government give you those rights? NO! God did.

2. How do we know that a given government is ordained of God and that He has given it authority? A government’s existence is proof that it is ordained of God and that it possesses divinely delegated authority. Paul says, “those which exist are established by God.” God is sovereign. He is in control of all things. He causes all things to “work together for good” (8:28). In days gone by, He raised up a disobedient Pharaoh (9:17), as well as Assyria and Babylon, as His chastening rod (for example, see Habakkuk 1 and 2). He raised up a pagan Cyrus, even predicting his birth 150 years prior (Is.45) so as to allow the return of the Jews from exile. Whether democratic or autocratic, heathen or God-fearing, every government which has the power to rule over its people has been granted by God.

B. God is the One Who has Sovereignly ordained Civil Government.

1. Submission to government then is an expression of our submission to God. God has instituted human government to exercise divinely delegated authority over men. We should be subject to human governments for this reason alone.

2. Illust: I want to say this very clearly: I love America. But America is no longer a Christian nation. It’s pagan to the core. We have thrown our collective fists in the face of God! The Mayflower Compact is a museum relic. “In God We Trust” is a lie. I do not despise the country of my birth but I also do not put my eternal hope in her. The state is not God. The nation is not the Promised Land. The president is not our King. The Congress is not our Savior. As Augustine taught, our ultimate welfare will never be found in “the City of Man”. The federal government is not sovereign. As Christians we live—in every age and in every generation—by the rivers of Babylon (Ps 137). We must learn how to sing the Lord’s song in a strange and foreign land. One day, and I pray centuries from now, America will fall. The United States will inevitably disintegrate. The Stars and Stripes will bleed. The White House will turn to rubble. We stand like Augustine before the sea. We pray that God will spare our nation. If He chooses not to, we ask for the grace to accept its demise. In either case, we look to Him who is our King and to heaven, which is our home. We await the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, whose builder and maker is God.

C. Applic: God has provided the agency of civil government for a stable and peaceful society.

III. 3rd Principle: The Praise or the Penalty of Government. Vv.3-5

A. First, God Ordained Government Is Called to Praise Good Behavior.

1. Paul clearly outlines that the Duty of Government is to Reward Good Behavior.

Notice how Paul refers to civil government: “It is a minister” – Many denominations refer to their clergy as “ministers”. literally, - diakonos – GK from which we get “deacon”. Deacon is a servant. Paul says that he is in fact a “servant from God for your good.” Most people don’t really understand why they feel so angry when a civil servant betrays their trust, but I believe it is not that he/she has simply let those constituents down or demonstrated a lack of trust. Rather, they have neglected their sacred trust with God Almighty. Paul would have had a one word reply to those who would have argued a separation of Church and State: BUNK! Both are ordained by God to serve. Part of that service is to reward the good behavior of its citizens.

2. Illust: Earlier week I got a call from my old friend Jim Rea. As many of you know, Jim pastored all through NI’s “Troubles”. He was interested in the violence that was sweeping America and wanted to know about what had happened here. When I was relaying some of the events he said: “Be careful and keep your head down. At least I got a “gong” from the Queen for my efforts.” Years ago he was honored with a special medal for his work. That’s the same principle here in America. A mayor or a governor gives an award to his or her deserving citizens. V.3 – What is the principle? “Do good and you will have no fear.”

B. Second, God Ordained Government is Called to Punish Evil Behavior.

1. It is the duty and Responsibility of the Government to Punish evil with complete equality under the law. (I would be the first to say this is a major problem in our judicial system today. Like in Animal Farm, some people are more equal than others.)

a. v.4 – “For if you do what is evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword for nothing.” The power to punish resides with God ordained government. This is why nations need Armies. This is why communities need police. Fear of punishment is a deterrent. When no law and order no fear of consequences of my bad behavior. Illust: How many of us, when driving, crest a hill and see a police car instantly hit our brakes? Why? Fear of penalty. Ticket.

b. Illust: At least 2 MN City Council members stated earlier this week that they should disband the police force. Are you really that idiotic? Do you really know that little about human nature? Have the 1000’s of lives disrupted, the assaults, the murders, the arsons, the $ billions in property damages proven the case for or against the sinfulness of man? It is due to that sinfulness that God ordained human government as a restraint against the evil impulses and desires of man. When government refuses to protect its citizens from abuse in any form (Yes, even in the form of police brutality.) it has failed to fulfill its God ordained duty.

2. The Gospel clearly requires the accountability of the individual.

a. Illust: Back in Ezekiel 18:20 we read: "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father's iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son's iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.” This was further support to the Levitical law that called for individual accountability. Ezekiel wrote that passage as a political refuge in a foreign land. He had no rights, no power, no prestige. He wasn’t writing from the vantage point of intersectionality. Listen friend, no one person, tribe or tongue stands more privileged or more penitent before the person of Jesus Christ that is an abominable lie the Social Justice warriors want you and me to believe. We live in a world where suffering is the norm. We have all suffered unjustly at some point in time…have some more than others? Absolutely! You must come to Christ for forgiveness or you will die in your sins.

b. God blessed our nation with incredibly wise Founders. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, who were the primary influences in the writing of the US Constitution penned words that the vast majority of individuals throughout human history would have given their right arm to live under. Truthfully, the vast majority of people the world over do not enjoy these same rights today. 1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” We have the right to peacefully assemble for a redress of grievances. We do not have the legal right to burn, loot, and steal, intimidate and when we do, we sin.

C. Applic: The purpose of God-ordained civil government is to reward good behavior and to punish and restrain evil. Calvin argues (Calvin’s Commentaries [Baker], p. 480) that God uses wicked rulers as His scourge to punish the sins of the people. In other words, we get the rulers that we deserve! But when governments function as they are supposed to, they protect law-abiding citizens and punish law-breakers.

IV. 4th Principle: Pay What You Owe.

A. The Christian is to Pay what He Owes to His Government.- Pay taxes.

1. Paul stressed this principle..there’s no free ride, so pay what you owe.

a. v.6 – “For this reason you also pay taxes for rulers are servants of God.” Paul uses two words for taxes in v. 7. The first refers to direct taxes paid by subject nations, such as property tax and income tax. The second word refers to more indirect tax, such as sales tax and customs (Thomas Schreiner, Romans [Baker], p. 686). The point is, although we often disagree with how our government spends our tax dollars, we should pay our taxes conscientiously before the Lord. We can protest our taxes through proper channels and we can vote for those who might lower our taxes, but we aren’t free to opt out of paying our taxes. Try as you might Christian, pay up! I am sure when these riots are all over we are going to be paying taxes…a lot of taxes! All last week police have been working 16 hrs shifts, overtime for FD, broken glass, fences, damaged property. Guess who cleans that up? Guess who pays for it? Tax payers! Do you cheat on your taxes? God sees you. Repent. Pay.

b. Lest you think only Paul had this idea…nope, our Lord and Savior did as well: Matthew 22:21 “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God’s.”

B. The Christian is to Pay a Greater Debt than Taxes. He is to pay a debt of Love

1. Christian, you and I are to go beyond merely paying our taxes. We are to pay our debt of love to every person. Seriously, what the world needs to see is love. Sacrifice. We need to seek the best for the other person.

a. Love realizes that I am personally accountable for my actions and God call us to love one another with the love of Jesus Christ. To do that we must be personally accountable. If you are joining these mobs and property is damaged or people are hurt, or God forbid, killed, you are personally accountable before God. Micah 6:8 “He has told you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” I see a lot of people talking about “justice”, but there is no kindness and no humility and God will not hear the proud in heart.

b. Illust: I want to point our attention to the tragic events that precipitated the violent riots of this past week. Individual responsibility is what I am speaking about today. It’s time we take responsibility as individuals. Let’s think about how the tragic story of George Floyd could have ended differently. George Floyd (Had he known.) could have chosen NOT to have gone outside since he apparently had Covid. Floyd was found to have had fentanyl, methamphetamine and THC in his bloodstream in amount that would have “killed a first time user”. He should have sought help for addiction. He could have chosen not to have attempted to pass a fake $20 bill, and had he not known, he could have apologized to the store owner and attempted to help the owner and the police by telling where he had gotten the counterfeit money. Officer Derek Chauvin could have made several different choices as well. He could have treated people with more kindness and respect. After getting the man into hand cuffs he could have lifted his knee off of his neck. At least three other police officers (White, Asian, Hispanic) could have intervened when they saw there was excessive force being used. But they didn’t. Possibly a commanding officer should have looked more deeply into the 18 complaints made against this rogue officer. But he or she didn’t. Accountable! Maybe the former Democratic Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar should have tried a previous complaint against Chauvin when she was Hennepin County Prosecutor, but she chose not to! Individual accountability. There’s a whole lot of blame to go around. We need to be challenged to try each day in some way to make a difference in the life of another. And I am sorry, it is not found in hokey services of spiritual self flagellation and forced group confessions.

2. The Best Way I can Pay that Debt of Love is to Tell You Where you Can Find Love, Hope, Forgiveness, and True Justice.

a. Illust: The famed English philosopher, apologist, and author, GK Chesterton was once asked to write a piece for the London Times on the topic: “What’s Wrong with the World.” His editorial was exactly two words long: “I am”.

b. Let me tell you something. A lot of people think Officer Chauvin is the devil incarnate. Lot of people have said would love to kill him. At the end of the day they think they are better. Maybe are. But not a single one of us can stand before God Almighty in Whose presence our “righteous acts” are as filthy rags! (Is. 64:6) You who are so concerned for justice. Do you have an advocate with the Eternal Judge?

Are you afraid? Uncertain times? Filled with hatred? Turn to Christ Friends, we need a revival in America today. Christ is our only hope.