Summary: Psalm 32:1-4: The psalmist David as a man who had gone through all blessings in his life. Here, he expresses his deep experiences with sin and iniquity; and their vitality in the damaging totality of personality of human beings.


I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If, God willing throughout this month of June 2020, we would meditate under the theme “Restoration”. Psalm 32 and Psalm 51 are tuned together. This psalm titled ‘Maschil’ refers to the instruction and didactic. This psalm was a favorite to St Augustine. I would like to share three thoughts from this Psalm: Human Iniquity, Saints integrity, and God's intimacy.

1. Human iniquity (Psalm 32:1-4)

Psalm 32:1-4: The psalmist David as a man who had gone through all blessings in his life. Here, he expressed his deep experiences with sin and iniquity; and their vitality in the damaging totality of personality of human beings. The psalmist uses words 'Transgressions, Sins, and Deceits' to indicate the iniquity (Psalm 32:1-2).

Transgression is crossing the line, sin is missing the mark, iniquity is of crookedness and distortion. God deals with us according to our Transgressions, Sins, and Wickedness. He will not keep silent and mum over the disobedience and demean activities of men (Psalm 32:3-4). We cannot cover up our iniquities and live a happy life. The conscience constantly wounds us and shrink our walk and talk. So better confess the transgressions and guilt (Psalm 32: 5).

Iniquity can disfigure the image and likeness of God and sadden the indwelling Holy Spirit. It can defraud you, lead you to do dehumanized activities, and to disgrace. It can make you behave almost like an animal. So, ‘he pleads to God to wash all his iniquities’ (Psalm 51:2).

We all are turning to our normal life activities after COVID-19 lockdown not because we have succeeded it, but we have learned to live with Corona. At the same time, we need not worry to live with Sin, Disappointments, and discouragements. We are blessed to have a God who is very close to all of us and he is a great Redeemer.

Forgiveness of sin is given to all those who confess their iniquity to God (Acts 26:18). The scar of Sin is so powerful and stays within you till you do plastic surgery with the Scar of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Iniquities and intimidated matters; and presumptuous sins are to be confessed to God without hiding, without diluting makes holy and acceptable to God. The justification is God’s act of right and mercy. He forgives our transgressions; He doesn’t count our sins, however, the response has to come from us. This is both ways (Psalms 32:1-2).

Charles Spurgeon: “We are not pardoned that we may henceforth live after our lusts, but that we may be educated in holiness and trained for perfection.”

Personal Story: When I was young, I traveled to a Local Train from Egmore station to St Thomas Mount, Chennai. I purchased a second class ticket. But I was traveling in the First Class compartment. TTE found me and took me to his office at Guindy, he made me Pay fine. Then, I asked him, “Sir, Shall I now travel in First Class?" He said, "if you have more money to pay as fine, you can."

The concealment on iniquity leads to more disgrace, more poverty of Joy, and peace (Genesis 3:8). Achan concealed the sin but was not lived with it very long (Joshua 7:21). It is a great curse to hide our plans, sins, and wickedness (Isaiah 29:15). Woe to those who are heaping sin upon sin (Isaiah 30:1). God will bring every deed into judgment (Ecclesiasticus 12:14). We can’t keep quiet; we can’t keep silent. Acknowledging our state, our place with God is very important and unquestionable.

2. Saints integrity (Psalm 32: 5-7)

Psalm 32:5-7: Godly person acknowledges his sin, iniquity; and confesses to God. Not covering up anything but disclosing the secret sins, evil actions, and repenting from them. He is called a holy one and a saint (Expanded Bible); My lies and my evil deeds (The Voice Bible).

Psalmist brings a new dimension to human life. Saint is the one who believes the name of Jesus Christ, washed by the blood of Jesus Christ (John 1:29). Saint always confesses all his known and unknown sins. He becomes a Saint. Paul uses this word very often to mention and refer to those believers who lived in the early Church (Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 2 Corinthians 1:1). Book of Revelation mentions the word Saints to refer to the Martyrs and all those who kept their purity and faith (Revelation 5:8, 19:8).

Our iniquities are before the Lord (Psalm 90:8) even it precedes our prayers, praises, and offerings. Sin will find us (Numbers 32:23). But always take courage and remember the Living words of the Holy Bible and believe them. “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).

Satan is a liar and father of lies (John 8:44), He is violent and forceful in his work knowing that he has given a limited time. He will tell that our Sins can’t be forgiven. Satan is called a prince of this world (John 12:31, 14:30). He is also known as Lawless (2 Thessalonians 2:8). He was called the holder of the death (Hebrews 2:14). The nature of Satan is sinning (1 John 3:8). He is called the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4). As per, 1 John 1:9 “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

2 Corinthians 7:10 “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrows bring death”. Simon Peter had godly sorrow and Judas Iscariot had worldly sorrow. The Ninevites were forgiven and given a new life (Jonah 3:6-9). They wore sack clothes instead of Royal Robe, sat on dust than a royal throne. Josiah and his subjects were forgiven (2 kings 22:19). Confession leads us to practice integrity.

Some people repented at the wrong time, at the wrong place they confessed to a wrong person. Balaam confessed that “he has sinned” but did not turn (Numbers 22:34). Achan confessed at the wrong time he said ‘yes, I have sinned’ without repentance (Judges 7:20). Saul confessed to Samuel “I have sinned” (1 Samuel 15:24).

Integrity is seen when there is accordance in the life between theory and practice. Transparency and trustworthiness characterize every action. When there is a difference between what we say and what we do, we demonstrate a lack of integrity. Integrity denies a room for hypocrisy, each person’s actions affect others. A great deal of mental ill-health could be avoided if we possessed sufficient integrity. Integrity is the foundation of good mental health, trustworthiness, interpersonal relationships, and responsible and accountable behavior. At one time or another everyone has failed to meet the standard of full integrity. Jesus requires only contrition.

3. God’s intimacy (Psalm 32:8-11)

Psalm 32:8-11: God’s intimacy is expressed here as a God who promises to dwell with us, He would like to instruct us, teach us, counsel us, and watch over us. God uses the very strong word on our controlled lives.

Intimacy is knowing and being known by one another. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you (James 4:8). The fast-paced modern life, complicated evil social trends, and surroundings compete with us. We don’t find time for God or quieten our hearts before Him. The saints are invited to celebrate the gift of God. The assurance of Salvation and eternal life.

Intimacy is developed by going regularly to the tent of meeting God and ‘proskuneo’ (Kiss) worshipping Him, (John 4:24, Isaiah 6:3) through reading the Word of God and speaking to Him in all Occasions.

Christianity is not all about the otherworld. It has more concerned about our earthly life. It has plenty of teachings on every aspect of our life. It has more penultimate things of Heaven. God’s intimacy was revealed on various occasions and at every generation. God was concerned about our dwelling places, our eating habits, our sexual relationships, and our attitudes towards fellow believers, neighbors, strangers, and foreigners. The man became wild and wicked. Living uncontrolled life was celebrated as democracy, as liberal, like freedom of speech, acts, and deeds.

The word "watch" over you or keep my EYE upon you refer to the WILL of God (Psalm 32:8). God gives the promise to offer his advice, his instruction, his understanding(Wycliff), his wise counsel to act, and direction (Young’s Literal Translation) his guidance for the way to go.

The Passion Translation: Psalm 32:8-9 “I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!”

DL Moody: “Trust in yourself leads to doom and disappointment. Trust in your friends, one day they will die and leave you. Trust in money and it will be taken away from you. Trust in reputation it will be ruined by a slanderous tongue. But Trust in God gives you unbroken intimacy and joy forever.”

Today the NT Church has blessed with God’s spirit to instruct daily. Jesus said: “But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you” (John 14:26). One of the duties of the Holy Spirit is to teach us the TRUTH.

The Horse and Mule are animals that need more rigorous training before it is being used by the owner. The instruments Bit and bridle refers to discipline to be observed. Mathew Henry comments “God teaches by his word, and guides with the secret intimations of his will.”

This month God will be with you to teach you the way we should go.