Summary: Paul exhorted the Corinthian Church to examine themselves to see if they were in the faith.

Title: “Taking Life’s Test” Scripture: II Cor. 13:5-6

Type: Expos. Where: GNBC 5-10-20

Intro: Life is full of tests. I don’t mean the challenges of relationships, financial shortfalls or health failings. I mean, actual, literal tests! We start taking standardized tests of basic skills in Elem, PSATS, and SATS, and ACTS in HS. He take tests for our vocations or for our education. My oldest son is a fireman with the IC FD. Besides being a HS grad, college grad, having his CDL for college job, he has a EMT, FF1, FF2, Hazmat Operations and Internal Driver Operator Cert. Many careers require multiple levels of certification from some governing body. The purpose of this is to ensure the quality and competency of the individual. Did you know that we are encouraged to test ourselves for spiritual quality as well?

Prop: II Cor. 13:5-6 challenges believes to take the most important test of our lives.

BG: 1. II Cor. Was written by the Apostle Paul. It was actually the 3rd letter to the church.

2. Technically speaking, I Cor. Was II Cor. Why? In I Cor. 5:9 the Apostle wrote: “I wrote to you in my first letter not to associate with sexually immoral people.” (This letter was lost.)

3. II Cor. is, besides Philemon, Paul’s most personal and least systematically doctrinal letter. See a great deal into his personality and passion.

Prop: II Cor. 13:5-6 challenges believes to take the most important test of our lives.

I. Take the Most Important Test of All. v. 5a

A. Paul Admonishes the Corinthians to Test Themselves to make Sure they were Christians.

1. This admonition was rooted most likely in two specific matters in the Corinthians Church.

a. One of the issues was the rebellious attitude which characterized the Corinthian Church. Many of the Corinthian Church were now openly questioning Paul’s leadership and Apostleship. Read v.3 – In response to the Apostle’s letter of correction and visits, the response of this rebellious congregation is: “Who do you think you are Paul?” Really? Paul was the one whom on his 2nd missionary journey founded this church! (Acts 18; ICor. 2:1-2), Paul (Along w/ Aquilla and Priscilla) was the one who stayed with them 18 months grounding and rooting them in sound doctrine. Be very careful Christian not to demonstrate rebellion towards those in leadership. Illust: Do you remember when King Saul got in so much trouble in the OT? What was the rebuke he received? “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” (I Sam. 15:23)

b. The second issue was the flagrant immorality that characterized the Corinthian Church. Corinth was an incredibly immoral community, being one of the most wicked and degraded cities of ancient times. Many of the believers had come out of horrific lifestyles. And Christians are always to be different from the world no matter what community one lives in. The problem: Many in the church at Corinth were looking just like the world from which they were supposedly redeemed. In fact, we read in I Cor. 5:1 “It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father's wife.” Might have been stepmother or father’s other wife. Doesn’t matter. Paul says: You are living in one of the most perverse cities on earth and you are tolerating a sin that makes the world blush! Listen friend, you cannot live in flagrant sin and call yourself a Christian. Paul says: Take the test!

2. Paul Challenges the Corinthians to Take the Test to Determine whether are/not Christians.

a. Illust: What’s the most important test you’ve ever taken? Maybe GED? Maybe an exam in college. Maybe Realtor’s License or CPA examination. Possibly nursing boards or medical school boards. If a lawyer the Bar Exam. Maybe an exam or licensure for your profession. Maybe a coaching certificate. Maybe SAT or ACT. Do you want an ASA certified mechanic? ASME engineer? CDL. Life is full of tests. Why? Demands competency. Do you think we can sluff by in our faith? Paul says: NO!

b. Go back to v. 3: Paul is saying: “You want to test me? You better test yourself!”

B. What is the Object of this Test? Clearly determining one’s True Spiritual Standing.

1. Because of their Acceptance of Sin and Rebellious Attitude Paul Challenged the Corinthians to test themselves to determine their true Spiritual Standing.

2. Today’s believer needs to test themselves to determine their true Spiritual Standing.

a. Illust: The evangelical church in America today is full of behaviors that completely mirror the world. High rates of divorce and immorality. Drug and alcohol use and abuse. Pornography amongst both men and women. Using obscene speech (cursing) Materialism. Gluttony. Lust. Covetousness. Mocking unbelief. Effeminate men. Overbearing and usurping women.

b. One of the pet words of this age is tolerance. It is a good word, but we have tried to stretch it over too great an area. We have applied it, too often, where it does not belong. The word tolerant means liberal and broad-minded. In one sense, it implies the compromise of one’s convictions, a yielding of ground upon important issues. We have become tolerant about many behaviors and attitudes that a generation ago were deemed sinful. We have been sapped of conviction, drained of our beliefs, and we are bereft of our faith. The sciences, however, are narrow-minded. There is no room for careless broad-mindedness in the laboratory. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level; it is never 100 degrees nor 189 degrees, nor 211. Fresh water freezes at 32 degrees; it is never 23 degrees nor 31. Mathematics is also narrow-minded. The sum of two plus two is four, never three-and-a-half. Geometry is narrow-minded. It says that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points on a plane. A compass is narrow-minded; it always points to the magnetic north. If it were broad-minded, ships at sea and planes in the air would be in danger. Why? Because these are scientific truths. These are laws. Friend, the WOG clearly has truths on what our behaviors and attitudes should be like if we call selves Christians.

c. C. Applic: Back in Jr. High had a group of friends in a class. All thought pretty smart. Smug. Test was announced for Monday. Didn’t study. Didn’t need to. All told each other we were smart teacher was dumb. Monday came and we found out just how dumb we were. Don’t be lulled. You and I need to take the most important test of our lives: Test to see if we really are Christians or not.

II. Paul Challenges the Corinthians to Examine Themselves Carefully!

A. Paul States that this test is Important enough to make a Careful Examination.

1. Due to their inconsistencies the Corinthian Christians Needed to Carefully Exam themselves.

a. Let’s look at those two words: “examine yourselves!” – dokimazo – test so as to examine or approve. To make a trial of. To investigate. Investigation into a crime takes time and effort and careful analysis. A trial is usually a lengthy process that requires research and preparation and a calling of witnesses and a cross examination.

b. The Apostle here is reiterating the point from the first portion of the verse. The emphasis is pointed for effect. It is an understood: “You! Examine yourselves!” The Corinthians were making judgments and pronouncements about Paul’s Apostleship, now he responds: “You want to judge me? You better examine yourself!” Illust: When I was a new believer, a statement was often made: “If you were to go on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to get a conviction.” Today’s Christian in response to such a query would state: “Don’t judge me!”

2. Put forth the Effort to Carefully Examine Yourself.

a. Illust: Suppose you were going to your doctor for your annual exam. Had some concerning issues over past year want to have doctor examine. Seated in chair and doctor comes in and he/she says to you: “How are you doing?” “Good”. “Great, I’ll see you next year!” Wait a minute! Now, were you seen by a doctor? Technically, yes. But…would that type of examination satisfy you? Especially when you got your bill?! Would want him or her to check list of meds, ask questions, do a little poking and prodding, check bp, temp, blood draw, check cholesterol, etc. ? Why? When relates to our health want a thorough examination. Right? Then why are we so lazy and sloppy when it comes to the examination of our souls?

b. Human beings are professional critics of others. We analyze, criticize, stigmatize, and ostracize. While there is a place for “righteous judgment” (Jn. 7:24), critical examination should began in the mirror.In the Greek Testament the term “yourselves” leads the sentence for emphasis. One will never be able to remove the splinter from another’s eye until self-surgery extracts the log from his own (Mt. 7:3-5). There first must be personal scrutiny. Until that is achieved, one can go no further.

B. How are We to Examine Ourselves Carefully?

1. Illust: If you are an adult you know there are little self examinations we are to periodically give ourselves, whether man or woman so as to detect early a potential problem. Well, I want to give you five brief examinations you can give yourself to see if your (spiritual) heart is healthy.

2. What are those self exams you can take to make an early detection of a potentially severe spiritual problem? Let me list a few.

a. Check to make sure you love the WOG. I Peter 2:2 “ Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” Do you read the WOG? One of our Disciplines for this year is to DAILY read the WOG. Is it a habit or at best an afterthought. Illust: I have a friend. Has difficulty reading. Yet, has disciplined self over past five years to try to read the WOG an hour a day. Reading has improved. So has spiritual life. If you claim to be a Christian do you read or listen to the WOG?

b. Check to make sure you love the People of God. I Jn. 3:14 – “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death.” Do you love being with other Christians? It is evidence of your standing before the Lord. #1 thing I have hated about this Covid 19 crisis is not being able to meet with the people of God. (I often hear people say: “Oh, I love Jesus, I just can’t stand Christians.” False comfort friend. If you love Jesus you will choose to love the people of God with all their warts and flaws.

c. Check to make sure you love the things of God. In Mt. 7:16 “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles are they?” Like produces like. If we are born again by Christ we should love the things Christ loves. What motivates His heart should motivate our hearts.

d. Check to make sure you do not love the World. The converse of the previous verse is also true. I Jn. 2:15 “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” Doesn’t mean you cannot have hobbies or interests. However, these cannot compete with Christ. Illust: Not too long ago heard man say: “Church should be my excuse for why I don’t do everything else on a Sunday. Not the reverse.” What are we teaching our children about the things of God when their traveling teams or stadium clean ups or clubs or concerns cause them to be out of church for weeks and sometimes months on end?

e. Check to make sure the HS confirms your standing in Christ. Rom.8:16 states: “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.” Friend, do you have the inner witness of the HS? Does the HS convict of sin? Good! Does He inspire you to talk to people? Does He give you insight into the WOG and soften heart and steel your resolve towards the things of God? Fantastic!

Applic: Jesus told a parable of two Jews who went to the temple to pray (Lk. 18:9ff). The one, a Pharisee (the strictest sect of Judaism — Acts 26:5), congratulated himself that he stood elevated above others. He cataloged his alleged virtues and drew a sharp line between himself and “this publican” (the phrase drips with disdain) who had also entered the environs of the temple. In glaring contrast, the Jewish tax collector working on behalf of Rome humbly stood “afar off” from the sacred place He would not even lift up his eyes, so conscious was he of his own spiritual flaws. Rather, he “beat his breast” in contrition, and solicited the Lord’s mercy. Who was a model of self-examination? Take note my friend!

III. Understand there are Only Two Outcomes of this Examination.

A. Paul wanted the Corinthians to understand there were only 2 Possible outcomes of this exam.

1. There is a potentially positive outcome of this test.

*The positive outcome is that you are in the faith, or more Biblically correct, “Jesus Christ is in you”. Certainly there were at Corinth, many true believers who were devout and would loved the Apostles’ Doctrine, who loved the brethren and the things of God and whose hearts were vexed by the sinful behavior of those in the church there with them. Illust: Years ago, friend from foreign country came to preach at Good News. Because of his position as being the President of a sister denomination he was invited to preach at another church in our community that was very liberal theologically speaking. I went with my friend. Preached an evangelistic message. Most people uncomfortably shook hands and left. But little old lady stood patiently in line. Cocked her head and with a squinted eye looked up and said: “I haven’t heard preaching like that in this church in thirty years. Bless you.”

2. There is a potentially negative outcome of this test.

a. Illust: When we were in school most of the tests were for a letter grade. Roughly speaking 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, Below 60% F. However, there were also, some tests that were simply graded as P/F. In many ways those were more unnerving. Took German in HS for foreign language. Wasn’t very good at it. Now that year Indiana had imposed an education reform act that required “minimums” per course. Did not matter what your letter grade was, if failed the “minimum” examination you failed the course. Could take three times. I failed first 2x. Now, I had a “B” average in the class. So, in a lot of ways I looked like I knew the material and had a good grasp of the content. Minimums said differently! (I did pass on the third attempt!)

b. Paul would have said that many of these false apostles” that were infecting the Corinthian church looked good on the outside. Wise philosophers. Gifted orators. Influential individuals….AND TOTALLY LOST! UNSAVED REPROBATES. (KJV) Gk word: adokimos – unapproved, spurious, worthless, not discerning. IN the Septuagint, Prov. 25:4 says “Take away the dross from the silver, And there comes out a vessel for the smith.” “dross” was reprobate silver…that even though it was falsely stamped or coined it would be rejected. Don’t comfort yourself that you walked an aisle. That you prayed a prayer. That you signed a pledge. If you have no desire for the things of God you fail the test! Don’t comfort yourself with some form of false positive.

B. Be Sure to Take Corrective Action if you have Failed the Test.

1. Paul tells the Corinthians to beware if they have failed the test.

a. Illust: In the academic world, if you fail a test, your professor may want to set up a time for you to visit with him/her. Possibly give some extra assignments. Maybe you secure a tutor. No different in the spiritual life. Ask a pastor. Elder. Christian friend. Get alone with the WOG and pray and seek the Lord Jesus. Past Monday afternoon got a text from man in the church, knew of a young couple who were struggling and wanted to know if I would meet with them. Met them later that night. Talked for about an hour. Background on lives and the problem experiencing. I said: I am not a doctor, or a therapist, I am a pastor. I believe your problem is spiritual. If you can take 15 minutes more, I can tell you the solution to your problem. Couple had no church BG, no Bible. Took out “Steps to Peace with God” and read each verse. Asked if they recognized were sinners? Yes. Asked if understood why Jesus came. Yes. Asked if died right now where would go? Hell. Asked if like to change that outcome. Yes! Prayed to receive Christ. They took the actions to correct the failure of the test.

2. You can be confident of your position in Christ. v.6 Notice what Paul claims in v. 6 – “But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.” Paul was confident of his standing before Christ. II Tim. 1:12-14 ““I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me” In Phil. 1:6 he says: “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

C. Illust: An elderly man said to H.A. Ironside, "I will not go on unless I know I’m saved, or else know it’s hopeless to seek to be sure of it. I want a definite witness, something I can’t be mistaken about!" Ironside replied, "Suppose you had a vision of an angel who told you your sins were forgiven. Would that be enough to rest on?" "Yes, I think it would. An angel should be right." Ironside continued, "But suppose on your deathbed Satan came and said, ’I was that angel, transformed to deceive you.’ What would you say?" The man was speechless. Ironside then told him that God has given us something more dependable than the voice of an angel. He has given His Son, who died for our sins, and He has testified in His own Word that if we trust Him all our sins are gone. Ironside read I John 5:13, "You may know that you have eternal life." Then he said, "Is that not enough to rest on? It is a letter from heaven expressly to you." God’s Spirit used that to bring assurance to the man’s heart.