** proskuneo___(to bend your head, knees or body as a sign of submission)
___the act of obeying
** "revere"____to fear
____be in awe of
** worship is to serve
** you cant worship God in the physical (flesh), you need to be in the Spirit
** (Phil 3:3)
** regarded as the direct acknowledgement to God,
___of His nature, attributes, ways and claims,
___whether by the outgoing of the heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such acknowledgment.
** in the bible sometimes worship is translated glory__(doxa)
** Worship is a life style not a feeling
___you don't feel like, you live to
___wherever you are, you have the authority, ability to worship Him (God)
___at home, at the stores, inside the toilet, taking a bath, walking and working
___if worship is a feeling to you, you will only do it when you feel like it , when its appropriate for you to do it
___we are led into worship by the Holy Spirit
___worship is a culture , a kingdom culture
___don't worship God only because at church they asked you to do it.
___when you at home cooking, allow the Spirit of God to lead you into worship
___what happens when we worship God?
1) God listens to us
___"God doesn't listen to sinners, God is ready to listen to those who worship Him" (John 9:31)
___immediately when we open our mouths and speak of His nature (God's structure,truth and character), we demand His attention
___God's attention is on those who praying will mention His attributes (God's characteristic)
2) everything about heaven is revealed
___worship is heaven's daily meal
___(psalm 89:15)
___(psalm 132:7)
----- you can only worship God when you learn how to access His throne
----- worship is like performing an offering, you got to have certain ingredients
-----you got to know who God is and what He is capable of doing and what He has done
___when you worship heaven reveals itself within you, you begin to pray with unknown languages (they r many)
___your body wont be able to handle God's splendor (magnificence), you need to be operate in the spirit during worship
3) Heaven provides an answer
___God is omnipotent(all powerful), omnicient(all knowing), omnipresent(everywhere at the same time)
___we need to realize that God is all knowing, He knows what we need and when we begin to develop a heart of worship, He will answer all our needs
___don't worry that other people are praying a different prayer, continue to exalt Him, continue to glorify Him
**in worship we are idolizing God
___in worship we enter the holy of holy's in heaven
** worship destroys yoke, worship exalts God, worship glorifies God
** heaven's lifestyle is worship
** the most important part of our life, is to able to worship Him,
** we need to give our hearts to worship