Summary: At times, I wish more of the decisions of life were like the decision we made at salvation. A one-time thing. But it seems every day we are called on to make decisions, we just made the day before.

1. Jesus was confronted with indecision His entire life.

a. Not personally, but with and in His ministry

b. He was continually giving people a choice

c. John 6:60,61, 64-69

d. Matthew 10:32

2. Decisions were not strange to Paul

a. Paul chose to serve Jesus

b. He could have gloried in the flesh, but He died to self.

c. Galatians 2:20, 1 Corinthians 15:31

3. All of the Old Testament saints were faced with decisions.

a. Moses, one of the greatest. Hebrews 11:23-25

4. So, decision making is nothing new.

a. We are faced with making some type of decision every day of our life.

5. Let me share some thoughts you can relate to, about decisions.

a. All of us are familiar with the uncertain decisions

b. We do not know what to do, and wish someone would tell us

c. Some decisions come from authority that we have to follow.

1) Law

2) Boss

d. Many a time we have suffered from wrong decisions.

e. Then there are the times we would like to remain neutral with no decision.

f. Some decisions will be willful, some forceful

6. Some time, some place, you will be called upon to make major decisions.

a. You will have no feelings at all in the decision

b. Decisions are based on what has to be done.

c. Decisions that will affect not only you, but your entire family.

d. Decisions that will not only affect today, but your tomorrow, your future.

e. In some decisions there is no such thing as playing.

Tonight, I want to give you three “sets” of thoughts to consider when making casual and critical decisions.

I. Four Basic Questions for Every Decision

1. Would I need to keep it secret?

a. Things we try to hide are usually wrong. Proverbs 28:13

b. You can’t hide anything from God, Adam and Eve tried, Achan, King Saul, King David.

c. Strange thing is, most people already know what we did any way.

d. Be sure your sin will find you out.

2. Where will it lead me?

a. Many harmless things are wrong, because they lead us in the wrong direction. Lot; Hebrews 12:1

b. Cause us to reap the wrong harvest. Proverbs 14:12; Galatians 6:7, Jonah

3. Is this my best self?

a. you can be under the influence of passion, pride, selfishness, lust, greed, carelessness.

b. Luke 15:17; the words the lost son used “When he came to himself”

4. What would the person I admire most do?

a. For the Christian, it is what would Jesus do? Philippians 3:17

b. Can I do this in Jesus name? Colossians 3:17

5. Answer this first set of questions, and they will lead you to the elimination of many choices.

They will help you choose right and what is best.

II. Four Principles for the Christian Decisions

1. Will this decision glorify God?

a. This will require a careful and prayerful examination of the motive, the goal.

b. Who does this exalt? Colossians 3:17

2. Can I ask God to bless this decision?

a. It is good to know that the decision is one that can be shared with God.

b. When we make decisions, we desire His blessings and favor. 2 Chronicles 26:5

3. Will this decision cause myself or others to stumble?

a. It is vital to know how this decision will influence others, now and in the future.

b. Those you know or don’t know. Romans 14:8-13; 1 Corinthians 8:12; Philippians 4:8

4. How will this decision help fulfill the Great Commission?

a. The life of the believer should be directed towards the greatest responsibilities.

b. And that is the reaching of this world with the gospel. Matthew 28:19-20

5. When we apply these principles, we will discover how God will guide.

a. Some decisions will have immediate answers, others will be shaped and molded.

b. It can and will build Christian character in your life.

III. Five Decisions for Effective Decision Making

1. I will let Jesus be first.

a. This is the key to avoid a divided life. James 1:6-8

b. It helps remove the turmoil in your decision making. Matthew 6:24,33

2. I will pay the price.

a. In any field, with any endeavor, if you’re not willing to pay the price.

b. Jesus paid the price to redeem mankind, to do the will of God.

c. This principle is inescapable. Mark 10:45; Philippians 3:7

3. I will do something more.

a. It is the powerful secret of being willing to walk the second mile. Matthew 5:40-42

b. It is being willing to make a commitment to go beyond the ordinary.

4. It will begin now.

a. It is being willing to commit and act.

b. Life’s greatest danger is indecision, to fail to begin. Acts 26

5. I will keep going even if I fail.

a. That means you will have to get up and go on when you falter and fail.

b. It may mean ridicule, hurt, rejection.

c. It will always lead to triumph. Philippians 3:12-14

6. Closing, remember every choice you make will build or destroy your world.

a. Make or break your reputation

b. Affirm of deny your faith

c. Honor or dishonor your Lord

7. Decisions are seldom if ever neutral, choose right, your decisions do make a difference.