Summary: Jezebel is the primary demonic creature taking all the blame for the ill's of society and the seduction of the Believer

Within a fringe element of the church, known as “deliverance ministry,” there is an obsessive fetish with demonic spirits who are blamed for virtually everything wrong in society and within the culture, and are believed to be the instigators of Christian misbehavior. The goal of ‘deliverance’ ministers is to cast out demons of darkness, who somehow are able to cohabitate with the light of Creator God who has taken residence within the spirit, mind, and body of the Born-Again Christian when they became the new Holy of Holies at the moment of salvation (see Luke 9:1-2; 1 Cor 2:16, 6:14-16, 19-20; 1 John 2:13-14, 3:8 4:1-5,15-16).

The primary demonic creature taking all the blame is called Jezebel, the mother queen of heaven. Jezebel is mentioned only once in the New Testament in reference to the behavior of a person calling themselves a prophetess in the church at Thyatira (see Rev 2:18-29). It is important to note that the verses are not talking about the culture or society, but about the specific church at Thyatira, where the so-called 'spirit' of Jezebel was alive and well.

Those who cause division, or are labeled as arrogant when questioning the pastor or church leadership because they don’t agree, or challenge something that has been said or done; or desire to take a serious look at what has been taught; or what they may be getting involved in; or stand up for women in ministry roles within the church; or are seen as a seducing threat by insecure wives, are often called a gender-neutered Jezebel.

Along with the trouble makers, those Born-Again Christians who have struggled in the past, or even currently, with any sexual addiction, are considered being possessed by one of the seemingly infinite legions of Jezebel spirit clones, and therefore, need deliverance.

Jesus compared this ‘prophet’ in Thyatira to the evil wife of King Ahab, who did more to “provoke” God “to anger than all the kings of Israel before him”(1 Kings 16:33). Jesus was a tad bit upset with the church at Thyatira because they "tolerated" (Gk: aphiémi - permitted, allowed) her to teach them in a leadership role which was, and still is, strictly forbidden by Scripture (1 Tim 2:12; see 1 Cor. 11:3, 7-9, 14:34-35). By doing so, the church gave her carte-blanche to lead the members away from God and use what had the appearance of prophetic gifts, to introduce members of the church to demonic rituals and practices, as well as the offering of sacrifices to idols.

The Bible makes no mention of a “spirit” of Jezebel but clearly shows that the actual Jezebel in the Old Testament and the ‘Jezebel’ of the New Testament are actually operating in the works of the flesh and the old sinful nature, such as manipulation, false prophecy, heretical teaching, political maneuvering, seduction, usurping authority, etc., rather than the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:19-21).

God adamantly stated that He wanted “dogs” to “eat the flesh of Jezebel; and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as refuse on the surface of the field” and did not want people to commemorate or remember her by saying “Here lies Jezebel” in any form or fashion (2 Kings 9:37). Yet, some have a counter-productive obsession and fear about the Jezebel “spirit” infiltrating the church and continue to chase after her/it, as well as discuss and write about her/it when “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7 NIV).

Becoming a Conqueror

The most effective way to stop the incessant study of demons and the hunting of them is to spend more time knowing “nothing except Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2 NIV). Becoming a conqueror over ‘Jezebel” is to be "self-controlled and alert" because the "enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8 NIV).

The evil one is always testing the Born-Again Christian as he prowls around making a lot of noise and putting fear into the hearts of God's people. However, satan is not a lion; he just makes a noise like one. Jesus is the "Lion of the tribe of Judah..." (Rev 5:5), and has already triumphed over the works of the enemy!

The Bible implores the reader not to “let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold" (Eph 4:27 NIV). The Greek word for “foothold” in the above verse means a place of influence in one's life. Sin provides the enemy with an opportunity - even with Christians - if they persist in it.

Humility is the most potent weapon Christians have to fight against the enemy because it is the exact opposite of him. They overcome the enemy “by the blood of the lamb” through humility and their “testimony” by living a life of repentance and laying down their life for others; “for they did not love their lives but laid them down for him” (Rev 12:11 TLB, see also Rev 2:4-7, 14-17).

When a person humbles themselves before God in prayer, repents of their sin, and seeks His face, He “will hear from heaven”…“and heal their land.” (2 Chron 7:14-16 NLT)

If a Christian is not submitted and obedient to the Lordship of Jesus in their life; if they are leaning on their understanding and strength, and they attempt to resist and drive out the enemy, the only response they will get is the sound of satan’s laughter echoing through the halls of hell.

Illuminating Ignorance

Lack of understanding (or ignorance) caused by not diligently studying the Bible can open one up to false doctrine and demonic oppression.

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Col 2:8)

Lack of serious Bible study can give an opportunity for the enemy to take away what truth they may have already heard. It is vital that understanding increases. Jesus told a story that illustrates this danger.

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.” (Matt 13:3-4 NIV)

The enemy is like a bird that takes away the Word of God (seed) from people who do not understand it. Their lack of understanding of truth is used to rob them of what they have already heard.

Christians are to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God” (2 Tim 2:13 KJV) so that they can clearly understand “the word of truth.” Daily reading of the Bible is of utmost importance for their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Resist to Exist

"Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings." (1 Peter 5:9 NIV)

Too many Born-Again Christians think that "spiritual warfare" is merely using the words "I bind you” or “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" like some magical mantra. Resisting the devil so that he will flee comes ONLY by humbling and submitting one’s self to God. "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Then, as one draws “near to God," He will "draw near” to them” (James 4:6, 8, 10 NKJ).

The word “resist” means to take up full battle armor and stand in an offensive position. When a person walks in pride, God actively resists and will not show favor in any situation. When a person walks in holiness and humility, submitting themselves to God, He lifts them so that they will be able to resist the devil who then has to flee from them.

By living in the “meekness and gentleness of Christ,” there is found the “divine power to demolish strongholds” of “arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” Humility is what can help “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor 10:1-5 NIV). Walking in humility is the secret to victorious spiritual warfare.

Francis Frangipane wrote in The Three Battlegrounds:

We need to recognize that the immediate source of many of our problems and oppressions is not demonic but fleshly in nature. We must contend with the fact that one aspect of our lives, our flesh nature, will always be targeted by the devil. These fleshly areas supply satan with a ready avenue of access to undermine our prayers and neutralize our walk with God.

It is only our exaggerated sense of self-righteousness that prevents us from looking honestly at ourselves. We know Who is in us, but we must remember what is in us if we are to be successful in our warfare. Do not rationalize your sins and failures. Accordingly, be honest with God. He loved you without restraint even when sin was rampant within you; how much more will He continue to love you as you seek His grace to be free from iniquity?

Before all-out aggressive "warfare" is waged, there must be the realization that many of life’s battles are merely the consequences of one’s actions. To wage effective spiritual warfare, a clear separation of what is of the flesh, and what is from the devil, is crucial. The question must be asked: Are the things oppressing someone today the harvest of what they planted yesterday?” God will fight on behalf of the Christian who is walking in humility.

Submitting To God

Resisting the devil so that he will flee is more than just standing in defiance and saying, "no." There is a condition that must first be met. One must first "submit" their self to God. Submitting to God means to obey His commands and lay aside personal agendas and aspirations so that His will can be done.

Those who do not obey God’s commands or share His love are “children of the devil” (1 John 3:10) and subject to the attack of the enemy. God declared that His people were to do all that He commanded and follow all that was in His statutes.

Disobedience will open a person to the attacks of the enemy and even shipwreck their beliefs. By being obedient they will always have “a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men" (Acts 24:16 NLT) and be able to “Cling tightly” to their “faith in Christ” to “keep” their “conscience clear” (1 Tim 1:19 NLT).

By genuinely submitting to God, there is a surrender of all to Him because He knows what is best. Submission to God makes the statement, "You know what is best for me," and, "Not my will, but Yours be done." Spiritual authority is given to those who commit their lives to holiness.

“Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.” (2 Peter 3:11-12 NIV)

It doesn't matter what someone does to another or why something happened to them. What matters is how they respond to it. Even in those times of suffering, one "should commit" themselves to their "faithful Creator and continue to do good" (1 Peter 4:17-19). The enemy finds much pleasure when Christians don’t forgive and when there is no reconciliation with those who have hurt them, or whom they have hurt.

No one will ever be able to “resist the devil” and have complete victory unless there is complete submission and surrender of self - totally and completely - to the will of God. The great deceiver finds much pleasure when forgiveness isn’t offered and there is no attempt at reconciliation.

Jezebel is dead and died a long time ago. The blood of Jesus secured the victory over the enemy once and for all on the Cross. The war was won! There are still spiritual battles to be fought, which is why the Born-Again Christian needs to dress in the armor of God every day (Eph 6:11-18). They are to use the ‘spiritual weapon’ of God’s written Word, the Bible when fighting in battle (Eph 6:17). The victory is assured because the battle belongs to the Lord and He has already determined the outcome!