Waters Of Redemption
Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid
(January 4, 2020)
“He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name. ...My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.”[Psalm 111: 9 - Psalm 130: 6-8, King James Version (KJV), The security of the godly; David’s hope in God].
Greetings in the Holy Name of God,
My sisters and brothers, no subtle ways of stealing will get pass GOD as good virtue-it’s okay! This is self-righteous indignation [effective-mind-control.com, “implies confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.” But, in the end, indignation takes a narrow view of the world.Sep 8, 2016]; just wrong to go down that path of utter darkness and self-destruction because when you dig a hole to destroy your neighbor by taking everything, you might as well dig a second hole for yourself because it is your own destruction that you chase down to the ground. You cast your lots for your own destruction!
In devotion as I waited for the morning, the breaking of day, my reflections poured out the waters of redemption since the night and the early morning showered the blessings of rain bathing the earth, for God’s mercy of redemption prevailed, for the saving of us all. I began to tell my devotion story. We know the story of Hanameel’s field, the folks that wanted to take did not get [Jeremiah 32: 6 - 36: 32, KJV, “Hanameel’s field; God confirmeth the captivity; A gracious return promised; The Branch of righteousness; Ruin of Jerusalem foretold; Jews’ disobedience condemned; Baruch’s roll of prophecies; The king burneth the roll]. Accordingly, redemption was purposefully truth in Jesus for THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE speaks of a widow woman, a prophetess-who prayed and fasted night and day at the temple, named Anna that gave thanks to the Lord, the baby Jesus who was brought to the temple by his parents “to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of two turtle doves, or two young pigeons”[2: 23-24, KJV] and she spoke to everyone about him who looked for redemption in Jerusalem [2: 36-38, KJV, Childhood of Christ].
God is great! Thank you, Lord for your care during the storm. I drifted off to sleep soon thereafter midnight, only quickly to reawaken to a few minutes since midnight and my mind chatted to myself. My hunter came by and it seemed the time my hunter and/or his daughter arrived slightly coincided with a neighbor who comes by almost every day just like so many folks in this neck of the woods driving by, sitting, and watching. It is quite bothersome because you hesitantly wonder whether they plot and scheme to kill you, or not.
Recently, a friend mentioned a single word “bullet” while talking in a friendly Saturday chat on the phone. I did not ask her about what she meant because over the years I had become used to her visions talk-out-aloud, at the moments she received the visions. I thought about it. I know my hunter drove up the path to the back with my dogs chasing behind, one of my dogs recently birthed a litter of pups but still ran to see my hunter.
The neighbor drove into the yard across the road as usually done by him but quickly came out and left which made me think he probably had a vision of my hunter arriving right along the same time behind him. I thank God for my hunter, who probably had a vision of the neighbor and quickly came to the estate to provide protection before the storm from whatever might occur at any given moment by whoever was visibly seen driving by or sitting or watching or even hiding at a distance with a gun. You see, quite a long time ago I had a vision of a bullet flying through the air from across the road where the neighbor who oftentimes if not daily then several times a week drives by, sits and watches but in my vision I did not see or hear the bullet hit or land just flying through the air coming from the direction across the road where many neighbors not only the one I mentioned do drive by, sit, and watch. I thank God because I could not help but go in reflection of how God goes to war. My Saturday chat-on-the-phone friend said “bullet”.
My hunter arrived coincidentally behind the neighbor and compelled him to quickly leave. My hunter stayed until I raked the second before the last stack of leaves to finish my work detail task I set strategy for and a goal for, to accomplish in my mind, earlier in the day praying for patience and strength in yesterday’s morning devotion to get the work done. As my hunter left, came out the path and drove by me, I stopped raking and turned towards the truck thanking God my hunter came by at that time, and spoiled the plans of whomever might shoot a bullet out of a gun in my direction. You see my hunter had a gun, too and the hunting field was leveled—-possibly it was the day. I thank God the day that darkness wanted to use to take life was stopped.
Later, soon after filming on social media at sundown, holy Sabbath on Friday, I noticed my lights went out. But, my night lights were on so I knew it was a spiritual possession on my dog pets that made the lights go out at the Electrric pole. My neighbors who get In raged with greed, jealousy, and envy who drive by, sit, and watch, for they compete on all levels even caring for your estate and your pets. Sometimes, the demons inside them get them in raged when you even feed your pets. Then, they put items near the ditch to pretend they did not go into a mental episode of rage over you feeding your pets.
This morning, there is a rather large water-melon, on my land. Just like yesterday, the wrappings from a store-bought turkey to get out of killing the whole flock of wild turkeys that God sent to my land. It could be anything that sets them off, a person—-that person being me, caring for their estate, pruning trees, cutting grass, raking grass, construction on their home, anything that sets them off into a mental break-down that forces them to attack you in some way either possessing your animals to do dastardly deeds against their own estate or coming inside your estate after you go inside doing the terrible acts against you even using a gun like my Saturday phone-chat saw in a vision. One day, one of those neighbors that drive by, sit, and watch just casually said in a casual visit that one neighbor took another neighbor’s gun to show that they knew I do think about them coming out shooting off their gun wildly then saying they were shooting at birds because one day as I walked down the road to another neighbor’s house the same neighbor came out wildly shooting the gun.
I called the sheriff and reported the incident. In all the more than ten years, my hunters hunt my land, I have never seen his or their guns. I sincerely admire that kind of respect of neighbors. Those that brandish weaponry in your face are dangerous fiends, I say, to themselves and others. When the law passed for citizens to carry guns, there was a neighbor who walked down the road with his shotgun in his hand. Those neighbors who cheered him on said well the law says and I turned away and they left my estate.
I called the sheriff and they caught up with him down the road and explained the law. He did not boastfully walk down the road carrying his shotgun, again. I know some folks struggle with their freedom in their hearts and minds because their demons that they are at war with inside of themselves have them chained and bound even though to look at them on any given day they appear as free men but they are not free and any person could get caught-up in the war they fight inside of themselves. I pray for continued discernment for you must see with your mind’s eye those who will harm you, kill you—-attack you.
My neighbors want to know why I do not go to our local family church, anymore of late in the last two years. It is because the minister on the pulpit brandished a sword and held it out to the congregation holding it out over the audience—-the congregation pointing it in different directions. You see the battles they fight inside of themselves do spill-out over into the church—-the bride of Christ Jesus. The battle is the Lord’s battle threateningly lambasting on holy ground.
Now, in closing, I think of the day I was lambasted carrying branches I pruned from the Chinese plum trees to the fire pile. Maybe, it was because I pruned those Chinese plum trees, the fruit of those trees in the pass several years are often stolen each year, no doubt because of the planned stealing of the fruit in raged the attacker when I pruned the trees. I used to prune each year but when my work doubled and tripled because I was cutting back in other areas of the estate the pruning of those fruit trees was left undone. This lack of detail to those trees created expectations to the thief and killer because he attacked, for he planned to steal the fruit, again the next harvest. My pruning in raged him to attack.
I thank God my hunter came and stopped yet another neighbor from attacking simply because I blowed and raked the leaves, gathered them up and stacked the fire pile with the hedge trees I excavated out of the land. Mental illness is a point of contention when neighbors easily become in raged out of greed, jealousy, and envy—-deadly sins, and attack neighbors when they cannot stand to see you care for your property because in their hearts and minds they stole your property from you and tell you half. I do not say anything sometimes as long as they do not try to enter in the estate and other times I fight the battles and I do not permit them entry on the land. Who would give away their estate to any neighbor using bullying to take your estate? Well, bully them back— give the battle to the LORD GOD.
Yesterday, the neighbor another one of those across the road was pretending again in the wheelchair he pretends in riding down the road next to my land—-my family’s land then turning around in the wheelchair still on the side of the road near my family lands, exhibiting incorrigible behavior trying to get me to fight but I noticed and I did not go outside the estate to fight in the road. I kept doing my planned work to accomplish my daily tasks. We continually pray for patience and strength giving all battles to GOD YAHWEH as we enjoy our Holy Sabbath. Today is Saturday, January 4, 2020, at 9:19 AM. We bless the LORD GOD and rest.
I thank God for the divine intervention of Jesus Yahshuah who in spirit saved my sect of the family by the Word of God. My parents, both my mother and father put all their hope in the word of God. Thanks be to our Heavenly Father, who sent Jesus, the Word of God to save us. Christ Jesus intervened for the saving of all our souls and the properties passed down from my Great-Grandfather. God did not let those who practice evil have their way since they sat under the blessed in order to gain all the blessings while plotting and scheming with one another to deliver evil for good through death and destruction.
I saw in a vision that God would not let them have their way even if the forces of wickedness in high places overwhelmed me—-were too strong for me but Jesus came, God sent the Word and the Word rendered wickedness weak and my weakness he made strong. LORD GOD, I thank you, for in the dream a woman drove me home and I did not recognize it—-the land was leveled in preparation to construct something new and different, since I had been away. God did not let me leave the estate. The work of my hands is still working the lands yet the plans of GOD shall prevail, alway but for right now the prophetic dream is coming into the light of day as my hands clear the possibilities that arise out of the healed lands in the hearts and minds of man because what land was trashed and disheveled is looking good as one kin said and another said you all are cleaning it up!
All things are possible, in Christ Jesus and we continually pray for the land and all the misgivings and sins that were committed on the lands for the waters of redemption to bathe the lands wash the lands, clean the lands, as white as snow, heal the lands, for the healing of our souls, the saving of our souls, in Christ Jesus. Lord, I thank you! I walk with God. God bless