Christmas is over. We and the shepherds have paid tribute to the newborn baby. We
have opened our presents. Some of us have taken down the Christmas tree and other
ornaments. Already things are getting back to normal. We are looking forward to the
New Year. There is a tendency to leave the baby Jesus in the manger. However, the baby
Jesus left the manger. Our text in Luke 2:52 reminded us that Jesus grew in wisdom,
stature, and in favor of God and man. Instead of leaving Jesus in the manger, how about
growing with him this year?
Jesus, the man had to grow in wisdom and knowledge just as any other human being.
Growing in wisdom and knowledge does not end when school-days are over. The things
we know grow at an alarming rate each year. Much of the information in our school
books of yesterday have become outmoded years ago. How do we maintain the
plethora of information piled up year by year and even day by day?
I heard recently of a man who said he never went to bed a night without learning one
thing he had not known that morning. Suppose we wrote in a notebook one new thing
we learned each day? That would mean 365 items of information learned this year.
Imagine how your information will grow after that! Your knowledge can expand if you
chose to learn something not in your particular field of interest.You have many areas of
knowledge to choose from: science, astronomy, biology, history, and many more.
Here are some Bible verses about wisdom and knowledge:
a Knowledge and Understanding. Proverbs 2:6
b. Wisdom. James 1:5
c Wisdom better than gold. Proverbs 16:16
d. Gain a wise heart. Psalms 90:12
Naturally, Jesus grew during those early days in Nazareth in Joseph's carpenters shop.
He undoubtedly grew in physical strength. Too often we imagine Jesus as physically
weak. However, no weakling could have borne what he bore on the cross. Jesus could
have carried his cross up the hill if he had not been beaten so vigorously the night
before. People in those days got sufficient exercise by walking. Some of course would
use a mule or a donkey. For instance, the only time we see Jesus riding a donkey was
when he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He and the disciples walked to their
destination. Experts say we should workout for at least 150 minutes of moderate and
vigorous exercise weekly. Even now at 96 years old, I have been exercising for over 40
years on a regular basis. I ran a half-marathon at 55 years of age. Even now, I do cardio
and strength exercises five days a week. Exercise of some kind increases the length
and quality of lives. Even regular housework can count.
Here are some verses on strength and physical statue:
a.Run and not be weary; walk and not faint. Isaiah 40: 30
b.Strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40: 29
c.Feet like a deer; tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
d. Strength and shield. Psalms 28:7
Jesus being human himself knew how to get along with people. He summed it up when
he said to do unto others as you would others to do unto you. (Matthew 7:12 )That is the
clue to human relationships. If we could only do that, what a difference it would make in
the world. Some of us have the knack of getting along with others better than most.
They get along well in groups and in one on one relationships. Others of us are not as
adaptable as they are. Getting along with others can be difficult for some of us. The
best book I know to help in that regard is the old standard, HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS
AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE By Dale Carnegie. He gives some time-tested ideas regarding
human relations. However, the key to growing in favor of people can be summed up in
one word:love. We can spend a life time trying to put love into practice. The best thing to
do is to read 1 Corinthians 13 over and over again.
Here are some other verses on favor with others
a Write loyalty and faithfulness around your neck. Proverbs 3:3,4
b. Show steadfast love. Genesis: 39:21
There is no doubt that this is the most important area of growth in our lives. Jesus had
a built-in advantage in this area since he was God and man. However, the
commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind is
vital in growing like Jesus. (Matthew 22:37). If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will love him always. If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will be good witnesses for him. If we love the Lord with all our
hearts and with all our minds, we will seek to know more about him. If we love the Lord
with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will worship him with all our might. If we
love the Lord with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will praise him with all our
strength. Jesus himself said this was the greatest commandment because it tells us
how to grow in favor with God and man. Here are some other verses on growing in
favor with God.
a. Finding life obtains favor from God. Proverbs 8:35
b. Favor is for a lifetime. Psalm 30:5
c. Favor prospers us for the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
Let us grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man this year.
CHALLENGE: Which area will be the hardest for you? Why?
Christmas is over. We and the shepherds have paid tribute to the newborn baby. We
have opened our presents. Some of us have taken down the Christmas tree and other
ornaments. Already things are getting back to normal. We are looking forward to the
New Year. There is a tendency to leave the baby Jesus in the manger. However, the baby
Jesus left the manger. Our text in Luke 2:52 reminded us that Jesus grew in wisdom,
stature, and in favor of God and man. Instead of leaving Jesus in the manger, how about
growing with him this year?
Jesus, the man had to grow in wisdom and knowledge just as any other human being.
Growing in wisdom and knowledge does not end when school-days are over. The things
we know grow at an alarming rate each year. Much of the information in our school
books of yesterday have become outmoded years ago. How do we maintain the
plethora of information piled up year by year and even day by day?
I heard recently of a man who said he never went to bed a night without learning one
thing he had not known that morning. Suppose we wrote in a notebook one new thing
we learned each day? That would mean 365 items of information learned this year.
Imagine how your information will grow after that! Your knowledge can expand if you
chose to learn something not in your particular field of interest.You have many areas of
knowledge to choose from: science, astronomy, biology, history, and many more.
Here are some Bible verses about wisdom and knowledge:
a Knowledge and Understanding. Proverbs 2:6
b. Wisdom. James 1:5
c Wisdom better than gold. Proverbs 16:16
d. Gain a wise heart. Psalms 90:12
Naturally, Jesus grew during those early days in Nazareth in Joseph's carpenters shop.
He undoubtedly grew in physical strength. Too often we imagine Jesus as physically
weak. However, no weakling could have borne what he bore on the cross. Jesus could
have carried his cross up the hill if he had not been beaten so vigorously the night
before. People in those days got sufficient exercise by walking. Some of course would
use a mule or a donkey. For instance, the only time we see Jesus riding a donkey was
when he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He and the disciples walked to their
destination. Experts say we should workout for at least 150 minutes of moderate and
vigorous exercise weekly. Even now at 96 years old, I have been exercising for over 40
years on a regular basis. I ran a half-marathon at 55 years of age. Even now, I do cardio
and strength exercises five days a week. Exercise of some kind increases the length
and quality of lives. Even regular housework can count.
Here are some verses on strength and physical statue:
a.Run and not be weary; walk and not faint. Isaiah 40: 30
b.Strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40: 29
c.Feet like a deer; tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
d. Strength and shield. Psalms 28:7
Jesus being human himself knew how to get along with people. He summed it up when
he said to do unto others as you would others to do unto you. (Matthew 7:12 )That is the
clue to human relationships. If we could only do that, what a difference it would make in
the world. Some of us have the knack of getting along with others better than most.
They get along well in groups and in one on one relationships. Others of us are not as
adaptable as they are. Getting along with others can be difficult for some of us. The
best book I know to help in that regard is the old standard, HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS
AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE By Dale Carnegie. He gives some time-tested ideas regarding
human relations. However, the key to growing in favor of people can be summed up in
one word:love. We can spend a life time trying to put love into practice. The best thing to
do is to read 1 Corinthians 13 over and over again.
Here are some other verses on favor with others
a Write loyalty and faithfulness around your neck. Proverbs 3:3,4
b. Show steadfast love. Genesis: 39:21
There is no doubt that this is the most important area of growth in our lives. Jesus had
a built-in advantage in this area since he was God and man. However, the
commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind is
vital in growing like Jesus. (Matthew 22:37). If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will love him always. If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will be good witnesses for him. If we love the Lord with all our
hearts and with all our minds, we will seek to know more about him. If we love the Lord
with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will worship him with all our might. If we
love the Lord with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will praise him with all our
strength. Jesus himself said this was the greatest commandment because it tells us
how to grow in favor with God and man. Here are some other verses on growing in
favor with God.
a. Finding life obtains favor from God. Proverbs 8:35
b. Favor is for a lifetime. Psalm 30:5
c. Favor prospers us for the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
Let us grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man this year.
CHALLENGE: Which area will be the hardest for you? Why?
Christmas is over. We and the shepherds have paid tribute to the newborn baby. We
have opened our presents. Some of us have taken down the Christmas tree and other
ornaments. Already things are getting back to normal. We are looking forward to the
New Year. There is a tendency to leave the baby Jesus in the manger. However, the baby
Jesus left the manger. Our text in Luke 2:52 reminded us that Jesus grew in wisdom,
stature, and in favor of God and man. Instead of leaving Jesus in the manger, how about
growing with him this year?
Jesus, the man had to grow in wisdom and knowledge just as any other human being.
Growing in wisdom and knowledge does not end when school-days are over. The things
we know grow at an alarming rate each year. Much of the information in our school
books of yesterday have become outmoded years ago. How do we maintain the
plethora of information piled up year by year and even day by day?
I heard recently of a man who said he never went to bed a night without learning one
thing he had not known that morning. Suppose we wrote in a notebook one new thing
we learned each day? That would mean 365 items of information learned this year.
Imagine how your information will grow after that! Your knowledge can expand if you
chose to learn something not in your particular field of interest.You have many areas of
knowledge to choose from: science, astronomy, biology, history, and many more.
Here are some Bible verses about wisdom and knowledge:
a Knowledge and Understanding. Proverbs 2:6
b. Wisdom. James 1:5
c Wisdom better than gold. Proverbs 16:16
d. Gain a wise heart. Psalms 90:12
Naturally, Jesus grew during those early days in Nazareth in Joseph's carpenters shop.
He undoubtedly grew in physical strength. Too often we imagine Jesus as physically
weak. However, no weakling could have borne what he bore on the cross. Jesus could
have carried his cross up the hill if he had not been beaten so vigorously the night
before. People in those days got sufficient exercise by walking. Some of course would
use a mule or a donkey. For instance, the only time we see Jesus riding a donkey was
when he rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. He and the disciples walked to their
destination. Experts say we should workout for at least 150 minutes of moderate and
vigorous exercise weekly. Even now at 96 years old, I have been exercising for over 40
years on a regular basis. I ran a half-marathon at 55 years of age. Even now, I do cardio
and strength exercises five days a week. Exercise of some kind increases the length
and quality of lives. Even regular housework can count.
Here are some verses on strength and physical statue:
a.Run and not be weary; walk and not faint. Isaiah 40: 30
b.Strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40: 29
c.Feet like a deer; tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19
d. Strength and shield. Psalms 28:7
Jesus being human himself knew how to get along with people. He summed it up when
he said to do unto others as you would others to do unto you. (Matthew 7:12 )That is the
clue to human relationships. If we could only do that, what a difference it would make in
the world. Some of us have the knack of getting along with others better than most.
They get along well in groups and in one on one relationships. Others of us are not as
adaptable as they are. Getting along with others can be difficult for some of us. The
best book I know to help in that regard is the old standard, HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS
AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE By Dale Carnegie. He gives some time-tested ideas regarding
human relations. However, the key to growing in favor of people can be summed up in
one word:love. We can spend a life time trying to put love into practice. The best thing to
do is to read 1 Corinthians 13 over and over again.
Here are some other verses on favor with others
a Write loyalty and faithfulness around your neck. Proverbs 3:3,4
b. Show steadfast love. Genesis: 39:21
There is no doubt that this is the most important area of growth in our lives. Jesus had
a built-in advantage in this area since he was God and man. However, the
commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind is
vital in growing like Jesus. (Matthew 22:37). If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will love him always. If we love the Lord with all our hearts and
with all our minds, we will be good witnesses for him. If we love the Lord with all our
hearts and with all our minds, we will seek to know more about him. If we love the Lord
with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will worship him with all our might. If we
love the Lord with all our hearts and with all our minds, we will praise him with all our
strength. Jesus himself said this was the greatest commandment because it tells us
how to grow in favor with God and man. Here are some other verses on growing in
favor with God.
a. Finding life obtains favor from God. Proverbs 8:35
b. Favor is for a lifetime. Psalm 30:5
c. Favor prospers us for the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17
Let us grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man this year.
CHALLENGE: Which area will be the hardest for you? Why?