Summary: This sermon is a narrative and moves toward the call to share the good news.What kind of people make you uncomfortable? What kind of people do you avoid? This may give us a clue about how we hinder our dreaming.

“Dare To Dream God’s Dream For Lost People”

Subject: Why we need to confront our ungodly prejudices that cause us to ignore certain people and write them off.

Complement: in order to embrace more people and tell them about Jesus !

Preaching Idea: I need to see with God’s eyes in order to dream God’s dream

INTRODUCTION: this series is about “Daring to Dream”! what an exciting life it is in partnership with God! He has called us to partner with him in the building of his church! There is nothing more exciting or more rewarding than that!

Now I want to ask you a question today. What kind of people make you uncomfortable? What kind of people do you avoid? This may give us a clue about how we hinder our dreaming.

Every one of us knows someone like that… we may tend to avoid or ignore people who…

? People who swear a lot

? People who smoke

? People who smell

? People who complain

? People who do weird things with their hair

? People who place strange objects in their noses…ears…tongues…

? Bikers

? Authority figures

? Poor people…or rich people

? Educated people

? Computer geeks

Some of us even have memorized bible verses that justify us in avoiding such people: like don’t cast your pearls before swine…come out from among them and be separate …touch not the unclean thing.

When we avoid people …we say to them, “you’re not important to me”

One of the ways we justify our attitude toward these people is by sticking a label on them. Once the label is on, our mind is made up. Case closed.

We find labels on clothing? these labels MAKE A STATEMENT. WE ARE VERY LABEL CONSCIOUS CULTURE--- GAP...OLD NAVY…CALVIN KLEIN…sometimes we also label people…here are some labels Christians use to ignore people







• ADD-attention deficient disorder

• …autistic…

• schizophrenic …

These labels often hurt people because they show a limited view of a person…often biased and unfair.

LABELS: It seems that more than ever the compulsion today is to identify, to reduce someone to what is on the label... Roman Catholics are not Christians… Protestants cannot understand Holy Communion. People who write for children are second-class and cannot write for adults. And the list could go on and on and on. We are pigeon-holed and labeled …

I recently inherited a new neighbor. I have to resist the tendency to put a label on him. He is a really hyper and loud personality, its hard to get more than two words in. He drinks, he races (loud) motorcycles. His dog has been doing his business on my grass.


Read text: Acts 10: 9-20 {“do not hesitate to go with them for I have sent them”}

TRANSITION STATEMENT: what if Peter himself was here…what story would he tell?

Biblical Situation : I am Peter, a fisherman, and I have a limited view of life, and people and God.

My name is Peter. I’m a no nonsense kind of guy. I fish. That’s what I have done all my life. My father was a fisherman. Fisherman a straight forward people. Black is black and white is white. Don’t play games with me; just tell me straight. I make up my mind quick about people and situations. If I like you I like you. If I don’t like you—tough luck. I don’t like Romans and I don’t like Gentiles. Sorry if that bothers you. That’s just the way it is. So, I like to put labels on people: as I see it there are only two kinds of people in the world, Jews and Gentiles. Labels are not all bad…they have a useful function, where I come from you need to know who your dealing with. So I find labels both practical and convenient. As a Jewish man everyday I thank God that I’m not a woman and I’m not a Gentile. That’s so good---who would want to be a woman these days, they have it so tough, they are like property, and many men mistreat women—even by our standards. And gentiles, you must be kidding. They can’t be trusted I tell you. I don’t even talk to Gentiles; our tradition tells not to associate with gentiles. We become unclean and when we are unclean we can’t participate in worship of Yahweh. So I avoid gentiles. Well it wasn’t always that way; Jews and gentiles used to respect each other; but after the Babylonian exile things changed; we were treated so harshly by the Babylonians that a great rift grew between us.

{The conditions of the exiled Jews, who suffered the bitterest treatment at the hands of their Gentile captors and who, after their return and establishment in Judea, were in constant conflict with neighboring tribes and especially with the Greek rulers of Syria. The fierce persecution of Antiochus IV, who attempted to blot out their religion and Hellenize the Jews, and the desperate struggle for independence, created in them a burning patriotism and zeal for their faith which culminated in the rigid exclusiveness we see in later times.}

We know we are God’s chosen people. Our father Abraham made a covenant with YAHWEH; it was a covenant of blessing; we were given our land by God; Moses received the 10 commandments from God himself, written by the very finger of God. Our great king, King David ruled our people with such wisdom and power. I must tell you I am proud to be a Jew! Gentiles…I have no time for the and no respect for them… and I certainly don’t trust them. You must remember, during my lifetime, our land was occupied by gentiles… they called themselves Romans, but to me they are Gentiles, nothing more and nothing less. I know a Gentile when I see one.

Well, nothing stays the same you know. And one day my life took a surprising and unexpected turn. I was on the shores of Galilee when a man named Jesus, he was from Nazareth, came walking by and he asked me to join his team. I was a Fisherman—which means I like adventure. So for some mysterious reason I left my life as a fisherman and became a follower of Jesus. I’ll never forget what he said, “from now on you will catch men” … follow me and I will make you a fisher of men”

From that day forward my whole life changed. My whole way of thinking changed. Labels I had put on people and situations were torn off one by one. My world kept getting bigger…and as it did I would TEAR OFF ANOTHER LABEL…Jesus kept challenging my mind and my courage.

I HAD A LABEL ON ME: “FISHERMAN” …Jesus TORE OFF that LABEL…after I was called by Jesus---I became a fisher of men. Fishing was my life—my father was a fisherman and my grandfather too. I was a good fisherman. One day shortly after I hooked up with Jesus, we were in boat on Galilee, the storm was scary, I thought we were all going to drown—even Jesus. But Jesus was sleeping, so we woke him and said, don’t you care if we drown? Jesus rebuked the storm and then he rebuked us, you have so little faith.

I said to myself, “who is this—even the wind and waves obey him”! Jesus changed my concept of a storm. I had a LABEL for that storm and for MY TOMBSTONE, “DROWNED AT SEA”… but Jesus had other ideas.

Another day, Jesus turned a pathetic lunch into an all you can eat buffet—quite a picnic—…5000 people with no food…I put a label on that day; “starvation” But Jesus changed my concept of a picnic! We even had food left over!

One night I learned how to walk on water—at least a little. But I did it…give me a little credit. Jesus was walking on water, so I asked to join him…no one else dared. I was beginning to get it, Jesus invited me… I jumped out and I did it! I walked on water! I tore the label off Galilee that day, once it said sink or swim, now it said, sink, swim or walk!

Then there was the private moments—like on the holy mountain. As he was praying , his appearance changed, he turned into a brightness almost like lightning. I saw his glory!…up till then, I had a label on Jesus … Jesus of Nazareth, teacher, prophet…but there on the mountain I saw more, I saw his glory, he was not just a son of man, he was also son of God, Messiah!

When they crucified Jesus on the Roman Cross I thought it was all over. I was quick to put a label on the cross… defeat and failure and disappointment. But then three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. he told us that would happen put it just didn’t sit with my experience of reality. I’ve never known anyone to rise from the dead. The resurrection tore off my label of defeat and turned it into victory! Jesus changed it to victory.

After the ascension of Jesus, we went into a period of prayer and waiting…we didn’t quite know what to do next. Jesus had given us our orders: “go into all the world and make disciples”. For 10 day we waited in an upper room in Jerusalem. When the feast of Pentecost came, something spectacular happened. I thought things were going to be quiet and slow after Jesus was gone from us, but then the gift Jesus had promised us came---the holy spirit! And the holy spirit said, witness, celebrate and proclaim Jesus is Savior of all the world.! That opened my eyes! Suddenly I had the urge to preach! I surprised myself—I preached to thousands of people from all over the world. 3000 people accepted Jesus that day! Fireworks went off in my hearts! This is incredible!

Complication: After Pentecost, God continued to surprise me and remove labels from people and situations.

After Pentecost the Church began to grow rapidly. From 3000 we grew to 5000 and it just kept on growing. To keep up with the workload we appointed deacons. Every church needs a few good deacons! We chose 7 of them… all men…we should have picked a woman…it would have solved a lot of problems but that’s how it was. We had a bit of a male bias, I guess you could say. We had a label for women, it read, “property”. One of our deacons, Stephen was stoned to death. And then the persecution exploded and the church was scattered. I thought it would weaken and splinter the church. But God had other ideas, God said, “witness” ! so every where the disciples went they told people about Jesus . then an amazing miracle happened…SAUL OF TARSUS WAS PERSECUTING THE CHURCH . I PUT A LABEL ON HIM: THE TERRORIST OF TARSUS…AND; WARNING: TOXIC! But the Holy Spirit had other ideas. And surprise, surprise, the terrorist Saul became a disciple of Jesus! Barnabas toke him to mentor him in the ways of the church. He was to become the greatest disciple the church has ever seen. Who would ever think that was possible!

One day as I was visiting churches, I went to a town called “Lydda” about 50 miles from Jerusalem ….then on to Joppa… in Joppa there was a saint named Dorcas who had just died. I went to see the mourners and they showed me her work. I went in to her room and prayed, and God spoke to my heart. I had seen Jesus raise Lazarus and I knew it was possible, I said “Tabitha…get up”. And she did! The label of death was torn off and changed to life! I had walked on water…and now God used me to raise the dead! Wow! I thought to myself, How big is the gospel going to get? How big is God? God was tearing labels off of everything and everyone! God was showing me more and more of himself and his heart for people. My horizons were expanding at an amazing pace…

Resolution: My biggest prejudice was toward Gentiles and now I began to realize that the gospel was for them too!

{There was another label that needed to be torn off, if the gospel was to make an even greater impact. The gospel was not a Jewish property. He is for all people, classes, and races.}

I didn’t see what was coming…The day… started out innocently…I was in Joppa at Simon’s house—label on the front of Simon’s house said, “TABOO” . Simon was a tanner, so dead animal skins were all around. It was Taboo for a Jew to be around dead animals. But I was in need of a place to stay…at noon I went up unto the roof to pray. I got hungry…do you ever get hungry when you pray? I asked for food and while the meal was being prepared I had a vision … Heaven opened a Large buffet of animals …birds… reptiles was placed before me (ex. Snakes/ pigs/ horses/camels/hippos). I immediately put a label on that vision: “TABOO” … “UNCLEAN” then the Voice of God spoke, “get up Peter …you’re hungry…have some lunch.” I’ve heard that voice before…at the Mt of transfiguration. No thank you Lord, I’m not really all that hungry. I’m a Jew remember and we observe strict food laws. the Voice of God spoke again, : “Do not call anything unclean that God has made clean”. Once. Twice. Three times. Three times I had made that mistake once already. God put his own label on that collection of animals: “ready to eat”. I sat there somewhat stunned and confused and deep in thought. I needed to do something…and then I was told what to do…the Holy Spirit spoke: 3 men looking are for you…I have sent them…go with them. I went downstairs and met them…they said God sent them to me (they were not even Jews—can you believe that). We went to see Cornelius…. Being a straight shooter, I spoke up: “you are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean. Then I preached the gospel to them, that’s what they needed and deserved to hear. My sermon was titled, “GOD DOES NOT SHOW FAVOURITES”. God is God of all and for all…he is saviour of the whole world…wow…no other religion does it…Jesus is the saviour of all the world…just believe on him. Then, Pentecost happened all over again…people started speaking in tongues…and my travelling party was shocked that these gentiles could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit too! They had put a label on these gentiles: “2nd class” people, and not even worthy of the gospel. But now they had received the same gift of the spirit as we had on the feast of Pentecost! Let’s baptize them in water too! What a time we had together! I stayed a few days…then I had to make a report to head office in Jerusalem…They had occasion to be very critical and very agitated with me…”there goes impulsive Peter ...he needs some boundaries in his life…they had a label for me: “off the wall”… “unstable”… “unpredictable”. They also had a label for gentiles: “UNCIRCUMCISED” {TOXIC; UNCLEAN}

I told the whole story, and finally they said, “praise God” ! Wow! Hallelujah! So then. God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life”

Exit peter…

APPLICATION: DO YOU HAVE ANY Labels THAT NEED TO BE TORN OFF? ANY barriers TAT NEED TO BE removed and torn down? YOU SEE THIS event was a watershed moment in the history of the church…we are gentiles…this is our story! what would have happened to the church if gentiles were excluded?

We don’t compromise the message to welcome people…but we must send a consistent message of hope to ALL people. A message of love and reconciliation. Do you label people and thus avoid them? Perhaps you need to dream again about the scope of God’s grace…who does it include…who do you (unconsciously) exclude? We are called to the same mission that Peter was called to! Follow me Jesus said and I will make you a fisher of men! Who are the gentiles in Peterborough…in Canada…in the church…in your neighbourhood…in your workplace? Dream about the God given opportunities all around you…. Take a step toward this dream, this opportunity. It seems that there is a compulsion to label people, to reduce someone to what is on the label. To identify is to control, to limit. To love is to see them as Jesus sees them; someone for whom he died and shed his blood.

This text in Acts 10 is about God’s plan to reach all peoples all over the world with the gospel. There is no other name under heaven where by we must be saved. Jesus was known as a friend of sinners . are you a friend of sinners? Will you be a friend of sinners? God has placed a few sinners around you and you may be someone’s only lifeline to Jesus. What about your neighbor? What about your colleague at work?

Do you avoid them? Do you stay in your Christian sub-culture? Jesus had to teach Peter that the gospel is for everyone!

Dream about the opportunities God is giving you!

And one more thing. Dream about your potential as a minister for the Lord. Don’t label yourself. God can use you to accomplish amazing things for the kingdom. Especially don’t label; yourself as a non-witness. That’s not my thing. It’s not my gift. Everyone in the church is called to the great commission. Go and make disciples! Every Sunday when we leave church, we are to go and make disciples.

I think that mandate should be our passion and priority.

Peter was hungry for food and Jesus gave him a vision of a buffet. One day when Jesus was hungry, the disciples said master eat something to which Jesus replied, I have food to eat that you know nothing about. My food is to do the will of him that sent me and finish his work.

May his food be our food!

Dare to dream, dream about being a fisher of men.

Think about the gentiles in your world. What labels do they wear? Think of someone in your circle. Write down a name and begin to pray for them and ask God to arrange opportunities for you to witness to them about Jesus.