Give me a drink

John 4:7”There *came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus *said to her, "Give Me a drink."

The above topic is not about drinking water, though Jesus was tired and hungry, He was discussing about Living Water. The language of the world is different from the language of God, only when we are close and intimate with Him, our spirit will be able to discern the things of God. I am trying to put things forward in a simple way so that people don’t shun this devotion and think , ‘it is only for highly spiritually minded people’, not at all, Jesus wants to reveal Himself to ALL, did you get that - everyone. Why would He then wait, sit on an old well, at an odd time when He is hungry and tired and have a long conversation with a Samaritan woman who He knows is a sinner living a corrupt life? Jesus desired to reveal Himself to that sinful woman so that she leaves the darkness and comes to the True Light who is Jesus Christ Himself.


Jesus didn’t shun the woman but spoke divine things to her and drew her near Him! Don’t hesitate to speak godly things to the so called ungodly or godless people, you may think, ‘will they understand, will they like it…no….no….we got to speak the godly things to the people living in muck and give them a chance to come out. This morning while my maid (a muslim woman) was cleaning the house, I loudly played a gospel sermon on my mobile so that she could listen. She did. My cook working in the school, requested for 10 days leave stating that her father-in-law had to undergo hernia operation and also requested me for her salary in advance. I did not have a standby cook, so it was tremendous pressure on me; however, the reason she quoted was too serious to argue anything with her, so the money was given and leave granted. The day she left was one day before a great festival here in Hyderabad, a ray of doubt did cross my mind but I dismissed it. After a couple of days the cat was out of the bag, my daughter saw her roaming around the area. Well the cook knew nothing about this, she called me after few days and said she was calling from the village and asked me if she could join work, I told her point blank that she lied and cheated. I did not stop there, I went on to preach to her on the phone about how Jesus said that He hates an evil tongue; nevertheless, she kept producing fake stories and was justifying her point. The conniving spirit in her refused to confess and repent, the Bible says: “Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the LORD understand all things.” (Proverbs 28:5)


The second half of Proverbs 28:5 says, “…those who seek the LORD understand all things.” Wow, look at the word ALL, that word draws us closer to Him to know all and more about Him. Do you have that urge, hunger, passion, craze to know more about the God who loves you? The more she kept talking to Jesus, the more she kept standing with Him, the more questions she asked Him, she was actually getting closer, closer, closer and closer to Him. Anybody listening? Jesus kept talking to her and unraveled the mystery in a steady pace, until she came to a point when she asked Him, “"Sir, give me this water, so I will not be thirsty nor come all the way here to draw."(John 4:15) Boy, I’m stuck here, at this portion……the intensity of the need, the pressure she was under, the desperation, the pain, agony, loneliness, humiliation, rejection, was all too much on her that she asked that question. Jesus knew it all. He knew this woman if I show a glimpse of me to her, she will not go anywhere else! I repeat anywhere else. Note this. God was not going to waste His time with globe-trotters seeking knowledge of the world, money-seekers and fame-chasers but He would go all out for someone who is seeking the truth. The moment she desired to know the truth, He revealed Himself and said: I am the Messiah. Listen, that was an awe moment! No time was wasted, the moment Jesus knew she understood the truth (the climax moment), the crowd came in, I mean the disciples walked in, read:

John 4: 26 “Jesus *said to her, "I who speak to you am He."27 At this point His disciples came…”

At this point…….Jesus is not going to say a single word more than what you need, take notes of this statement, He is not going to speak less or more- you would be given/revealed just what is necessary for you. Anybody understood this? Lord, whom should I marry, should I take up this assignment, do I have to purchase this building, can I move out of the country now…..we have millions of unanswered questions that frustrate us; nevertheless, God would reveal what is essential for you. TRUST HIM. When the Samaritan woman desired for the Living water, Jesus granted that to her, your pursuit for God and His things, starts with a desire!

Mark 11:24 says”….whatever you ask (desire) for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.



John 4: 28 “So the woman left her waterpot, and went into the city and *said to the men, 29 "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not the Christ, is it?"

Your need vanishes when the King walks into your life! The Samaritan woman dropped to waterpot and went into the city to spread the good news. Did not Jesus promise her: “whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst..” When you believe and follow Him wholeheartedly, He would meet all your needs. Anybody listening? He is a covenant keeping God, would never fail. Our Abide School which caters to the poor and needy children, offering free food and education, is situated in a location where there is severe water scarcity. God gives us wisdom to store water, use it wisely and therefore most of the people in and around our area buy water but we are managing with rain water harvest done during rainy season. This is how God takes cares of us.

The face to face encounter with Jesus is awesome that changed her life amazingly! I had an beautiful conversation with my daughter about this ‘face to face encounter with Jesus’. You don’t get this without paying a price though, are you with me? This kind of encounter you cannot put it in words or described, this is an experience that each person has with God that transforms their life. Friend, don’t look for dramatic, cinematic, supernatural experiences, you can have this awe-inspiring encounter right when you are reading His Word, He would speak something so ‘specific’, that was needed for that hour which would throw you off balance. Gosh, God spoke, would be your statement

I was preparing for almost 6 months for a specific 4 days fire camp, where I had to preach around 6 sermons, which were all heavy, revival preaching. Well during that time, I was going through continuous sickness and was visiting doctors regularly, at the same time, besides my regular school administration work, I was vigorously preparing for the upcoming meeting. Everyday I would sit in a particular place in the church, pray , read the Bible and prepare for the meeting, On the day of the fire camp, I was sitting in the same place, next to the pulpit; on the second day of the camp, during the time of worship, God poured his fire on me that just engulfed me. It was so intimate, God knew the doctor visits, sickness, pain, agony , tiredness, my efforts , my hardwork….therefore, He came down as fire on me and strengthened me until the last day of the camp. That was an encounter!

God lovers would be God servers too!