Summary: Are you faithful? Can God count on you? Can others depend on you? Let’s talk about faithfulness.



INTRODUCTION; “Yellowstone National Park’s most featured attraction is a geyser named Old Faithful, which earned its name by consistently erupting like clockwork…but Old Faithful is losing its faithfulness. In the 1960’s it erupted an average of every 64 minutes. Now it kicks up about every 80 minutes, and often waits 90 minutes. Its name hasn’t changed but its behavior has. Christians and churches can do the same.” (McHenry’s Quips, Quotes and Other Notes, p.94)

Are you faithful? Can God count on you? Can others depend on you? Let’s talk about faithfulness.

I. The Explanation of Faithfulness

Faith and faithfulness come from the same Greek word – “pistis”. Most commentators agree that the word is used more in an ethical sense than a theological one. One writer described the word as “love hanging on.” Young people today might say, “It’s hanging in, hanging on and hanging out.” The word is simply defined as loyalty, trustworthiness, fidelity, reliability, conviction, being counted on and staying true to. This idea is sorely lacking in marriage, business, education and even the church. There are those who say they love the Lord and His church but seldom, if ever, do they attend, serve or give. I’m sorry but it’s hard to buy that line!

II. The Demonstration of Faithfulness

Look at:

A. God the Father Deut. 7:9, 32:4; Ps. 145:13, 146:6; I Cor. 10:13; I Thess. 5:24;

2 Tim. 2:13; I John 1:9; Ps. 57:10, 86:15, 117:2; Lam. 3:23.

B. God in the Flesh Heb. 3:1-2. 3:6; Rev. 1:5, 19:11; Ps. 119:75; Matt. 16:21

C. God and His Followers Every believer should be growing in faithfulness. When you look at the church rolls and compare that to those who actually attend, serve and give on a regular basis you have to wonder.

III. The Expectation of Faithfulness

God expects us to be faithful. Why do churches not expect very much from the membership? Let me list some areas where God expects faithfulness.

A. Stewardship I Cor. 4:2

B. Service Eph. 6:21

C. Ministry Co. 1:7

D. Prayer Rom. 12:12

E. Following Rev. 17:14

F. Truth 3 John 3

G. Death Rev. 2:10

H. Attendance Heb. 10:25

I. Purity I Thess. 4:3-8

J. Marriage Prov. 5:15

Satan will tempt us in every single one of these areas. Let us be faithful.

IV. The Formulation of Faithfulness

How can I formulate faithfulness?

A. Make a Commitment For some this will be for the first time. For others, you’ve been knocked down. Get up. Start over and don’t ever quit.

B. Magnify the Consequences What are the consequences if I fulfill the commitment? What are the consequences if I don’t? We will all appear before Him in judgment.

C. Maintain Consistency The very word itself implies consistency.

D. Manage Your Calendar Put first things first. Seek first the Kingdom of God.

Prov. 3:3 Have you ever thought about the idea that if everyone we have stayed, we couldn’t seat them. If everyone paid, we would have riches galore. If everyone prayed power from on high would fall.

CONCLUSION: Think about Paul’s words in 2 Tim. 4:6. Then combine that with Jesus’ words “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” When Paul departed at death and went to meet Jesus do you think Jesus may have said, “Look, here come Old Faithful?’ The same thing could be said about you, you know.