Summary: God knows this world can be overwhelming and at times it doesn’t make much sense at all.

God knows this world can be overwhelming and at times it doesn’t make much sense at all.

If you get the chance today, read you Psalm 55

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

This word burden in Hebrew is Yahab

It actually translates to gifts or what is given !

This includes whatever the Lord has decided to deliver to your life,

Blessings come in all types , sometimes they are sweet and welcomed , and sometimes they are bitter and burdensome.

it’s hard to accept how a burden can be a gift or a positive

Just the word burden conjures up images of being trapped beneath heavy weight and struggle

So why would God use burdens to help us. .

So remember we just left the month of Sivan the third month of the Hebrew calendar.

Remember Sivan is associated with the number 3 and the picture of the camel

That during the month of Sivan the feast of Pentecost, God is delivering His blessings

The camel is chosen because of it endurance and longevity for long distances.

Now we just turned the calendar , and as we finish up the month of Sivan we have now entered the month of Tammuz.

In this month of Tammuz you are going to feel like there is a lot going ona lot of change , maybe even too much

The symbol for Tammuz is a doorway , and as one door closes in our lives another one swings wide open into a new season .

As we are now entering a season of growth and maturing .

This is the month where after 40 days of the flood Noah sent out the dove from the arch.

Where Moses after 40 days came down from Mount Sinai saw the Golden calf and this is when he broke the tablets.

In this month exactly same day the 17th that the walls of Jerusalem were breached and both temples were destroyed . the first time by the babyloinan and the second by the Roman empire

So what do all these have in common

The destruction of the temples, the flood are all about times that God delivered His judgment.

But what about the Torah , when God gave the law , and then Moses broke the tablets

You see Moses went up Mount Sinai and the whole nation of Israel had been expecting Him and thought he was gone too long and started believing he wasn’t coming back .

The became unfaithful a nd impatient , Instead of waiting they took all their gold boiled it down and made the Golden calf , and said that this is the God who lead you out of Egypt

Exodus 32:4

He took this from their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool and made it into a molten calf; and they said, "This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt."

When we focus on our abilities instead of focusing on God as the Giver we end up in a melted pool of idolatry

If you have come to Christ for what he came provide, wealth, health and good fortune then that’s Idolatry

Jehovah Jireh God will provide, not a car not a house but a Lamb for your sins to bring you back in union with God

This month of Tammuz , God is getting your attention waking up His church

He is about to wake up His church to the union

Jesus didn’t come to start a religion , Israel had plenty of that ,

Jesus came to establish His church

The walls of Jerusalem where destroyed twice by the Babyloians in 605 and the Romans in 70AD

Both Egypt, Babylon and Romans are synonyms of the world .

With Egypt God pulled Israel out of the world and with Babylon and Rome the world pull the Jews out of Israel

Jesus made a wall so strong that that would never happen again

Matthew 16:18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

If you feel over burdened over whelmed its because you have decided to defend your wall all by yourself.

You are part of the body of Christ and it’s not your job to defend the walls by yourself anymore

Even our burdens are a gift and as it seems that God has given you so much that eventually they become too heavy to large to carry yourself , that you have no choice but to call on God

So God has given you too much that you have to give it back

Casting your burdens upon the Lord in the oddest way means that you have decided to make God a partner in your life .

The 17th of Tammuz is the exact same day that God allowed both of the temples to be destroyed.

The 1st one put Israel in captivity for 70 years, its called the Babyloinian captivity , that where we get the book of Daniel and his 3 friends Shadrach, to Meshach and Abed-nego from.

The second was the fulfillment of the prophesy of Christ

Matthew24: 2And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”

This ended the sacrificial system, because the sacrifices had to happen on the altar of the temple

No temple no altar no sacrifices no atonement of sin.

The burden of sin so great forcing Israel to either live with the crushing burden of years of sin or finally turn to Christ.

The winds of Tammuz , the door to a new season of your life has been blown wide open ,

This it’s a time of refreshing your soul, to reconnect with God, to fall in love with Christ , and be filled with the Holy Spirit .

There are two parts to this month

1st Israel mourns over their past, their mistakes and failures

Mourning over our faults and failures is a good thing because it means that a change has happened in your heart

But that’s just for a moment because then rejoicing over God connection.

In the month you will see that things will be moving pretty fast , but don’t let your heart be troubled , God has done this to make that connection with you .