Luke 9: 57 - 62
Intro: I heard of a pastor who also preached on this passage. He centered his thoughts and comments on the fact that those who would follow Jesus claimed, “I will follow, but . . .” At the conclusion of his message, the pastor said, “I encourage all who identify with these would-be followers of Jesus to stand, come forward, and place their “buts” on the altar.
I VS. 57 “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him (Jesus) ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’”
A Can you identify with this man? He was not invited to follow by Jesus. He volunteered. It was a lofty, enthusiastic promise that called for commitment.
B A farmer came to his animals one morning saying he wanted to make breakfast for all his neighbors. From the hen, he took the eggs. From the cow, he took the milk. When he headed for the pig, it started running, broke through the fence and disappeared in a cloud of dust. The hen and the cow were involved; but, the pig was expected to be committed.
C VS. 58 reminds the enthusiastic, would-be follower that there is a difference between being involved and being committed.
II Many churches today are involved in what I call “Entertainment Evangelism.”
A Worship is a show, with elaborately staged performances with bands, graphics and drama. The Lord’s Supper is like a “love feast” rather than a sacrament and the chairs or pews are filled. There is no commitment required.
B VS. 59 “He (Jesus) said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’”
C The call of Jesus means unconditional commitment to the redemptive work of God. Discipleship isn’t a part-time or momentary commitment. You can’t place conditions on your willingness to follow.
III VS. 61 “Still another said, ‘I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”
A This sounds like a reasonable request. Would we deny a soldier going to war one last chance to say goodbye?
B This man is offering an excuse. We are all good at coming up with excuses.
C VS 62 “Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’”
Concl: Following Jesus involves three things: 1) considering the cost, 2) commitment to the ministry at hand, 3) looking to what you can do and not to what you have done.
The Christian journey does not demand that we reject our responsibilities to family and vocation; rather, it encourages us to see those needs in the light of our faith and through the lens of our deepening commitment to Christ.