Summary: Matthew 11:1-15

SUPER MEN - John the Baptist: G.O.A.T.

June 30, 2019

Matthew 11:1-15 (p. 682)


In sports there’s an acronym used to describe the greatest of all time…It’s the word GOAT - GREATEST OF ALL TIME…G.O.A.T.

Many believe in basketball that Michael Jordan is the greatest of all time. Some vote for LeBron or Will Chamberlain, but most choose Michael “His Air-ness.”

In football people will argue for Joe Montana or Tom Brady…occasionally Brett Favre or Terry Bradshaw…each have an argument for the greatest of all time.

In golf its Jack Nicklaus, or Tiger Woods…maybe some old school folks will throw in Bobby Jones, but most agree it’s either Jack or Tiger.

In hockey there’s almost consensus…It’s Wayne Gretzky…His name is even “The Great One.”

Baseball has its argument over Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Pete Rose and Cal Ripken Jr… “The Iron Man.” And probably a few others, about which was the greatest of all time… The GOAT.

But whose the greatest man that’s ever been born…the GOAT when it comes to everyone who’s ever lived?

Well, according to Jesus (and I’m gonna let Him be the judge on this) it’s John the Baptist.

Jesus said, and I quote, “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist.”

When Jesus says “born of women,” he’s literally saying, “among anyone ever born.” Moses had a mom…David had a mom…Abraham had a mom…everyone ever born had a mom…and Jesus is simply saying, John the Baptist is “The Greatest of All Time,” The G.O.A.T.

So, we’ve looked at a lot of Super Men this past month. Why does Jesus say John is the superest?

Well, Jesus’ evaluation is always going to come from a heavenly perspective…from the truth that God has created us each for a purpose…so the greatest person ever born would be the one who fulfills that purpose best…

You see John was much more than a prophet…


Jesus quotes Malachi the prophet when He describes John the Baptist’s purpose. He says, John is the one he wrote about when he wrote…“I will send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you.” (Mal. 3:1)

It’s a description of the Best Man’s role in Jewish weddings…the best man went ahead of the groom…announced his arrival…made sure everything and everyone was ready for the week long festivities.

Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 25 that helps us understand…Listen:

MATTHEW 25:1-13 (p. 694)

John the Baptist was the one crying out…“Here’s the Bridegroom! Come out to meet Him. Wake up! He’s here! ARE YOU READY?”

It’s pretty clear this parable has a double application…It can apply to the Jews who were waiting for the Messiah…and it can apply to this present age as we await Jesus’ promised return.

John was the best man that came for the purpose of announcing Jesus as the Messiah. The Church, is to play that role in the announcement of His second coming.

John the Baptist held his revival meetings in the wilderness of Judea…His message was “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near”…Matthew 3 gives us a firsthand view of Jesus’ Best Man and why he’s the G.O.A.T.

MATTHEW 3:3-12 (p. 676)

Jesus tells the crowds…When you came to see John in the wilderness…He wasn’t a reed swayed by the wind! He wasn’t a guy dressed in fine clothes…He was a prophet…but more than just a prophet….he was the preacher sent to prepare the way for the Messiah.

The greatest purpose done by the greatest man…and all the people who heard Jesus’ words responded this way…

LUKE 7:29-30 (p. 721)

You can accept God’s purpose or reject God’s purpose…You can be ready when the groom shows up…or not.

You don’t have to listen even if the preacher is dressed in camel hair and leather…and has the spirit of Elijah. Tax collectors and sinners recognized the need for repentance…The “Religious” Folks…The Pharisees…overwhelmingly rejected it. Religious people seem to really hate it when you make Jesus more important than their traditions.

John the Baptist had a message for them when they came out just to observe and evaluate…He said, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance…The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Luke 3:7-9)

The last Old Covenant prophet has a message of preparation…“Repent…get ready…God’s coming.”

And John wasn’t afraid to fulfill this purpose whether his audience was blue collar or royalty…no wonder Jesus said he was the greatest of all time.

But John wasn’t just bold and courageous in fulfilling his purpose.


Huge crowds were coming to John the Baptist…It was revival time in the wilderness of Judea…“People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.” (Matthew 3:5-6)

John not only drew huge crowds…but they responded to his message…it would have been super easy to start thinking, “I’m hot stuff.” Many in the crowd even voiced the thought, “Is he the Messiah?”

What was John the Baptist’s answer to this thought?

LUKE 3:15-18 (p. 717)

John not only knew what his purpose was…He knew what Jesus’ purpose was. John not only knew his worth…He knew Jesus’ worth…He not only knew his power…He knew the power of the coming Savior of the world.

When in the midst of revival and huge crowds you remember its about Jesus and tell people…“I’m not worthy to carry his shoes.” You are great…because you are fulfilling the will of God…and you magnify the Lord. When we get smaller and Jesus gets bigger the world sees who it needs to see.

In the midst of this revival Jesus comes out to the Jordan for John to baptize Him as well…John tries to deter him…He looks at Jesus and says, “I need to be baptized by you! And you come to me?” (Matt. 3:14)

Jesus tells him…“Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.”

Remember, John’s baptism is for the forgiveness of sins…Jesus has never sinned…It’s not necessary for that reason…It’s necessary according to Jesus to “fulfill what God wants.” That’s the definition of righteousness.

MATTHEW 3:16-17 (p. 676)

God the Father recognizes Jesus’ obedience from heaven…“As soon as He came up out of the water, heaven opens, and he saw the Spirit of God like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my son, whom I love; with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17)

John…the greatest man ever born…witnesses true greatness in this affirmation from above.

It’s why Jesus says in our text…“yet whoever is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.”

Jesus is simply saying…John’s the greatest man born here on earth…but here isn’t heaven…heaven is better…it’s what it’s all about…The person who just barely makes it to heaven is better than the greatest of all time here on earth.

Jesus goes on to say, “The Kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence…and violent people have been raiding it” for all the law and the prophets prophesied until John (v. 11-12)

Jesus makes it clear…that’s what it’s been like from the days of John the Baptist until now…

What does Jesus mean?

The phrase “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence,” refers to how religious men have used positions of authority to bully their way into control of the religious institution of Christ’s time, which was the Jewish synagogue, but more particular, the Jewish temple with its wealth, prestige and status as a political establishment.

These violent men would behead John the Baptist and they would plot to kill Jesus and violently attack Him through His crucifixion.

Legalistic and authoritative religious people who claim to follow the law righteously…will seek violently to kill the Best Man and the Groom.

Let me end with this truth:


Matthew 11 begins with John the Baptist in prison because he spoke truth to power…He’d told Herod Antipas that his relationship with his brother’s wife was evil…He also called him on all the other evil things he’d done (Luke 3:18-19)…Herod the tetrarch put him in prison.

While rotting away there, John sends disciples to ask Jesus…“Are you the one to come, or should we look for someone else? Jesus tells them “Go Back and tell John what you see and hear (powerful testimony). The blind receive sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the Good News is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”

And right after Jesus says this, Jesus turns to the crowd and tells them John the Baptist is the G.O.A.T. Greatest man born.

Ministry is really hard…especially when violent people come after you…It can be discouraging and lonely…It can cause you to doubt what you’ve done…I love this portion of scripture…I don’t love what John has to go through…but I love how our Savior responds…

?He tells John’s followers…Go back and tell John what you’ve experienced…Go see him (that makes a difference in itself). Remind him of my heart for the hurting…my love for the outcast…my devotion to those in need…remind him I’m the resurrection and the life…I’ve brought Good News to those who need it most…Tell him not to stumble at the end of the race.

I don’t know about you…but if the greatest man ever born needed assurance from Jesus…I do…and I’m sure you do…And Jesus always comes through!