Fighting For Life
Ephesians 6:10-18
Introduction: This is not a playground but a battleground. We need to understand some things.
I. We Have An Enemy (10-12)
A. His Name “The devil”. His name means slanderer or accuser. His diabolical name reveals his character.
B. His Nature He is shrewd, shrouded and shadowy. He is crafty and tricky. See Eph. 4:14; I Pet. 5:8; 2 Cor. 11:14. He is the master at sowing discord, doubt and division. God has exposed him. To defeat him, read the Book!
II. We Have Energy (10)
“Stand” means to be firmly fixed. Don’t waiver. As to this energy note:
A. The Source “The Lord’s might” indicates force, strength and ability. “Power” refers to His dominion and sovereign ability.
B. The Scope See Eph. 3:20. His strength can become mine. I’m only as strong as that in which I trust.
C. The Strength See I Cor. 15:58; 2 Tim. 4:7.
III. We Have Equipment
All this equipment is specially designed. It is tailored to each of us. This armor is what the average Roman soldier would wear.
A. Designed To Defend
1. Girdle – Belt It encircles the waist and protects the mid-section. He would hinge his all on his belt. The truth stabilizes.
2. Breastplate This protected the tender, vital organs.
3. Shoes Studded shoes bring sure footing. Be well-grounded with no slipping.
4. Shield This body length piece was soaked in flame retardant that would be used to stop a fiery dart then extinguish the flame. There is nothing better to put our fires than faith and God’s word!
5. Helmet This protects the brain and the mind.
B. Designed To Defeat Don’t be afraid of winning!
1. Sword Take the word of God to the battlefield. Leave behind your reasoning and speculation.
2. Prayer Call on Him. Bring Him into the equation.
Conclusion: We fight not “for” victory but “from” victory. Jesus has already won! Get into the fray.