Dating The Church
Ephesians 5:25-32
Introduction: Are you dating your church? This has nothing to do with determining the age of the institution. It has everything to do with one’s affection toward the institution. What do you mean? Think about it. Many people reject the church. A lot just ignore her. Others have a friendship. More than a few two-time her. They cheat on her. It is evident when one looks at the church roll any number have abandoned, separated and divorced her. They just walked out and took up with another lover. You could say that for many people they have just dated her. They have flirted but never made a commitment. Could it be cold feet is the result of a cold heart! Let me build this message on three words.
I. The Bride
Notice how Paul describes the church. He compares it to a bride. Now, if there is a
bride there must be a bridegroom. In relation to this text look at John 3:29; Rev. 21:2.
The church is the bride (wife). Jesus is the bridegroom (husband). The text reveals to us what the bridegroom thinks about the bride.
A. His Passion “Christ loved the church” (v.25). He “gave Himself up for her” (v.25). He is tender, patient, committed and sacrificial. He nourishes, cherishes, sustains and protects. He went to the cross and laid down His very life. He is passionate about her!
B. His Purpose His aim is to “make her holy” (v.26). The church won’t be perfect until He comes for her – see v. 27. Right now she has lots of sore spots, dirty places and some ugly wrinkles. She is defiled on the inside and decayed on the outside. She needs constant cleansing.
C. His Priority He didn’t get His inspiration for loving the church from marriage. He created marriage to illustrate His love for the church. The church is His priority. We should see and love the church as He does. Take note of Eph. 5:1. She is close to His heart and central to His work. Jesus is the only one who has the right to disown her. He never has and never will. Despite all her missteps and imperfections His love for her has never changed. She’s the only boat afloat and the only help for this sin sick society. He hasn’t given up on her and neither should we. She is His bride!
II. The Pride
If He takes such pride in her shouldn’t we do the same? Is it unreasonable to expect the
saved to be passionate about the church? Is it asking too much to make the church a priority? Everybody likes to talk about the ideal church but what about the actual church?
One can’t be in step or on the same page with Jesus as long as they are dating the church. He deserves your vow; your “I do”! Yet, many remain content just dating.
How do you spot a church-dater?
A. Self-Centered The egotist is “me-deep” in conversation. It’s all about them. What can the church do for me? They are distant. The church never meets their expectations. If she comes close they simply raise the bar. The real issue is a lack of commitment.
B. Independent Minded They avoid getting too involved. They go through the motions without really investing themselves. Their attitude is that they don’t really need others.
C. Critically Inclined These are short on allegiance but quick on faultfinding. They think constant complaining, carping and criticism actually accomplishes something. Hey, get rid of the plank in your own eye before you start operating on the specks in other people’s eyes!
III. Decide
Don’t you think it’s time to quit straddling the fence and take a firm stand? What’s involved here? What’s at stake?
A. Lordship Why don’t you join? Sign-up. Enlist. Belong. Identify. Put down some roots. Write your name on the dotted line. Take the vow. Martyr Jim Elliot once said, “Wherever you are, be all there!” Follow his leadership.
Join a church that preaches and teaches God’s word. Unite with one where doctrine matters, the Gospel is a priority, evangelism is a reality, servant-hood is stressed and members are challenged.
B. Stewardship Give your time, talent and treasure. Giving is an expression of worship. Make church a priority in your life. Connect with her. The church is the only institution on planet Earth God has promised to sustain forever.
C. Worship “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together…” It has been said “most woke up late, walked in groggy, worshipped distantly, listened occasionally, left early and remembered little.”
Conclusion: Jesus looks at us and says “Will you marry Me?” The reply is up to us.