Learning How To Walk
Ephesians 5:1-22
Introduction: For you parents, do you remember the thrill of watching your child take that first step? Don’t you think God takes great delight in watching us learn to walk? Note in verse 1 how Paul describes us “dearly loved children”.
Paul teaches us that our walk should match our talk, our practice should measure up to our profession, our behavior should equal our belief.
Since we have been made “partakers of His nature” (2 Pet. 1:4) we should learn to imitate (mimic, copy) God. Now that we are children we should resemble our father. That can only happen as we grow more in grace.
I. Walk In Love (v.1-2)
What all does this involve?
A. Live: “Walk” is in the present tense. It is a habitual action or a ruling principle.
B. Give: God is a giver. See John 3:16; I John 3:16. In Genesis He gave life. In Exodus He gave the law. In Joshua He gave the land, etc…
C. Forgive: Compare verse 1 with 4:32. We can either build a wall and declare war or we can build a bridge and build peace. See Rom.5:5
II. Walk In Purity (v.3-7)
Immorality was rampant in Ephesus. The temple of Diana (Fertility Goddess) was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Paul says there is:
A. Something To Avoid (3-4): Immorality, impurity, greed, obscenity, foolish talk, coarse joking. Do a good word study on each of these.
B. Something To Assume (5-6): People who make a practice of these things should assume that they don’t have the nature of God. Many are “deceived”. The Gnosticism issue in Colossae believed that the sins of the body did not affect the soul or spiritual life. “God’s wrath comes…” are strong words that mean divine visitation is certain.
C. Something To Abandon (7): Don’t become partners in sin with those on whom rests the wrath of God.
III. Walk In Light (v.8-14)
A. The People Of Light (8): Darkness is the unconverted state. Now that the light has penetrated the darkness “walk” (habit, ruling principle) in the light.
B. The Product Of Light (9-10): Produce some fruit. Light produces growth. Darkness inhibits growth. Note the fruit: goodness, righteousness, truth. Conform to God’s word and will.
C. The Penetration Of The Light (11-14): Turn the light on. Tell the world “We’ll leave the light on for you!” Glow with the light. Flow with the light. Grow in the light. Throw off the light.
IV. Walk In Wisdom (v.15-17)
“Careful” means circumspect. It refers to looking around with caution. Live with precision, accuracy and exactness. Walk wisely. What does this mean?
A. Use The Opportunity (16): Redeem the time. Make the most of it. It refers to special times and strategic opportunities. Why? “Evil” means active opposition. Evil is at work. Be just as aggressive and alert.
B. Understand God’s Will: “Understand” alludes to setting or bringing things together. Bring your perception in line with His will.
V. Walk In The Spirit (18-21)
None of the above is possible without this one. This is a command! It is to be an ongoing experience. The results are three-fold.
A. Joy
B. Thankfulness
C. Submission
Conclusion: Frankie Vali and the Four Season (an old rock band) once had a hit song entitled “Walk like a Man”. Paul just said “Walk like a Christian”. Imitate God!