The Worthy Walk
Ephesians 4:1-7
Introduction: Paul moves from doctrine to duty. Here is a challenge (command) to practical Christian living. It is putting our faith into action. It is turning beliefs into behavior.
The word “calling” is vocation. It does not mean job but to walk the “Jesus life”. It refers to living a life that reveals and reflects Jesus. It is a striving to walk as Jesus walked. What all does that involve?
I. Walk in Humility and Gentleness
“Lowliness and meekness” (KJV). “Humility” = putting Christ first, others second and self last. Don’t think more highly or less highly of yourself. Know yourself, accept yourself, and be yourself to the glory of God. Don’t be a person with an arrogant, pushy and disruptive spirit.
“Meekness” = gentle. This is not weakness. It is power under control.
II. Walk in Patience
“Longsuffering.” This is a “hang-in-there” attitude when life is at low ebb. No one is constantly on the mountaintop. Some situations are quiet demanding. Human relationships will prove to be disruptive at times. Be an overcomer (Ps. 27:14). The word means “long-tempered”. It’s the ability to endure discomfort without fighting back.
III. Walk in Forbearance
Walk in love. Seek to understand and live at peace with one another. Be compassionate, warm, approachable, kind and loving. Quit analyzing everyone. Max Lucado wrote these words about Jesus:
“Jesus was approachable by the common people. People enjoyed being with him. The Almighty wasn’t high and mighty. The Holy One wasn’t holier than thou. The one who knew it all wasn’t a know it all. The one who made the stars didn’t keep his head in them. The one who owns all stuff on earth never strutted it. His faith made him likable, not detestable.”
Be a Good Samaritan. Help people up. That’s the Jesus way. Don’t be pious, condemning and self-righteous. Quit tearing people down.
IV. Walk in Unity
“Effort” = endeavor. Be eager to maintain, guard and strive for unity. Work at it! Satan will move in to wreck it. Don’t be a pawn in his hands. Every person is to be involved and the job never ends. War on the outside is an indication of war on the inside. If a person can’t get along with God, they can’t get along with fellow believers.
V. Walk in Correct Doctrine
Paul lists seven basic spiritual realities that unite all Christians.
A. One Body: The body of Christ. This is the doctrine of the church. To walk worthy is to be “actively” involved in the local church. Members should be blessings not burdens. Support your local church with your time, talents and tithing’s.
B. One Spirit: This is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. He indwells every believer. Follow him. Be filled with him. Manifest his fruit. Be empowered by him. Don’t quench or grieve the spirit.
C. One Hope: This is the doctrine of eschatology. Our hope looks for his return. Live in light of his return. Be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.
D. One Lord: The doctrine of lordship. Submit. Surrender.
E. One Faith: The doctrine of faith. A settled body of truth is the meaning. Note “the faith” in Jude 3. “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”
F. One Baptism: The doctrine of baptism. This is the baptism of the spirit. It is an act of the spirit when one places faith in Christ and is immersed into his life. Outward baptism is only a symbol of what has taken place inwardly. By the word “only” I don’t mean to minimize baptism.
G. One God: We are children of a family with one father.
Conclusion: Walk worthy of your calling!