Rom_16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
He is speaking of heretics who cause division through false doctrine. We must learn to discern and avoid false doctrine and those who teach it. We have two extremes in our culture. We either avoid everyone that does not dot every i and cross every t like us or we glad hand every one that comes down that pike that is a passionate speaker and uses Jesus' name. Both sides are wrong.
If we are not careful, we will get so bad that we will not fellowship with people who only do the Lord's Supper once a year because we do it weekly or quarterly. There is no exact commandment on frequency. Jesus said. "as oft as ye do it." Some have tied it to Passover and so do it yearly. Others have other reasons for their frequency.
Do it daily, if you wish as long as it maintains its meaning to you. If it becomes as mechanical as brushing your teeth then back off to once a year for awhile to make it more meaningful. Tie it to your birthday or anniversary if that will make it meaningful. I will not break fellowship with a person that differs with me on that issue. There are issues that one must break fellowship with and cause division within the Body. because they are false doctrine.
If a person denies the Trinity, we must part company. There is no trinity of trinties. If they teach that Jesus needs help to save a person by some ritual or in some other way man is adding to the finished work of Christ, we cannot fellowship. If a person teaches that Christ had to become born-again and was beaten by devils in Hell they are a heretic and I cannot listen to nor promote their teaching.
Some of you know that I no longer believe in the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit. Indeed, I was experiencing some things and received some things after I was saved, but was trained out of them in bible college.
That being so, I do not accept everyone that comes to me saying they speak in tongues, heal or whatever because there were false prophets in the OT, during the time of the Apostles and both Paul and John warned us about them.
Matt 7:21-25 tells us that many who did miracles in Jesus' name will not be in Heaven and the Anti-Christ will do signs and wonders that if it were possible it would deceive the elect/saved. Obviously, they had the ability to discern true from false. Sound doctrine will help them do that. Just as Moses' serpent devoured the serpents of Pharaoh's magicians so will they be able to see the chicanery of the false prophets and the Anti-Christ.
Just because they are popular, passionate and appear to have gifts does not make them genuine teachers of Christians. Do not be deceived or fellowship with false brethren or prophets.
2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;
11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.
Do not be a heretic or hang out with them. Don't get into long arguments. After two admonitions walk away and cast your pearls before those who would appreciate them. Maranatha!