Matthew 20:17-19
John 12:9-36 (NKJV)
John 12:44-50 (NKJV)
Today's Sermon is Titled 'Palm Sunday--It will soon be Finished'
Everything was going according to His plan
Down to the donkey He rode on
All foretold by prophets like Isaiah and Ezekiel
Several thousand years coming to this one single point in time.
The stage has been set
The bad actors are about to play their part in an Epic event
One that would change the world forever!
He's told His disciples at least three times that this Event was about to unfold and that He would be returning to the Father
But as a side note,...He would NOT be leaving them alone
Just a He still does for you and me
John and his friend George went golfing together one Saturday morning as they had for 24 years. They were fanatics about their golf game.
Later that day, John returned home completely exhausted and plopped down in his easy chair.
His wife was quite concerned since he was more exhausted than usual after his Saturday golf game.
She asked him "What's wrong, bad game?"
"No, hon, I had the best game in years!
As a matter of fact, I started out the first three holes at 4 under par, including a hole-in-two on the 3rd."
"So why are you so worn out?" she asked. "Well, George had a heart attack and died on the 4th hole."
"What!? Are you so exhausted from trying to save him?"
"No, honey, it was quick and there was nothing anyone could’ve done.
The bad news was that soon, our Lord would be beaten
beyond recognition.
Beaten almost to death.
But it would not be there in that place.
It would be up on the hill overlooking Jerusalem.
But the good news, was that it wouldn't last. Jesus
would be just three days...Death could not
hold Him.
There were Mixed Emotions as Jesus approached Jerusalem
The road that led to Jerusalem was lined with well-wishers
Those that knew or had heard about Jesus
Some, including His own apostles were concerned that this was the End for Jesus
Pilate's job was on the line...He could not afford a massive riot...The Emperor was watching...
There were many Jews within the walls of Jerusalem that did not approve of Jesus and thought He was tearing the Jewish religion apart
Pilate had recently entered the city on a big white horse
with his soldiers parading before and after him
Jesus was now entering the city drawing massive crowds...and yet riding on a donkey...not exactly a conqueror
The Roman soldiers were on high-alert...fully armed...and ready for a rebellion of sorts
Jesus Adds Insult to Injury in the eyes of the High Priest
Jesus dismounts His donkey and enters the Holy Temple
He is angered with what He sees
His temple is being used as a marketplace
There are money-changers and sacrifices being bought and sold
Matthew 21:12-13
He is being watched by His lynch mob to be
This is exactly what Caiaphas needed to convince the Pharisees
that this man Jesus was not Holy but instead a trouble-maker
Things were going exactly as planned
Who Gave Him the Right?
Jesus leaves Jerusalem but returns the following day
Caiaphas and the High Priests would then question Him concerning what authority permitted Him to react/respond as He did
Matthew 21:23-27
Jesus would not tell them and they were afraid to answer
Jesus had them right where He wanted them
Jesus needed NOT God's authority for He is God
He is the AUTHORITY of ALL Things
Who is the Son of Man?
The Testing Continued
Caiaphas and the Pharisees continued in their quest to find fault in the 'Son of Man'
They believed that He was only that--'The Son of a Man'--NOT the 'Son of God'
They then tried to catch Him as it related to Roman Taxes
They asked, is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?
Jesus requested that they bring to Him a denarius
He asked, 'Who picture is on the coin?'
Their answer--Caesar
Then give Caesar what is his and to God, give Him what is His.
This all continued into the following week
and it culminates with His Trial, Execution and His Glorious Resurrection and Ascension
Next week is Easter and we will continue His Story and How according to His Plan,
He would be crucified and yet be the Victor over the Roman Empire and all of His Creation. Amen.
Through His action, You and I have been redeemed...FORGIVEN!