Summary: Let’s take this last section and observe five sure signs of a revival.


II CORINTHIANS 12:11-13:14

INTRODUCTION: The church of Corinth was gifted. She needed to be lifted. She needed revival for survival. Let’s take this last section and observe five sure signs of a revival.

I. Inspiration (11-12)

Revival is a “supernatural” work. It’s not about “super apostles.” There must be a divine visitation that initiates divine inspiration. “Sign” = a miracle with a message. “Wonders” = acts. “Mighty works” = power. Revival is certified by the super-natural.

II. Consecration (13-19)

A true revival is marked by “sacrifice”. Note Paul’s words in v.15.

III. Sanctification (20-21)

Here is purification or “sanctity”. The church was hindered by the sins of speech, division and immorality.

IV. Examination (13:1-8)

This is self-evaluation (scrutiny). They had been examining Paul so he turned the table on them. Examine your life according to the scriptures (1-3), Saviour (4-5), spirit (5), saints and sin.

V. Edification (9-14)

Here is the idea of “stimulation”. Paul had torn them down now he builds them up. Take not of Paul’s three ideas: maturity (9-10), unity (11-12), trinity (14).

CONCLUSION: Revive us again!