INTRODUCTION: Man is out of fellowship with God. He is separated and rebellious. God took the initiative to bring man and God together again. He did so at the cross. Note “All this is from God.” Reconciliation is not achieved by man but by God. Salvation is of the Lord – from first to last. Observe:
I. The Messengers of Reconciliation (v.18)
The messenger is reconciled, chosen, and sent. His message is of God. It is not man who beseeches God but God who beseeches man. Don’t believe it? Look at Paul’s conversion. Look at the Corinthians.
A. Their past: They were once enemies, sinful and rebellious. No one has been superior in former conduct.
B. Their present: They are now reconciled. By grace they have come to Jesus. They are no longer enemies but friends.
C. Their propitiation: Reconciled by Jesus Christ. This has reference to His shed, cleansing blood. Note the word “imputation”. It’s borrowed from the banking industry. It means “to put to one’s account”. At the cross all our sins were put to His account. He was treated as though He had committed those sins. They have been paid for. When we receive Him God put all His righteousness into our account. We are treated as if we had never committed a single sin.
D. Their proclamation: We have a message to tell. It’s not up to us to invent a new gospel. We simply bear the message he has given to us. God saves people not based on my pleadings, skills or force. It is the work of the Holy Spirit taking the message and applying it to the heart of a person.
II. The Matter of Reconciliation
The matter has to do with:
A. Substitution: “God was in Christ.” It’s not by weeping over past sins, future service, ceremony or religious rituals. It’s only by Christ and His work at the cross. He bore my sin and my punishment. He suffered. He took my wrath. He was my substitute. Grace, mercy, peace, Heaven all come through Him.
B. Sovereignty: “God was in Christ.” He did it according to His own good pleasure. God wasn’t made to love me because Christ died, Christ died because He loved me. It was God Himself who died.
C. Sinners: He put my sins on the Saviour and gave the Saviour’s righteousness to me. He takes sinners and makes them saints.
D. Society: The offer is not just for the Jews but for the whole world. See John 3:16.
III. The Manner of Reconciliation
A. Pleading (v.20): We are to implore, appeal and plead. Look at Isa. 1:18; Ezk. 33:11; Jer. 44:4; Hosea 9:8.
B. Prayer: To say it as if Jesus said it. “We pray you in Christ’s stead.”
CONCLUSION: He has created you. He has sustained you. He has prospered you. He has blessed you. He has comforted you. He has died for you. He has taken the rap for you. Why would you reject Him? Be reconciled to Him.