Summary: Our ministry has to do with a message and that message is about a man, Master and Messiah. He’s the “miracle man” (birth, life, death) – we just call Him Jesus.



INTRODUCTION: Our ministry has to do with a message and that message is about a man, Master and Messiah. He’s the “miracle man” (birth, life, death) – we just call Him Jesus.

Paul had gone to Corinth and established the church. As founding pastor he knew the people, place, potential, problems, possibilities and plan. Note the word in v.20 – “ambassadors”.

God had strategically placed the church where it would intersect with the community. His plan was for them to be ambassadors who would intersect with the community and carry the message of salvation. Guess what? His plans haven’t changed.

What is our ministry?

I. Our Ministry is to Reach

Between God and the lost world stands the church. Why do we need to reach? Look at:

A. The condition of the lost (17): The opposite of the new creation is the old creation. It’s old Adam in his Sunday best! Paul remembered what he was like before Christ. He remembered his life-changing moment on the road to Damascus. He looked at the people in Corinth and saw himself as he used to be. See I Cor. 6:9-11.

B. The commission of God (5:19-20): “Ambassador” = the task of delivering a message from one party to another. He represents the one who has sent him. He’s not a negotiator, broker or compromiser. He stands in the place of the one who has sent him. “Message” = reconciliation. The word means to make sure things line up or come to the same conclusion. It’s like balancing your check book (bank statement). Every Christian is a minister of the gospel!

We stand in His place with the message He has given us. “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. It’s our duty to deliver the message and leave the results with him.

C. The certainty of death (5:1): Tent = body. It’s not a palace or a fort but a temporary dwelling place. God has something better planned.

Rick Warren has said, “We have a message of transformation therefore we need to pay heed to the transformation of the message!

II. Our Ministry is to Teach

You don’t take a newborn and expect them to raise themselves. They have to be nurtured. What does teaching involve?

A. Communication: Telling, explaining and provoking thought.

B. Motivation: Help shape behavior.

C. Evaluation

CONCLUSION: Remember the Great Commission. We are obligated to reach and teach.

A recent report from a 2000 census study revealed that Weakley County’s population is 34,895. Of that number, 26,204 (75%) are unchurched. Any other questions?