Exodus 4:2 Moses --- Rod
Hand 3027 --- a hand (the open one [indicating power, means, direction, etc.]) Zodhiates
Rod 4294 --- a branch, a rod, whether for chastising (correction), ruling (a sceptre), throwing (a lance), or walking (a staff, fig. a support of life) Zodhiates
A rod was a length of tree limb or bush stock, employed at first for support or weapon.
For David it was a symbol of divine guidance and care: "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."
The rod also became the symbol of authority and rule prevalent in Bible use. "Moses took the rod of God" and he and Aaron wrought numerous miracles with rods. "The rod of discipline" was for child, son, fool, and for slave. The rod as a symbol of God's anger and chastisement occurs in numerous passages. The rod was used in counting sheep, and symbolically in numbering God's chosen. Finally, the rod was used for measuring, as the New Jerusalem. Zondervan pg 132
It is a good thing to have something in hand that may bring glory to God. The thing itself may seem small and useless for the great end; but He can make it mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds of Satan. Every lawful thing that's in your hand may become a conquering weapon for God. Smith & Lee Handfuls on Purpose V. 248
A. Judges 7:16 Gideon --- Trumpets, Pitchers
And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put a trumpet in every man's hand, with empty pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers.
Three ways Gideon contrived to strike a terror upon this army, and so put them into confusion. (M. H. pg 168)
1. With a great noise.
Every man must blow his trumpet in the most terrible manner he could and clatter an earthen pitcher to pieces at the same time. They were broken together which would not only make a great crash, but was a figure of what would be the effects of fright, even the Midianites killing one another.
2. With a great blaze.
The lighted torches were hid in the pitchers, like a candle under a bushel, until they came to the camp, and then, being taken out of all together of a sudden, would make a glaring show, and run through the camp like a flash of lightning. Perhaps with these they set some of the tents on fire, which would very much increase the confusion.
3. With a great shout.
Every man must cry, The sword of the Lord and of Gideon. The sword of the Lord is all in all to the success of the sword of Gideon, yet the sword of Gideon must be employed. Men the instruments, and God the principal agent, must both be considered in their places, but men, the greatest and best, always in subserviency and subordination to God.
B. Judges 15:15 Samson --- Jaw bone
And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith.
Not with a lion's jaw which would illustrate power to crush and kill, but with a donkey's jawbone which illustrates weakness in the tool itself which crush only grain and grass.
C. I Sam 17:40 David --- Sling--- v. 57 Giant's Head
And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.
D. Judges 4:8-9, 21 ; 5:26-27 Jael, Heber's wife --- Hammer
The enemy falls at the hand of a woman.
E. Nehemiah 4:16-17 --- Work (Trowel) & Weapon (Sword)
Building requires working and fighting, watching and laboring.
Ephesians 6:16-17 --- Shield & Sword
F. Genesis 22:6 Abraham --- Fire & Knife
And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together.
He who is to be the father of the faithful has to face the father of all the trials of faith.
1. There is something awfully solemn about this. "Our God
is a consuming fire" (Heb.12:29). "Who shall dwell with devouring fire?" (Isa. 33:14) Does not this suggest the holy, testing, consuming character of God when approaching the altar of expiation?
Isa 6:6 Angel --- Coals of Fire
Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his
hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:
2. If fire represents the holiness of God, then the knife
may well symbolize the sword of justice. In these days men are ready to forget that every sacrifice to God must have to do with the divine knife and fire.
It was a great sacrifice that Abraham was willing to perform to verify his obedience. God calls all to sacrifice though the method or amount of sacrifice may vary. What is that in thine hand?
We cannot bless people with empty hands. And what shall it profit if our hands are full of other things than those which God Himself puts into them. Our hands will hang down in emptiness and feebleness until they are "given unto the Lord," and filled with the gift of His Son. As the priest's hand were only filled after he was cleansed and anointed, so must we be saved and sanctified ere our hands can be filled with acceptable service in His sight. Smith & Lee Handfuls on Purpose V. 236
Hammer --- Builder of buildings and of lives
Heart --- Showing love to strangers, friends and foes alike.
( That's why we came here and stayed at The House of Prayer.
"We miss you so baaaaaadddd! When we left")
Seed --- Sower of the Word of God.
Flashlight --- Some have the ability to see ahead and light the
path in dark times.
Webster's Dictionary --- Definitions, facts. Some people help us keep our perspective
as they reveal the facts of reality.
Microphone --- Ability to speak and exhort.
New Testament --- We are begotten by the Word. It is a
witnessing tool.
Wallet --- There must be financial support of the ministry.
Wrench --- Physical Maintenance must take place continually.
Rubber band --- Binds things together and holds them secure.
Pencil --- Write --- letters, songs, poems, books
Reflective Tape --- Warning. Saves men's lives.
Knee Pads --- Somebody has got to pray.
Eraser --- Forgetting those things that are behind. Some have the ability to help us erase mistakes.
Pick --- Musicians
Key --- Some people know how to open things for the church.
Tape --- Discernment, wisdom, knowledge. Setting the standard. Stable and never changing.
"Mark the perfect man."
Friendship Card --- Some people have the special ability of developing and maintaining necessary
friendships with people in the church.
I Sam 14:27 Jonathan --- Honey --- Enlightened
Genesis 24:10 Servant --- Master's Goods --- Responsibility --Stewardship
Exodus 32:15 Moses --- Stone Tables of the Law
Lev. 14:28 Priest --- Oil
I Sam 23:6 Ephod --- Priesthood
Esther 5:2 Scepter --- King
Numbers 31:6 ---Trumpets
Joshua 5:13 Angel --- Sword
Joshua 8:18 Joshua --- Spear
I Chron 21:16 Angel --- Sword
Numbers 22:23 --- Angel --- Sword
Numbers 25:7 Phinehas --- Javelin
Rev 6:5 Balances
Rev. 10:2 A little book
Rev. 14:9 A mark
Rev 14:14 Balances
Rev 20:1 A great chain to bind