On Tuesday of the last week of our Lord’s life, as He and His disciples were leaving the temple, one of them said, “Look Teacher! What massive stones ! What magnificent buildings!” Jesus responded, “Do you see all these great buildings? Not one stone here will be left on another, every one will be thrown down.” He took His disciples to the top of the mount of Olives, where He told them about things to come.
In so doing, He spoke to them about the coming conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple, which took place in 70 A.D.; and about the events that would occur in connection with His return.
Jesus warned that prior to His return, there would be wars and rumors of war. There would be those who would come claiming to be Christ. There would be earthquakes in various places through-out the world.
There would be the persecution of believers. Jesus said that prior to His return, there would be “days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now - and never to be equaled again,” Notice in Mark 13:24-27, what Jesus said would happen that would bring those terrible days to a close (read verses).
Jesus told His disciples that when they saw these signs coming to pass, the time of His return would be near. He then concluded His teaching by giving them a word of exhortation (READ TEXT).
In verse 34, Jesus relates a parable which teaches us how we as Christians can be sure we are ready for our Lord’s return. The first thing we note is that this parable teaches us that if we are going to be ready for our Lord’s return, then . . .
1. We must strive to be faithful stewards - v. 34a
Jesus speaks in this parable about a man who goes away leaving his servants in charge of his household. They were expected to be faithful stewards of all that the master had entrusted to their care. There were two things that these servants were expected to be faithful stewards of:
A. They were to be faithful stewards of their master’s possessions -
While their master was away, the servants had the “run of the house.”
All was theirs to enjoy, but they were expected to always honor their master in their use of it.
In the same way, we have been entrusted with many wonderful things by our Lord. Besides what income and possessions are ours, there are the spiritual gifts and natural talents and abilities He has entrusted to us as well. If we are going to be ready for our Lord’s return, we must strive to be faithful stewards of all these blessings, always using them in away that will honor our Lord.
A wealthy Christian man had a large vault built in his home to keep his money and other treasures. He had letters installed on the combination dial rather than numbers. Why? To remind him who really owned it all. The combination? J-E-S-U-S.
We may not be a wealthy as far as money and material possessions are concerned, but we are wealthy as far as the blessings of God are concerned! And while we may not be able to have a vault built in our home, we can remember that the combination that opens the vault of blessings God has given us is J E S U S ! It is only by the grace of our Lord that you and I have what we do and He expects us to be faithful stewards of those things He has blessed us with, making sure that we use them only in ways that will honor Him. But not only were these servants called to be faithful stewards of their master’s possessions . . .
B. They were to be faithful stewards of their master’s business -
These servants were entrusted with the responsibility of looking after their master’s interests. ln the same way, our Lord has entrusted us with the responsibility of looking after His interests. And what is our Master’s primary interest.
“(God) does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” - 2 Peter 3:9b (NLT)
We are never out of God’s will when we tell others about Jesus.
“Too long have we been waiting for one another to begin! The time for waiting is past! The hour of God has struck! In God’s holy name let us arise and build! We will not build on the sand, but on the bedrock sayings of Christ, and the gates and minions of hell shall not prevail against us.” - C.T. Studd
“If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms around their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled with the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” - Charles Spurgeon
If we’re good stewards, looking after our Master’s interests, then we’re going to be interested in reaching others for Christ. It seems, however, that many in the church today are content to enjoy the blessings within the house, while ignoring the work to be done in the field.
Push away from the table, look out through the window pane; Just beyond this house of plenty, lies a field of golden grain; And it’s white unto harvest, but the workers, where are they? In the house! Oh can’t the children, hear the Father sadly say, “My house if full but my field is empty! Who will go an work for me today? It seems my children all want to stay around my table; But no one wants to work in my field. No one wants to work in my field.”
Christ has given us the responsibility of looking after His business, and one day He’ll return and expect us to give an account of ourselves! So if we’re going to be sure we are ready for our Lord’s return, we would do well to strive to be faithful stewards, both of the possessions He has entrusted to us and of the responsibility He has given to us!
2. We must strive to be faithful servants - v. 34b
Jesus further said of these servants that their master had assigned each of them a specific task to perform and that he expected to find them carrying out their personal responsibilities when he returned. In the same way, our Lord calls each of us to certain tasks within the life of the church which He expects us to faithfully perform until His return.
“While the first great task of the church is to get sinners into heaven, the second great task of the church is to get saints out of bed!” - Anonymous
Each of us needs to wake up and realize that there is a job for us to do within the life of the church and if we are going to be ready for our Lord’s return, then we had better make sure we are busy doing our part!
There were 200 members who could work. But 20 said they’re too old. That left 180. But 18 said they’re too timid to try. That left 162 to work. But 37 said they’re too tired to work. That left 125. But 20 were made to go to church when they were young and don’t want to participate. That left 105 to work. But 20 have too many aches and pains. That left 85 to work. But 35 of those are indifferent. Which left 50 to work. But 40 felt that attending occasionally was enough. That left 10 to work. But 9 are overloaded already. So that left 1 to work. And I am so discouraged that I don’t want to do anything either!
It’s time we quit making excuses! God has given each of us certain abilities that He expects us to use in the work of the church, but perhaps the “The greatest ability is dependability!”
The church is made up of two kinds of folks,No matter how you view it: Those who talk about what should be done; And those who get busy and do it.
What kind of member are you? One who strengthens our church; or one who weakens our church? A worker, or a shirker? Don't wait to be asked to do something, volunteer! Get up and get going for Jesus!
3. We must strive to be faithful sentries - v. 34c
The master posted sentries to guard against anyone destroying his property. Likewise, our Lord expects us to act as sentries, by being on guard against anything that might destroy His work through the church.
While God has put the church in the world, Satan’s seeks to put the world in the church. And he’ll use every opportunity to weaken God’s work through the church by getting you and me to let down our guard! Therefore, we need to commit ourselves to being vigilant and alert.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” - 1 Peter 5:8 (ESV)
“If we would therefore behave like good soldiers of Jesus Christ, we must be always on our guard, and never pretend to lay down our spiritual weapons of prayer and watching, till our warfare is ended by death; for if we do, our spiritual foe will quickly prevail against us.” - George Whitefield
Jesus expects His people to be alert, guarding against Satan’s attempts to hinder the effectiveness of God’s working in and through their lives and their church.
Conclusion: One cannot help but notice Jesus made it clear in this passage that no one knows the day or the hour of His return. Our sole responsibility is to be faithful until our Lord returns. He has not put us on the “time & place committee,” but He has put us on His “preparation committee.” We are to see to it that we and as many others as possible are prepared for His return. How? Hear again the words of the Lord (READ TEXT AGAIN). Christian, are you ready for your Lord’s return?