Summary: Intro below...

A Rabbi takes up work in a new synagogue. His first week things don’t go well. When it comes time for the congregation to say the opening prayer, half of the people stand up – and half of the people stay seated. Before for they can even begin to pray the people standing are yelling at the people seated telling them to get on their feet. Those seated are doing the same in favor of sitting for the opening prayer. Finally, the Rabbi has had enough. Look he says, there is a 98-year-old Rabbi and long-time member of this church who certainly knows what the tradition is regarding sitting or standing for prayers here. I suggest one member whose opinion is for standing, and one member whose opinion is for sitting come with me and we will ask him, “What IS the tradition for prayers!” The congregation agrees and the next day the three make their way to the old Rabbi’s house. They enter his room, and the man who stands for the prayers rushes over to the old man and says, "Wasn’t it the tradition in our synagogue to stand for prayer?" "No," the old man answers in a weak voice. "That wasn’t the tradition."

The other man jumps in excitedly. "Wasn’t it the tradition in our synagogue to sit for prayer?" "No," the old man says. "That wasn’t the tradition."

At this point, the rabbi cannot control himself. He cuts in angrily. "I don’t care what the tradition was! Just tell them one or the other. Do you know what goes on in services every week — the people who are standing yell at the people who are sitting, the people who are sitting yell at the people who are standing—"

"That was the tradition," the old man says.

1. While we may not argue about whether to sit or stand for prayer, we all have opinions about things - and - it’s good that we do – for – it MATTERS that we come to decide for ourselves about things in life;

a. What’s right and what’s wrong

b. What’s of value – and – not worth my time.

c. The Song of Solomon says there is a time for everything – and this is true, but we still must decide what should be done at THIS particular time.

2. Still – even if we agree people should come to conclusions in their OWN minds – there is a part of us that HOPES --- and sometimes STRONGLY and (sadly) FORCEFULLY hopes … that EVERYEONE ELSE will come to the same conclusion as I do, because, if NOT – well, there’s going to be trouble!

3. And, don’t you know – because of differing opinions about a HOST of matters that MATTER (and some that really DON’T) – there IS trouble.

4. In many ways, of course, this is not surprising.

5. We would be rather naïve to think that things should be otherwise.

6. And yet, the variety of opinions on earth today – and the hurt feelings, prejudice and strife that they cause can make one WONDER about a declaration made by a certain host of angels some 2000 years ago.

7. At the birth of Christ, did not the angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest – and on earth PEACE good will to all men?”

8. Where the angels right?

9. And if so, where is the peace? -FOR – the opinions of men and women have scarcely ever been more diverse and more greatly at odds and “peace on earth” is so very hard to find!

10. This question – the relationship of Jesus appearing and peace on earth – is greatly on display in today day’s passage – John 7:40-58.

a. The Scripture is located on page 6 in your bulletin and I invite you to turn there now and follow along as we study God’s word today.

11. In vs.40-41 we are told that as the people had come to hear Jesus preach, among THIS group at least, there were three opinions gathering steam:

a. READ 40-41

b. Some were not ready to say Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah – but they thought Jesus might be “THE PROPHET” – which was a reference often used for Moses.

c. Because of a particular OT passage, many people had come to expect that just before OR at the time of the Messiah’s coming, one MUCH LIKE Moses if not Moses HIMSELF would appear and “pave the way” for his appearing.

d. Some were convinced that Jesus – speaking as He did – and performing miracles as He did – was this “Moses-like” figure.

e. For those thinking this way, Jesus recent miracle involving the loaves and fishes was proof enough that this was who Jesus was; Moses reincarnate.

12. Others were convinced Jesus was something still greater.

13. Vs.41 tells us SOME were saying, “No, he’s MORE than that – Jesus is the Messiah Himself” they declared.

14. Still, a third group weighs-in with their conclusion stating Jesus was neither.

a. Here in vs.41 these say “He can’t be the Christ, because of where He comes from; Galilee.”

b. Down in vs.52 we hear others, of a like-mind saying not ONLY is Jesus not the Christ – but that He can’t even be a prophet – again – BECAUSE of where He comes from; Galilee. – for, they say, “Search, and see that NO PROPHET arises out of Galilee.”

15. F.L. Godet notes that when writing his gospel, John seems to take pleasure in pointing out the IRONY of such objections to the Lord.

16. Indeed, this claim that Jesus CANNOT be the Messiah (or a prophet) because of his parents living in Galilee (in the city of Nazareth) is indeed ironic for several reasons:

17. First, because those objecting did so based on the belief that they possessed a most excellent familiarity with the Scriptures.

18. But John is verbally shaking his head at these deniers and saying, “But if you had taken any time at all to become familiar with Jesus life, you would discover that while his PARENTS were living in Galilee when He was conceived, his EARTHLY “father”, Joseph was in fact from Judah – hence their return to Judah for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus – AND that by providence Jesus had been born in BETHLEHEM (the city of David) in fulfillment of the Bible prophecies regarding WHERE the Messiah would come from.

19. To put it another way – the very Scriptures that they claimed proved Jesus could not be the Messiah were giving testimony and evidence that Jesus was in fact – the Messiah!

20. Yes, it was IRNOIC indeed.

21. As is often the case, those who KNEW THE LEAST were most ready to TAKE ACTION!

22. We see in vs.44 – that some of them (clearly, some from among those who thought Jesus was a deceiver) wanted to take Jesus by force to do Him harm.

23. They WANTED TO – but they did not.

24. And yet, later in our reading, we learn that there were SOME present who did NOT WANT to arrest Jesus – but THEY had been told to do so.

25. In vs.45 we read of this. (READ vs.45)

26. Though John does not develop or provide details about the sending of the officers to arrest Jesus – He lets us know of the intention because the officers return empty handed and the leaders want to know – WHY didn’t you bring Him to us.

27. The unstated but obvious meaning is “WHY didn’t you bring Him to us LIKE WE TOLD YOU TO?”

28. And so, again – John points us towards another IRONY.

29. Some who were FOLLOWING Jesus say “We find no reason to be inclined towards Him or believe Him” let’s grab Him …and yet… those who were SENT to Jesus TO arrest Him, with no interest in believing in Him, return without Him saying, “WE believe there is something SPECIAL about this man, because NO ONE EVERY SPOKE THE WAY THIS MAN SPEAKS!”

30. Those who fain interest find nothing in Jesus – and those with intentions of hostility find themselves oddly drawn to Him.

31. Clearly, some who were PHYSICALLY following Jesus were not doing so with open hearts.

32. Their feet had brought them to Jesus but their hearts were still at home.

33. And just as clearly, some who were only DOING THEIR JOB came near to Jesus and felt their conscience and hearts MOVED and thus came to their own conclusions… conclusions that made others around them including none too happy with them.

34. Before we leave the section of our story (where the priests and Pharisees are scolding these officers) we would do well to notice the BASIS upon which they ridicule this attraction to Jesus.

35. In vs.47-49 we read (READ)

36. Here two different points are being made:

a. First, that the officers are told that in deciding what attitude THEY should have toward Jesus, they should take note of the opinion the PHARISEES have of Him.

b. The claim is that they are not to decide for themselves.

c. Don’t look at the evidence – either from the Scripture or from Jesus words and works.

d. NO – look to US.

e. Let US decide for YOU.

f. In effect, they are saying, “If we have paid Him no mind – YOU should pay Him not mind.”

i. What would be YOUR response to such reasoning?

ii. On the one hand, I’d guess such a proposal makes us shake our heads.

iii. We feel scandalized.

1. WHO do they think they are – tell ME to let them decide on my behalf!

2. I think for myself – thank you very much!

3. We take offense at someone else saying they are in the best position to EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE and decide for US what is trustworthy and true.

iv. AND YET, we must be careful – for with the RIGHT comes the OBLIGATION!

v. It is true that NO ONE ELSE should decide the truth for us.

vi. No one else should look through the evidence and make up our minds for us.

vii. But if no one ELSE is going to do that… if no one else SHOULD do that – then, it means that WE are under obligation to do so FOR OURSELVES.

viii. At which point, the question must be asked: HAVE WE?

ix. WHY do we believe what we do?

x. On what basis do we believe what we do?

xi. How settled are we in our belief?

xii. Am I a Christian because I have been born in a Christian country – or at least a country that ALLOWS me to call myself a Christian?

xiii. Am I a Christian because my parents were Christians?

1. If so, how firm a foundation does my faith really have.

2. AND, if I believe because THEY believed – am I not giving support to the claims made by the Pharisees of old, “I believe it because THEY did so!”?

xiv. Often, the point has been made – and rightly so – that when it comes to Christ, there is no middle ground.

1. We either decide for Him or against Him.

2. To NOT decide is to decide!

3. To decide in keeping with the flow of the crowd that surrounds me is ALSO not to decide.

a. It IS to form a habit.

b. It IS to find oneself in a particular place and to say particular words, but it doesn’t meet the standard of a DECISION made for oneself ANYMORE THAN a LEAF carried down a mountain stream has “DECIDED” to make its way to the ocean.

37. The Gospel’s call to faith depends upon the work of God.

38. The call comes not from our doing but is the work of God.

39. The cross is lifted up for ALL men (and women) to see.

40. But like the cross lifted up by Moses to heal the people of the deadly bites of the wilderness snakes, though the healing SYMBOL was made visible in the lifting up, a decision had to be made by EVERY INDIVIDUAL thus bitten, “Will I choose to look and be healed?” – THAT choice – a deliberate and life-saving choice had to be made BY everyone bitten!

41. And all of us, have been bitten by “the serpent”.

42. Be cautious, my friends of any individual or institution that comes to you and says “Let US tell you what you should believe.” Or “You believe this because we believe this!”

43. BUT – be equally cautious and rejecting of the idea that BELIEF comes automatically and without settling on intentions… That believe and trust comes without a daily decision OF OUR OWN as to whether on THIS DAY Christ will be my CONFIDANT, my GUIDE and SAVIOUR.

44. As Joshua said to the children of Israel before they headed into the promise land, “CHOOSE YE THIS DAY WHOM YE WILL SERVE” …so… it is a DAILY and INTENTED DECISION for Christ that prepares us for the heavenly promise land.

45. I mentioned the priests and Pharisees were making two points here.

46. This first point, was to say you should believe what we believe because, HEY, we’re priests and Pharisees!

47. So, it’s a point of doing what we do because, in SOCIETY or in RELIGIOUS matters, we’re the BIG SHOTS.

48. Their second point is similar but just the opposite.

49. We read of this in vs. 49

50. (READ)

51. Oh, BY THE WAY – they say, DON’T believe what THOSE OTHER PEOPLE do because they are just COMMON FOLK – they know nothing and are not worth your time OR consideration.

52. How different this approach than that of Jesus?

53. Have you noticed most frequently Jesus interactions and success were with the NOBODY’S of this world?

54. This was a point of questioning a derision among those who considered themselves high and mighty.

55. In Matthew 9:11 this same group, the Pharisees, asked Jesus’ disciples, “Why is your teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?”

56. Jesus not only ate with tax collectors and sinners because they were people in need of help… BUT… particularly because UNLIKE THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY HAD ALL THE ANSWERS, THESE recognized the only possibility for HELP and HEALING must come from without.

57. The tax collectors and sinners accepted their need, and rejecting the INSUFFIENCY of the choices they had already made in life, THEY were ready to LISTEN TO CHRIST for THEMSELVES and place THEIR faith in someone OTHER than themselves.

58. In so doing, THEY found relief – THEY found a peace that passeth understanding.

59. In truth, the purpose of THIS life is to make a decision about Christ who presents Himself as THAT pathway to THE NEXT life…. This… and our joining Christ in inviting others to decide for Him as well.

60. The last portion of our story indirectly addresses the process of deciding for oneself – FOR – it tells us that in this time of scolding by the priests and Pharisees … one Nicodemus speaks up and trying to TEMPER this rush to judgement and the arrest of Jesus by saying “WAIT, should we REALLY base our decision on HERSAY – aren’t we suppose to look at the facts DIRECTLY and for OURSELVES?

61. We can read this in vs.50-51.

62. (READ)

63. While his appeal for an informed approach appears to have gone unheeded, we should recognize the place Nicodemus plays in the story at this time.

64. A mere FOUR chapters earlier, it was Nicodemus who came to speak with Jesus for himself by night.

65. It seems that Nicodemus is urging others to investigate further and decide for themselves because he had previously and secretly done this for himself!

66. And, we should note, Nicodemus’ investigation was to continue for some time – but it was being made in his day by day exposure to and consideration of WHO Jesus really was.

67. At first, He dared not speak OF or TO Jesus in the light of day.

68. But now, having dared spend the time and with an open mind and heart consider this unassuming man, he was making progress in his journey of faith.

69. Evidently, he stuck with it, for 12 chapters from here, John will inform us that “UNDER CONSIDERATION NICODEMUS” had become “DECIDED NICODEMUS”.

70. No longer content to belief from the sidelines and dark of night; no longer able to speak with innuendo in favor of Christ, Nicodemus stands with brightness beside a cross draped in darkness and takes down the body of Christ in order to provide a proper burial for the one NOW His Lord.

71. The “Peace of Earth” proclaimed by the angels is not a Peace on Earth realized.

72. It is a peace made POSSIBLE and PROMISED in the coming of the PRINCE OF PEACE and the attitude of LOVE and PEACE extended by the Father.

73. When Christ first came to earth, it was not without controversy.

74. And the Gospel Story He has left behind will always be a source of controversy in every heart and throughout the world.


76. And in this controversy, YOU and I have the privilege and obligation to decide for ourselves.

77. May we look to Jesus for ourselves – that we can rightly understand His Word – that we may rightly understand OURSELVES and find peace such as only He gave give.

78. Amen.

* A final word: I am of the opinion that sites such as SermonCentral can be a blessing of curse. If we come to such places at the last moment, hoping that prayerful study and dedication can be substituted by that of another, we are deceived. In my opinion, God may bless our hearers in SPITE of us, but not then because of or through us. The call to ministry is a call to diligence and sacrifice. Weekly pastors must set aside "good things" for the "better things" ; that of knowing and serving Christ with due diligence. I have not always done so and when I have not my ministry has suffered. It is my hope that my sermon (and others) will provide ideas for presentation and leads to deeper study and preparation so that YOUR blessing will be your offering to God and his flock from week to week. May God bless you in this honor and obligation.